i have no idea if my party is good or not, im trying to do it the way i played the oldschool BG1.. shar-teel seems a little changed and probably not as good as mentioned in this post. anyway. me (fighter, just with bow and arrow, cant do ranger as im evil) sharteel, safaana, edwin, kagain and viconia. anyone got any thoughts on this? i really liked this setup for the old version. i havent come that far yet but viconia and kagain seems just as good, havent come to edwin and safaana yet. one thing that really sucked with this team is edwins lack of being able to learn identify..
@sstormyr: it works okay-ish. get Safana early so she can't waste her thief skills (I don't know what she puts point on), and dual her to mage (with the int tome) for even more awesomesauce.
edit: or not, 'cause it would require you rushing through the game, as the tome is in BG... well, too bad - having two mages can really make a major difference.
what thiefskills do you recommend then, find traps and open locks? stealth you get 50 points from the boots + armor and pickpocket isnt thaaat necessary a skill, relatively
Safana is a pure thief, so her backstabs will always be somewhat lackluster, and even if she does backstab someone, the ensuing fight won't exactly be in her favor. (having a thief with pitiful hit points in the middle of enemy forces is generally not a good idea)
so yeah, feel free to skip hide, move silently, and pick pocket, focus on find traps and open locks. if you want to backstab, dualclass and use Shar-Teel, she's actually good at it, even with retarded nerfs she got. (1* in longswords, seriously? originally, she had 2* longswords and 2* bows)
i use a shortbow+1 for safana.. but idk it seems so easy when i had this party, maybe im doing something right on ''accident'' lol. seemed kinda easy when i used to play with that party
BTW: You don't need to boost Dorns intelligence because his negative plane protection should prevent brain sucking. (I think) About reputation, even with an evil party I would not let my reputation go down that much, because of all the flaming fists. I WILL keep Imoen in my party.
me (fighter, just with bow and arrow, cant do ranger as im evil)
sharteel, safaana, edwin, kagain and viconia.
anyone got any thoughts on this? i really liked this setup for the old version. i havent come that far yet but viconia and kagain seems just as good, havent come to edwin and safaana yet. one thing that really sucked with this team is edwins lack of being able to learn identify..
edit: or not, 'cause it would require you rushing through the game, as the tome is in BG... well, too bad - having two mages can really make a major difference.
stealth you get 50 points from the boots + armor and pickpocket isnt thaaat necessary a skill, relatively
so yeah, feel free to skip hide, move silently, and pick pocket, focus on find traps and open locks. if you want to backstab, dualclass and use Shar-Teel, she's actually good at it, even with retarded nerfs she got. (1* in longswords, seriously? originally, she had 2* longswords and 2* bows)
About reputation, even with an evil party I would not let my reputation go down that much, because of all the flaming fists. I WILL keep Imoen in my party.