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Bug: Destroy the Eight Staves Unfinished

sephethussephethus Member Posts: 2
I see that there are other reports of this bug where this quest is never finished if damage is done to Szass Tam before he finishes the dialogue. Since there is no other possible means to defeat this otherwise invincible boss, I cannot go back and do anything different other than to start off by throwing a level 8 Incendiary Cloud and Horrid Wilting AoE before ringing the bell. I have a manual save before the bell but clearly there is no other means of winning here and even when I win in this game I lose because of bugs. I honestly don't remember this many problems when I played this game back in 2002.


  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited December 2023
    Can you not breach and pierce magic him down?

    He'll just give up and then disappear if I remember correctly.
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