HoW:TotL from scratch (solo, HoF, magic school restrictions)

I started a new run only in HoW, going directly to the TotL.
Gnome, true neutral, Cleric/Illusionist, STR= DEX=18, CON=15, INT=19, WIS=17, CHA=3.
Starting level: 9/10, wizard spells are restricted to the Illusion/Phantasm school + Find Familiar, Identify and Knock.
My previous runs were on Insane difficulty:
Gnome, true neutral, Cleric/Illusionist, STR= DEX=18, CON=15, INT=19, WIS=17, CHA=3.
Starting level: 9/10, wizard spells are restricted to the Illusion/Phantasm school + Find Familiar, Identify and Knock.
My previous runs were on Insane difficulty:
Post edited by Yigor on
My familiar is a rabbit. LoL 🐇😸 Useless in fights, but it can disable some traps. 😜
Actually, I played a lot solo HoF, starting at level 1 in Easthaven. This run in TotL is kinda extreme even for "normal HoF". Yeah, I avoided the barbarian village for an additional surviving challenge. 😉
I've just finished the crypt and opened Castle Gates, current level: 16/14. I also used a lot Aerial Servants and an Ice Elemental (summoned by a ring). Shadow and Demi-Shadow monsters are really weak. A Greater Mummy was probably the strongest enemy. Fortunately, that Greater Mummy is not smart. I guess that with a well-written AI, it could be a real danger. 😎
N.B. I've come directly to TotL without buying any scrolls in Lonelywood (+ self-imposed magic school restrictions). So, my Cl/Ill lacks attacking arcane spells. However, I've found a scroll of Disintegrate and exceptionally used it. It's my only arcane spell of level 6 anyway, working well vs harpies and wyverns, for example. No arcane scrolls/spells of level 7 so far. 😼
What ice elemental from a ring?
Oops, sorry, from Bracers of Icelandic Pearl (and Water Elemental), U can buy them in the Hobart's shop. 😉
I dealt with them as usual, killing 1-3 (in the beginning, I was able to summon only 1 Aerial Servant) and retreating in order to rest. So, I rested a lot, probably few dozens of times. 😜
Oh, and my favourite anti-beholder weapon is Flail of Mae.
Good, I've just cleared it too after a long and annoying fight with Maluradek and his constant dispels. 🤪
Rakshasas didn't follow me (that encounter seems to be optional) and my Cl/Ill of level 17/15 descended to Castle Dungeon 1. 👈
N.B. Neither Flail of Mae nor TWD in my possession. Normally, my Cl/Ill uses a morning star Defender+4. 😎
I’ve thought about offhand if it for the AC and resistance, but I do use Mislead + IH a lot with FoM and TWD, and so the fast flail is typically better for that strategy. If I was playing more straight up and less tricky, I’d offhand the Defender and put on some slash-resistant armor and use Armor of Faith against the spectral guards.
Yeah, my Cl/Ill killed that pally "to remove his pain" and got that Defender. I use it with shield+3 to get AC=-13 before buffing. 😎
Okay, good strategy 👍, but my Cl/Ill just can't match those spectral guards in melee. 😼
LoL Take it easy. Cl/Ill is not supposed to be a melee fighter anyway. 😉
Today I made a little break with HoF TotL and played a bit the beginning of ToB on LoB, trying to find the best melee fighter. For example, a fighter dual-wielding 2 Belm (scimitar of speed+2) + Improved Haste has APR =10 ! 😎
PS. “Best” is too vague. It can be damage, survivability, ease of play, or whatever. In IWD, the best damage dealer is probably a F/M/T with a storm giant strength potion dual-wielding LS of Action +4 under IH and Mislead. That’s 10 bpr (backstabs per round)
Great idea, bro! 👍 I really like those legendary 10 bpr !! 😸 I will test it in BP2 and ToB. 😎