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Best offhand options for dual wielding barbarian?

Hey all!

I’m currently working my way through BG:EE with a Berserker specced into two handed swords. I do however want to change things up when I get to BG2 :EE and spec into axes and two weapon fighting as a Barbarian. But I’m split on what I should use for my offhand. I’m weighing between using Kundane for the extra attack or defender of east haven for the boost in physical resistance. What do you guys recommend?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    As a full warrior that can't go beyond specialization, you'll have to diversify your proficiencies in the long run. If you spent four proficiency dots in two-handers and their style, that still leaves thirteen you'll have to spend over the course of the campaigns - two-weapon style and five different weapons. So you don't have to commit to one thing. You can end up with main-hand Crom Faeyr and off-hand Axe of the Unyielding (that's one of my favorite Korgan setups), or go full tank mode with the main-hand axe and off-hand DoE (Hardiness for 80% melee damage resistance) or go with an off-hand speed weapon - and you can support all of these at once. You'll always want to be specialized in your main-hand weapon, but an off-hand weapon with a good passive can be worth it even if you're not proficient at all.

    Don't sweat it too much. Off-hand weapons should have good passive abilities, but that's about it. There are a lot of good options out there. Aim for proficiencies that your other party warriors aren't taking so you don't get in their way, and just take whatever's best in the moment.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Flail of Ages MH, 30% chance of slowing the enemy, also the casting time, no save, multilpe elemental damages for spell disruption, available very soon in SoA. OH Kundane to boost apr (and the chance to slow) or Defender for durability or Crom for 25 STR depending on the particular battle needs. Switch to the Silver Sword, Unyelding or the vorpal halberd when using GWW, but the last 2 are only available near the end of the game, the talking sword is good for Humber Hulks and others as it protects vs mind effects. There is not the perfect weapon, but the prefect one for the particular situation, as you can not reach GM use the versatility of the toon at its best. And if you are not soloing equip at its best all the party, not only Charname, giving to one all the best items at the cost of having the others poorly equipped seldom is the most effective strategy.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Flail is really overpowered because of the slowing effect alone. It's I think the single best attack type for
    a weapon. Additional damage due to fire, ice and acid is also super-useful.

    Crom for 25 STR is also great, but I realised that in later game stages with a dual classed cleric or so, I
    can actually avoid having to use hammers. Flails seems to be enough, e. g. the eastwood defender in
    the other hand; and that draw holy strength boost. So I usually give Crom to e. g. Korgan for axe +
    hammer. Though katanas are also great with all mods + celestial fury.

    Some mods install more weapons with unique effects, like that katana that can group slay monsters.
    Or the dreaded axe with vorpal insta-death. But by and large, I think the flail of ages up to +4 is the
    best choice to make. (+5 always cancelled haste for me, and I absolutely need hasted characters. It
    just is so helpful for changing positions in fights. Often changing positions is what makes me win
    or lose fights.)
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Don't forget quarterstaffs at some point. There are staffs that instakill fire elementals, air elementals and golems. Situational for sure, but handy. There's also another staff that you find in Watchers Keep that does a huge amount of bonus crushing damage.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    For the situational staffs ... don't bother investing in the proficiency. Just use them when the situation comes up. Or let someone else in the party use them.

    Of course, this is very far from the initial topic of the thread - the title is all about off-hand options for a dual-wielder.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    For an off hand weapon I would choose scimitars over shortswords.

    All through the saga you can get quality shortswords and scimitars, so it is a close race. But I favor scimitars for their 1-8 slashing damage over 1-6 piercing damage - and Belm is even easier to get in BG2 than Kundane.

    I know that Drizzt in BG1 is no pushover, but if you get your alignment right and can do the fight, the +2 to AC is great for a barbarian - the armour is not bad either….
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    I’m confused. Are you looking for barbarian advice or berserker advice?
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