Best offhand options for dual wielding barbarian?

Hey all!
I’m currently working my way through BG:EE with a Berserker specced into two handed swords. I do however want to change things up when I get to BG2 :EE and spec into axes and two weapon fighting as a Barbarian. But I’m split on what I should use for my offhand. I’m weighing between using Kundane for the extra attack or defender of east haven for the boost in physical resistance. What do you guys recommend?
I’m currently working my way through BG:EE with a Berserker specced into two handed swords. I do however want to change things up when I get to BG2 :EE and spec into axes and two weapon fighting as a Barbarian. But I’m split on what I should use for my offhand. I’m weighing between using Kundane for the extra attack or defender of east haven for the boost in physical resistance. What do you guys recommend?
Don't sweat it too much. Off-hand weapons should have good passive abilities, but that's about it. There are a lot of good options out there. Aim for proficiencies that your other party warriors aren't taking so you don't get in their way, and just take whatever's best in the moment.
a weapon. Additional damage due to fire, ice and acid is also super-useful.
Crom for 25 STR is also great, but I realised that in later game stages with a dual classed cleric or so, I
can actually avoid having to use hammers. Flails seems to be enough, e. g. the eastwood defender in
the other hand; and that draw holy strength boost. So I usually give Crom to e. g. Korgan for axe +
hammer. Though katanas are also great with all mods + celestial fury.
Some mods install more weapons with unique effects, like that katana that can group slay monsters.
Or the dreaded axe with vorpal insta-death. But by and large, I think the flail of ages up to +4 is the
best choice to make. (+5 always cancelled haste for me, and I absolutely need hasted characters. It
just is so helpful for changing positions in fights. Often changing positions is what makes me win
or lose fights.)
Of course, this is very far from the initial topic of the thread - the title is all about off-hand options for a dual-wielder.
All through the saga you can get quality shortswords and scimitars, so it is a close race. But I favor scimitars for their 1-8 slashing damage over 1-6 piercing damage - and Belm is even easier to get in BG2 than Kundane.
I know that Drizzt in BG1 is no pushover, but if you get your alignment right and can do the fight, the +2 to AC is great for a barbarian - the armour is not bad either….