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Furry Theme (Furry companions)

shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 265
edited December 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
With furry I mean animals mostly.

The original game had Wilson, the bear. I liked him and found him to be quite ok in combat. My biggest problem was, of course, that he could not wear things such as the flail of ages. Would be cool if the bear could do that. Like the axe-wielding cows in the original Diablo or something like that. :P

Anyway. We also have Boo, a fat hamster (I think he is fat, the image in the inventory is just too flattering for this fat animal).

Skitia also has one NPC that has Gustav. I forgot what Gustav was... hamster or squirrel or some other rodent-like thingy. But clearly some animal.

Dusk NPC also has a dog called Demolisher. I suggested this to become a real companion. :D

Anyway. This got me thinking ... what if we could have a WHOLE party of animal or animal-like creatures? Werewolves are perhaps a bit like that (and by the way, do we have a mod that has the main actor a werewolf?). Or perhaps more shapechanging into a wolf. There is one item that allows for that, or perhaps two; and we have druids who can shapechange. So that would fit to the theme.

Perhaps I forgot some more.

Could we have a full party with a furry / animal theme?

And also perhaps some items that may make sense. Golden claws for Wilson or something like that. Some innate abilities; perhaps not for Wilson, but for Boo. We have boolets but here more about Boo as a fighting companion. A berserking Boo. Or a shadow-like teleport ability aka when Boo jumps into the face of the enemy and claws out the eyes!

Also familiars of mages semi-count for the theme too. A pseudo-dragon may not be an animal, but it somewhat still fits to the overall theme, kind of.

I guess low strength may be a problem and inventory management, so perhaps Boo needs a cute little magical mini-rucksack able to store ten items or so. A belt could be strapped to the larger animals, and a sash tied to this, so they could carry at the least a few items; and a few items could be added specifically for these animals. Also, come to think about it, we have one item as a bird cage I think from Laval, and another raw item as a bird cage (never figured out what to do with the bird cage, but we could release the bird and then have a 1 HP bird companion!). Also we may need sheep. And more cats. Guenwhyvar or so, the item from Drizzt, well, it's some magical panther like thingy. (The item mod that installs that always causes me to BETRAY Drizzt in order to GRAB THE FIGURINE).

The dialogue options may be a bit complicated ... some grunts and squeaks and what not. Gustav chatting with Boo but the player does not understand anything.

Anyone had a wish to have an animal theme too? I guess even if that is never possible, some changes could be done to improve the existing furries. Some mods modify Wilson, I think, but this seems to be pretty rare. More people seem to prefer real NPCs rather than the poor furries.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,881
    Here. Have a dog.

    Animals can fill warrior slots easily. Thieves ... I'm not aware of any other than the (neutral) familiars, but it feels reasonable to me. Priests? You probably have to settle for a shapeshifting druid there. And I can't think of a mage option as all.
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