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[ Mod ] IWDEE in BG2EE

With the release of Neverwinter for Baldur's Gate (and the coming of Skyfire),
I'm preparing my new run. Hence I never played IWD (only NEJ) I make a Weidu mod importing IWDEE in BG2EE, and here I'm in Eastheaven...

After these last days of coding, it's time to test play :)



  • KyrosKyros Member Posts: 6
    So, is this like Tipuns Icewind Dale in EET Mod where you can play IWD in BG2? Except that its the EE version of IWD? I would love that.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited January 2024
    How well does it work in BG2EE?

    What I have noticed, or seem to have noticed, is that the graphics are
    slightly different between the different games. It's not a real issue, but
    it made me wonder, since some graphics appear to be of higher quality
    than others.

    Another minor thing I have noticed - also not totally related to any
    such individual mod per se - is that the walkthroughs are not always
    very applicable (or at the least some are somewhat confusing, since
    they were written specifically with one version in mind). I have had
    good success here with the walkthrough for Trials of the Luremaster,
    for instance, but not as much success with Neverwinter Nights (at
    the least on my first run; some of the walkthroughs had content
    that was not quite applicable, for instance, or at the least not in the
    way I could understand it). May be nice to gather useful snippets in
    the individual forum posts.
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2024
    Yes I supposed... I looked quickly at the moment at IWD EET prologue script, fixed as I did :smile:
    But I dont use EET, too many mods to play, I stay focus on BG2EE, so I code my own mod

    I am only in Easthaven so far and every maps are fine.
    Dialogs and scripts too, no surprised because I sort of unit test them massively. Quest and journal are also ok, and since I play BG2 for 20 years I replaced the useless journal menu by my radar menu, then I have no easy way to check the quests entries. Have to code another one now to be able to follow walkthroughs as you do.

    I imported every resources including Trial of the Lure Master and Heart of Winter, gonna need more walkthroughs .

    Yesterday I imported IWDEE Chapter GUI, because it's cooler than using the BG2EE ones; text is not aligned, seems to ignore data (but not images). Whatever, dont want to lose my time for a x, y, width and height that may be changed by the Infinity Engine, Config, zoom, internal lua, EEEx, screen resolution, my ahk or their mystical synergy...


    Post edited by shadowlich on
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2024
    Just finished Hall of Heroes .

    No bug (detected) so far, no problem with graphics, waves on water are beautiful, nice creature animations I had never seen...

  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    IWD done (canon Pomad battle is bug as hell...)

    Go to Heart of Winter now

  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    Icasaracht speed run done sucessfully .
    I dont test Trial of the Lure Master, should be fine and same as argent77 mod

    => my IWDEE in BG2EE mod is fine :wink:

    Time to integrate Neverwinter for Baldur's Gate in my install...

  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2024
    So far, I checked/fixed these mods for my future install, notified their author for suspicious things when necessary.


    I recoded the bad Setup-TDDz.tp2 (yea, I am its bad coder). There are 2 corrupted cre files from canon TDD. Here is the Weidu fix:

    COPY_EXISTING "KOBWIT02.cre" Override
    	// Move data
    	FOR ( USELESS_BYTES_SIZE = 0x0C src = 0x4D4 dst = 0x4D4 - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE ; src < SOURCE_SIZE ; ++src ++dst ) BEGIN
    		WRITE_BYTE dst (BYTE_AT src)
    	// Update meta data
    	WRITE_LONG 0x2BC ((LONG_AT 0x2BC) - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE) // Items count
    	WRITE_LONG 0x2B8 ((LONG_AT 0x2B8) - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE) // Item slot offset
    	// Adjust file size
    	REMOVE_MEMORIZED_SPELL ~SPWI104~ ~SPWI105~ ~SPWI118~ ~SPWI205~ ~SPWI211~ ~SPWI212~ ~SPWI303~ ~SPWI308~ ~SPWI508~	
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI118~ #0 ~wizard~ // Weidu add in reverse order...
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI105~ #0 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI104~ #0 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI212~ #1 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI211~ #1 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI205~ #1 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI308~ #2 ~wizard~
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI303~ #2 ~wizard~ (2)
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPWI508~ #4 ~wizard~ (2)
    COPY_EXISTING "KOBSHA02.cre" Override
    	// Move data
    	FOR ( USELESS_BYTES_SIZE = 0x24 src = 0x45C dst = 0x45C - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE ; src < SOURCE_SIZE ; ++src ++dst ) BEGIN
    		WRITE_BYTE dst (BYTE_AT src)
    	// Update meta data
    	WRITE_LONG 0x2BC ((LONG_AT 0x2BC) - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE) // Items count
    	WRITE_LONG 0x2B8 ((LONG_AT 0x2B8) - USELESS_BYTES_SIZE) // Item slot offset
    	// Adjust file size
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPPR105~ #0 ~priest~ // Weidu add in reverse order...
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPPR103~ #0 ~priest~ (4)
    	ADD_MEMORIZED_SPELL    ~SPPR208~ #1 ~priest~ (2)
  • KyrosKyros Member Posts: 6
    Extremely glad you are still at it especially because Tipuns introduces some nasty gameplay bugs. Any ideas when you will release it?
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60

    Ok, TDDz done again (for the 4th time) with easier coding...

    The issue is, I dont want to use Github or any thing like this (dont want to install any thing in my computer),

    Anyone has a serious BG2 website where I can just upload a .zip ?

  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2024
    Hello, @shadowlich

    It's not mandatory to install anything on your computer for github, but it's possible that files are to large or too many to do it directly by browser.

    About TDDz why don't you submit it here, since it's the repo actually used by the communauty ?
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    I used to used it (a very kind one created it for me) but no thanks, hate/too old for this stuff :)
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2024
    Re-hello @shadowlich ,

    First thanks for your work on TDDz

    If you don't mind I would have two questions :

    - It is possible to have a separate component that allow players to install original spells/items actually replaced by identification scrolls ?

    - For fun I have set up this little mod that reintroduce the Hall of Knowledge (a very little quest and a mini npc), it need to be installed after TDDz and pull ressources from TDD folder.
    So I was wondering if this would still be compatible with your new version ?

    When I got the time to polish it, I will probably add it to The Gate Project, if it's ok for you...

    PS : TDDz already add the House of Knowledge to the worldmap but nothing else was implemented.
    Post edited by JohnBob on
  • shadowlichshadowlich Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2024

    This time, I import every ressources from TDD as they are, because there are so many spell/item mods nowadays that it makes no difference. So you'll have all TDD spells, items, scrolls and Hall of Knowledge.

    All resources keep their TDD names but these areas (with name length equal 8, years ago, that was weird/buggy for me when I look at compiled scripts using them) and their scripts.
    AR1106CT => ARCT11
    DD0300CT => DDCT03
    DD0508C1 => DDC105
    DD1005CT => DDCT10
    DD1002C1 => DDC110
    DD1002X1 => DDX110
    DD1607C1 => DDC160
    DD3300C1 => DDC133
    DD3300CT => DDCT33
    DD3319C1 => DDC119
    DD3319CT => DDCT19
    DD8002CT => DDCT80
    DD9X00C1 => DDC19X
    DD1002CT => DDCT12

    I cannot read your mod readme... nevertheless be my guest and add as many contents as you want.

    I can send you my uptodate and you upload it, as I said I dont want to manage any Github like versionning/interface/whatever (that's why I scarcely publish anything)

  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2024
    Alright nice, thanks for answering !
    shadowlich wrote: »
    I cannot read your mod readme... nevertheless be my guest and add as many contents as you want.

    Yes sorry, I didn't write the readme yet. It's still too early for release.

    shadowlich wrote: »
    I can send you my uptodate and you upload it, as I said I dont want to manage any Github like versionning/interface/whatever (that's why I scarcely publish anything)

    With pleasure, in this case after you'll send me your uptodate, I will try to reach the InfinityMods team to see with them the best github organisation to host your new version.
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