[mod] Bethany NPC for IWD EE

in IWD:EE Mods
Here comes a new IWDEE companion... along with some headache and her runny nose!

The mod adds a new companion, Bethany Vivielle Helena Corthala, a town medium (shaman kit) who always wanted to be a hat-maker. However, she has an ability to see the dead and it's really hard to be a fashion expert, attend to all these social events, and show everyone how great you can be when you are haunted by the dead. So, she could use a little distraction and... fame, because it can be quite useful for someone who wants to open her own business when it's all over.
Bethany can join the party right after you start a new game, and she can be found in Easthaven. She comes with a friendship, some items, interjections and a mini-quest later in the game.
Special thanks to @morpheus562 and Sarah, Bethany's voice!
(The crossmod content is yet to be written and added to the IWD Crossmod Banther Pack)

The mod adds a new companion, Bethany Vivielle Helena Corthala, a town medium (shaman kit) who always wanted to be a hat-maker. However, she has an ability to see the dead and it's really hard to be a fashion expert, attend to all these social events, and show everyone how great you can be when you are haunted by the dead. So, she could use a little distraction and... fame, because it can be quite useful for someone who wants to open her own business when it's all over.
Bethany can join the party right after you start a new game, and she can be found in Easthaven. She comes with a friendship, some items, interjections and a mini-quest later in the game.
Special thanks to @morpheus562 and Sarah, Bethany's voice!
(The crossmod content is yet to be written and added to the IWD Crossmod Banther Pack)
Hardest part of IWD will be to choose 5 NPC between all of yours and Artisan's ones. ^^
The idea is to also give people a reason to replay the game
(I hope there is some crossmod content with Xikâsz, as these are the two companions I definitely want to use next time I play IWDEE.)
What can I say?
(Congratulation for the release)
Think iwdee fundamentally can't be difficult for a veteran player especially since there are few mages and the only special encounters are the few boss fights. Otherwise it is a sort of diablo style dungeon crawl using 2.5e, on top of your party being fully under your control. You'd have to do challenge runs where you can only build 1 character and the rest are chosen by randomizer or something. Even on hof it's too easy to just optimize a party that comes online at lvl 9 and 13 by the early and mid game with the xp being multiplied several times. The best difficulty I can come up with off the top of my head is hof mode but with exp cut in half so you can't just solve the game in minutes through min maxing, and house rules banning cheese mechanics like web and summons so that you're forced to build a proper tank line. I'd argue banning sorcerers or skald ie you can have one in a party not both, as the optimal party I think has 2 minimum 3 if you also want a base bard. It's too easy to reduce the masses of mobs into nothing when it's just a question of math, like the skill expression ends at did you make a good party and do you know how said party functions together as a unit. I never played throne of bhaal mode on bgee or the sequel but from what I understand there's no exp bonus so it's just torturing yourself and forcing cheese, so a good middle ground would be an exp bonus but not to the degree of hof mode which I believe invalidates the difficulty by the second dungeon, like all the difficulty is essentially solved by the time you reach the forgotten temple and even vale of shadow's isn't too big a deal if you had a good party, it's just that orc cave that's painful since you have nothing to fall back on but your early fighter and possibly your druid.
Also the game is likely very challenging for kids who are teen and under I'm assuming most of the player base at this point is over 20, dnd itself isn't particularly kid friendly since there's so much knowledge you need before you can play the game properly and there's not much flashy to entertain.
Ooh! I wonder if she's able to share any history on Lavok.
However, I noticed one very minor problem. When her biography gets mixed-up (as sometimes happens with IWDEE companions), telling her that "there's something wrong with your voice" does not fix the problem. She replies with, "Well, let's do something about it, then," but the biography remains incorrect.
(In this case, the PC's biography appeared in her information. Other companions fix the problem when you tell them there's something wrong with their voice, at least with the companions you created, but that didn't work with Bethany.)
Obviously, a very minor issue, but I thought I would mention it.
As noted there:
"I found the idea for the character - an "I see dead people" shaman who would rather be a fashion designer - interesting. And Roland is the one team-leader in my portfolio who would be likely to accept her as she is and encourage her to strike out as a hero. I really want to see how she reacts to things like the Vale of Shadows, the Severed Hand, and Dorn's Deep."
Anyway, cheers! Again, enjoy your game