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About the Ukrainian localization of the game

Hi everynyan! How can I contact the Beamdog? The people who translated the first part of BG:EE have a draft of the second part already! They would be happy to start working on it if they knew there was a demand for it. The Ukrainian community has been waiting for the translation of the second part of the game for a long time. Thank you very much for your attention!


  • DoombotDoombot Member Posts: 1
    This is a great idea, there are many players in Ukraine who will be happy about the official localization
  • ivapolivapol Member Posts: 1
    I want Ukrainian in BG2 too <3 Hope you will find a Beamdog contact
  • AntiVassalAntiVassal Member Posts: 1
    I fully support this initiative! Ukrainian players have been eagerly waiting for a localized version of BG2. It would be amazing to see this happen!
  • _Kaktus__Kaktus_ Member Posts: 1
    I will be very happy if you add Ukrainian language o:)
  • FemboyFemboy Member Posts: 1
    Класна ідея👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • EmeraldSplash252EmeraldSplash252 Member Posts: 1
    We really need Ukrainian localisation <3 🇺🇦
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 543
    Brilliant! Minsc needs to butt-kick for goodness in the language doing most of the real-life butt-kicking against villainy today.
  • justscribejustscribe Member Posts: 1
    That would be great. Can't wait to try it in Ukrainian. Definitely improves the understanding of the story.
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  • LampichLampich Member Posts: 2
    Isewein wrote: »
    Brilliant! Minsc needs to butt-kick for goodness in the language doing most of the real-life butt-kicking against villainy today.

    Thank you for your support!!!!! <3
  • BarmakittyBarmakitty Member Posts: 1
    Great idea! Playing Ukrainian localisation wold be a pleasure.
  • VGOVGO Member Posts: 1
    That would be great. Can't wait to try it in Ukrainian!
  • EyesBackEyesBack Member Posts: 1
    The Ukrainian translation of games like Baldur's Gate 2 is crucial for Ukrainians, as it allows them to enjoy and engage with the game in their native language. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also supports the preservation and promotion of Ukrainian culture. There is a growing demand for such translations, reflecting the community's desire for greater inclusion and representation in the gaming world.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,380
    I fully support this. It needs to happen
  • kasp3r_2048kasp3r_2048 Member Posts: 1
    yup, will be glad to play in my native language. Додайте українську локалізацію, please 🙏
  • fed100fed100 Member Posts: 1
    Could you please add Ukrainian localization to the game?
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