Wizard vs sorcerer Swordflight

I haven’t found much information on which class is better for a pure run of Swordflight. Through Google, I’ve only come across one or two sources. One was a guide suggesting a Gnome Wizard (Illusionist)/Rogue build, which I’m not interested in at all. The other was a brief discussion about going Sorcerer with at least one level in Paladin, which is also a hard pass for me.
I’m currently playing a pure Human Wizard and am about halfway through the second module. Despite the resource management challenges—and there are many, to the point where I’m carrying multiple bags of holding filled to the brim with potions and scrolls—I still feel like my level 10 Wizard is somewhat underpowered. In some areas of the first module, I had to save scum and rest because I didn’t have a scroll for a spell I needed. I also blew through all my spells, leaving my poor panther familiar unable to survive (seriously, those wraiths were brutal).
On the other hand, I feel like playing as a Sorcerer might be too limiting. In the first module, I essentially had to play as a buff bot for my familiar. In the second module, I’m still doing that, but now for a higher-level summon until I reach an area where I can get an actual henchman. At least now, I can throw a fireball or lightning bolt or two. I can also restructure my spellbook to buff myself once and then rain down spellcasting death on everything.
There have been times I’ve had to cheese it because the module maker is a total sadist! So, I’m wondering whether the Sorcerer experience would be better or worse than the Wizard. I mean, the resource management wouldn’t be any different.
I’m currently playing a pure Human Wizard and am about halfway through the second module. Despite the resource management challenges—and there are many, to the point where I’m carrying multiple bags of holding filled to the brim with potions and scrolls—I still feel like my level 10 Wizard is somewhat underpowered. In some areas of the first module, I had to save scum and rest because I didn’t have a scroll for a spell I needed. I also blew through all my spells, leaving my poor panther familiar unable to survive (seriously, those wraiths were brutal).
On the other hand, I feel like playing as a Sorcerer might be too limiting. In the first module, I essentially had to play as a buff bot for my familiar. In the second module, I’m still doing that, but now for a higher-level summon until I reach an area where I can get an actual henchman. At least now, I can throw a fireball or lightning bolt or two. I can also restructure my spellbook to buff myself once and then rain down spellcasting death on everything.
There have been times I’ve had to cheese it because the module maker is a total sadist! So, I’m wondering whether the Sorcerer experience would be better or worse than the Wizard. I mean, the resource management wouldn’t be any different.