Quick campaigns: fully random trios

In order to refresh good memories, I wanna play some quick campaigns (until XP cap or when I'm bored 😜) in BP1&2, BG1, SoD, SoA, ToB, IWD, HoW, TotL (only) with fully random settings for chars, please cf. here:
Sometimes, it can give kinda exotic groups with peculiar tactics. 😉
My second random run in BG1 (the first one was not funny), difficulty: LoB:
Beth, Mage, LN elf, 14/17/12/11/18/11, quarterstaff+, familiar: ferret
Alpha, Bounty Hunter, LE halfling, 12/15/12/15/11/12, club+, katana+
Gamma, Skald, NG human, 11/14/13/13/15/15, club+, short sword+
Initial gameplay: Alpha installs traps, Gamma sings the skald's song, ferret (boosted by Blur and skald's song) beats basic monsters.
N.B. I don't know why, but my familiar (ferret) is unusually strong and can beat alone any basic monster in forests around Beregost. A strange effect from LoB difficulty? 🤔
Sometimes, it can give kinda exotic groups with peculiar tactics. 😉
My second random run in BG1 (the first one was not funny), difficulty: LoB:
Beth, Mage, LN elf, 14/17/12/11/18/11, quarterstaff+, familiar: ferret
Alpha, Bounty Hunter, LE halfling, 12/15/12/15/11/12, club+, katana+
Gamma, Skald, NG human, 11/14/13/13/15/15, club+, short sword+
Initial gameplay: Alpha installs traps, Gamma sings the skald's song, ferret (boosted by Blur and skald's song) beats basic monsters.
N.B. I don't know why, but my familiar (ferret) is unusually strong and can beat alone any basic monster in forests around Beregost. A strange effect from LoB difficulty? 🤔
Post edited by Yigor on
Barbarian, LN halfling, minimaxed stats: 17/19/18/9/2/14, short sword++, dual-wielding++.
Cleric of Lathander, LG half-orc, stats: 16/14/14/11/9/11, quarterstaff+, sling+.
Shaman, neutral half-orc stats 5/15/15/15/15/13, club+, sling+.
Now, I have finished BP1. My minimaxed Barbarian was a principal tank while Shaman used almost exclusively the Shamanic Dance ability. 💃
Shaman's STR=5 was, of course, problematic until I've bought Hands of Takkok, available starting from Tier II. 😎
Blackguard, CE human, (18/46)/18/18/10/10/18, dual-wielding+++, bastard sword++, axe+
Cleric of Tyr, LN gnome, 18/18/18/10/17/5, shield&sword+, mace+, sling+,
Illusionist, LE gnome, 18/18/18/19/10/10, quarterstaff+, sling+.
Blackguard is, of course, the main tank. I tried to reduce Illusionist's spells exclusively to the Illusion/Phantasm school. However, there are almost no attacking spells of that school.
I finished the Prologue (Korlasz's Tomb), temporarily adding Edwin to my group, who used Hold Undead vs all those undead hords (my Illusionist can't use Necromancy spells anyway).
Cleric of Tempus, true neutral halfling, 11/12/16/11/13/15, club+, sling+
Fighter, LG halfling, 13/18/10/17/10/11, dual-wielding++, short sword+, crossbow+
Dragon Disciple, LN elf, 10/15/11/17/10/17, dagger+.
The beginning is easy, my squad progressed quickly to Kuldahar Pass (level 6).
BG1 (mage, bounty hunter, skald): party of level 2/3 in Beregost.
SoD (blackguard, cleric of Tyr, illusionist): Coast Way Crossing, Dwarven Dig Site.
IWD (cleric of Tempus, fighter, dragon disciple): Kuldahar Pass.
BP1&2: I will create a full squad of 6 random characters in order to play at LoB from scratch. 😎
Shadowdancer, NG dwarf, 16/15/13/15/12/12, one weapon+, long sword+, short sword+, katana+, dagger+
Fighter/Cleric, LN gnome, 13/14/14/13/14/12, sword&shield++, flail++, two-handed weapon+, quarterstaff+, sling+
Illusionist/Thief, LE gnome, 11/17/11/18/12/7, short sword+, dagger+, crossbow+
Current levels 13, 9/9 and 11/11, clearing the Burial Island. ☠️
Cleric of Tempus, NN halfling, 12/13/13/16/17/12, sword&shield+, flail+, mace+, sling+
Shaman, NN half-elf, 14/14/13/12/16/14, sword&shield+, axe+, club+, short bow+
Swashbuckler, CE half-ord, 15/16/14/13/9/13, dual wielding+++, dagger+
Current levels 9/10 clearing De'Arnise Keep. 😎
Skald, CN half-elf, 18/18/16/18/3/16, long sword+, short sword+, short bow+
Shaman, NN half-orc, 19/18/19/9/18/3, axe+, club+, short bow+
Fighter/Cleric, NG dwarf, (18/47)/17/19/9/9/16, sword&shield++, flail++, mace+, sling++
They have almost cleared the courtyard + 4 towers. Current levels 13, 11 and 9/9. 😎
My Shaman is kinda Abjurer/Transmuter (the privilege is given to spells of these opposite schools). 👈