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Characters getting stuck indoors!?

Is there any way to prevent this? When indoors in tight spaces my party members keep getting stuck all the time. It's a real pain anytime im indoors. Is there some way to prevent this from happening? Firewine ruins and the cloakwood mine are two horrible examples of places where this happens all the time to the point that it ruins the game for me.


  • kuchikirukiakuchikirukia Member Posts: 15
    Not much you can do. The pathing is just bad.

    You can set it to pause on spotting the enemy/traps, then scout ahead with just your tank and thief and when you spot enemies run back out of sight and bring up the rest of your party.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    edited September 2024
    I don't understand the problem. 😼 Select all members of your group simultaneously and they move just fine for me both indoors and outdoors. 😎
  • okini55okini55 Member Posts: 86
    Yigor wrote: »
    I don't understand the problem. 😼 Select all members of your group simultaneously and they move just fine for me both indoors and outdoors. 😎

    Really? You don't have this problem? Maybe you play different version? Im on 2.6.6 or something. The newest.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    okini55 wrote: »

    Really? You don't have this problem? Maybe you play different version? Im on 2.6.6 or something. The newest.[/quote]

    I play on Switch. 🎮
  • LammasLammas Member Posts: 228
    If you are moving a character past idle NPCs they slide by fine. If you're trying to move characters in a way that their paths might cross they tend to get stuck as they don't move past each other unless one party is idle. A warrior in guard mode is not idle BTW. The best you can do if you wanna back one guy past another is to make the advancing one stop in front of the retreating one (aka completely idle for a moment), let them by and then continue forward. I agree it's a minor pain in the ass but you can work around it.

    You didn't mention it but in situations where you want your whole party to move through an area transition it's best to get them all right next to the door (or whatever) before trying to advance. If you just tell your party to go through a door from further away it's very common that the first guy stands on the transition and then gets pushed off by the second and by the time everyone is in range nobody is on the "trigger spot" anymore and they're all blocking each other from reaching it.
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