Slow download speed. I have gigabit internet

Why is the speed capped to 1MB/sec? Why is it not connecting to the servers at 100MB/sec?
This is ridiculous. Literally getting 1/100th of the speed. 8GB would take me less than 5 minutes. So why? How do I force it to connect faster?
This is ridiculous. Literally getting 1/100th of the speed. 8GB would take me less than 5 minutes. So why? How do I force it to connect faster?
I already have it on Steam. That isn't the issue. The issue is its connecting at 1MB/sec. My connection is capable of 100MB/sec.
I don't even know if its possible to have more than one copy of a game on Steam?
No. I'm talking about the download speed on the launcher.
The launcher when you open the game.