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[MOD] Autumn's Twilight (BG2AT)

Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36

BG2: Autumn's Twilight is now available!

Teaser Trailer.

New Kits.


Download MOD link.

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Join our Discord to get more information about the mod.




You can join our Discord. There, I will share the old portraits and the old voice sets in case you prefer how the Dusk mod was before. We will also share alternative portraits of the characters and quest details.

(some FAQ)

Is it compatible with BGEET?

Yes, it is compatible with BGEET.

Installation order?

It doesn't matter; you can install it in whichever order you prefer.

I personally recommend starting a new game of BG2 before beginning this mod. However, if you already have a save in Chapter 2, you can install the mod and continue with that save. If you’re in Chapter 3, I recommend completing the first three quests for both NPCs (if you decide to take them along) before traveling to the pirate island. If you do NOT plan to take the NPCs and want to go directly to the new dungeons, the game should NOT be further than Chapter 4, as a certain encounter in Spellhold will enable access to Rachnidra.

If CHARNAME has high INT, WIS, or CHA (17 points or more), dialogue options will be unlocked that could change the outcome of certain quests. This does not apply to the party leader, but specifically to CHARNAME.

VERY IMPORTANT: If you have the Dusk mod installed, you MUST UNINSTALL it before installing this mod. This is very important, as installing both this mod and the Dusk mod together can cause many bugs. The Dusk mod will no longer receive maintenance, as it will be maintained here in this repository (BG2AT).

Is there any update regarding the Dusk mod?

Yes. Several character portraits have been updated. Voices were added to some characters, and Dusk's voice is now performed by Nick, who is a voice actor.

Items that were always in the code but not available in the game are now enabled. They can be acquired in the new dungeon, Rachnidra.

The difficulty of large-scale battles in Dusk's quests has been increased.

Bug and typo reporting:
Since the mod is available in several languages, there are likely to be some typos. It would be great if they were reported in the relevant section of the Discord so they can be corrected in future updates. The mod has over 10.000 lines of dialogue, so when reporting, I would appreciate it if you could include a screenshot of the error or as accurate a description of the message as possible.

Next week, I will be sharing details about the 2 secret NPCs that can join the party, as well as the secret quests in the mod.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the mod more complete. For your ideas on items, kits, and for the voices you provided for the secondary NPCs. There are still several characters without voices, and I will likely ask for volunteers in future updates for those who wish to lend their talents.

Credits are listed on GitHub and in the readme files.

Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy this adventure.


  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited October 2024
    Pretty nice to see. The original Dusk NPC mod was quite great, so this sounds like a logical extension.

    I have not tested that new mod yet, so I can not give feedback, but I'll give more feedback once I have tested it eventually.

    By the way, an author list may be interesting to know, so people can see who worked on that mod.

    Edit: I did not find the github link initially, so for those who need the quick-link to github, here it is:
    Post edited by shevy123456 on
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    Pretty nice to see. The original Dusk NPC mod was quite great, so this sounds like a logical extension.

    I have not tested that new mod yet, so I can not give feedback, but I'll give more feedback once I have tested it eventually.

    By the way, an author list may be interesting to know, so people can see who worked on that mod.

    Edit: I did not find the github link initially, so for those who need the quick-link to github, here it is:

    The author and programmer of the mod is the same as the one behind the Dusk mod. This time, more people have collaborated on voice acting and the animations of some creatures. All are detailed in the credits on GitHub and in the readme files.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Nice, to see another story/NPC mod for BG2. The older Dusk NPC does not need to be installed alongside it, right?

    Also does this version have any romance with Fall or plans of adding such?
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    Mothor wrote: »
    Nice, to see another story/NPC mod for BG2. The older Dusk NPC does not need to be installed alongside it, right?

    Also does this version have any romance with Fall or plans of adding such?

    It is not necessary to install the Dusk mod. In fact, if you already have it installed, I recommend uninstalling it since this mod includes it. The mod does not have romances, just new quests.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    This looks impressive. Will try out Fall on my next passage, prolly won't be using Dusk as I personally dislike Wizard slayers in BG
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Have downloaded it and am ready to try it out...Just one small issue for me. I spent about four hours deleating and reinstalling my preferred mods for a clean go at BG 2 ee after a long hiatus. Only after all that was done, including downloading other new kits AND SCS, did I findout about this mod.
    So could you tell me; Is there really no issue with installation order? SCS basically demands to be the last mod loaded - and that's already happened.
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2024
    barker262 wrote: »
    Have downloaded it and am ready to try it out...Just one small issue for me. I spent about four hours deleating and reinstalling my preferred mods for a clean go at BG 2 ee after a long hiatus. Only after all that was done, including downloading other new kits AND SCS, did I findout about this mod.
    So could you tell me; Is there really no issue with installation order? SCS basically demands to be the last mod loaded - and that's already happened.

    The mod uses this site (Mathyus's Hideout) at The Docks for a new location. If you have a mod that also uses it, I see a potential conflict there. I've read that one mod uses it as a temple, but I'm not sure which one. Other than that, you shouldn't have any issues.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    > Is there really no issue with installation order? SCS basically demands to be the last mod loaded - and that's already happened.

    What I found is that some mods never cause any issues, and other mods may potentially mess up things very eagerly so (and weidu amplifies this problem; I consistently have had issues with it, so I no longer use its re-install option). I remember that I have had installations where Michelson was not showing up at all, for instance. I haven't had that in a long while though. (Oddly enough, in my current test-run, even though I installed both the golem construction mod as well as the test-your-mettle mod, the test-your-mettle mod appears to not have installed successfully, or something like that, and when I try the stronghold quest with the mage apprentices, in the sphere, at the final test I suddenly have "NO VALID REPLIES", so something in the current mod list I use must have messed up something; I also again have the old bug where the mage dagger leads to having 20x magic missile remembered and 20x second level spells ... no clue what messes it up; I did not have this problem in the test-run I did about a month ago or so. Back then I did not install the golem construction kit, so perhaps this one is at fault).

    I also had various issues with tactics remix, but this went away largely in regards to the old Dusk mod (there are right now the vampire lich in the old hideout, on the same map shown above, in the dock house to the top left; no problems occur when using the storage area at the western place, also shown on the same map). I used to have the problem that the small guy in the guarded compound, with Lava's three glyphs, would not show up, but I solved this indirectly by first installing tactics remix, and then installing bridge block, which appears to have solved the problem.

    So, basically, installation order does matter but most mods work very well no matter which order is used. Some mods modify vanilla NPCs or dialogue options and then it is often recommended to install these first before installing other ones (I think).

    Here is my current installation order for mods, and although things work fine, I think there is one or two issues with it; it may be of indirect help to you if you want to decide on your own installation list though.

    - Unfinished_Business # 01; Should come early, before cliffkey. Contains Artemis Entreri and the kidnapping of Boo.
    - Tales_of_the_Deep_Garden-v12.93-09.09.2024 # 02
    - Call_of_the_Lost_Goddess_v1.3-07.10.2024 # 03
    - The_White_Queen_mod_version_7.3-18.08.2024 # 04, should come after Tales of the Deep Garden.
    - The_Ooze_Lounge_v2.94-10.05.2024 # 05
    - The_Sellswords_mod_v9.1_15.05.2021 # 06
    - Coran_NPC_mod_for_Baldurs_Gate_II_v9_01.01.2023 # 07
    - The_Luxley_Family_mod_v2.0_released_on_17.06.2021 # 08
    - Dvaradime_the_NPC_v1.6-30.09.2024 # 09, some NPC - is a fairly nice mod.
    - Eilistraees_song_mod_v7.5_released_on_18.08.2024 # 10
    - paina_NPC_mod_for_BG2EE_v1.9_released_on_26.04.2024 # 11, another NPC mod. Should come fairly late.
    - Southern_Edge_mod_v5.2_released_on_18.08.2024 # 12
    - Brandock_the_NPC-v1.5-released-on-02.09.2023 # 13
    - Reunion_mod-v7_released_on_15.05.2021 # 14
    - A7_The_Golem_Construction_mod_v6.4_released_on_27.07.2024 # 15, should come fairly late as it changes a lot of areas + item drops
    - Heroes_Thieves_and_Moneylenders-4.5-released-on-10.08.2024 # 16, should come late as it changes the map. For now I won't install it, perhaps at a later time again.
    - Trials_of_the_Luremaster_mod_v4.3_released_on_10.01.2024 # 17
    - Back_to_Brynnlaw_v9_released_on_15.05.2021 # 18
    - Jazon_the_revenant_v2_published-on-07.08.2024 # 19
    - All_Things_Mazzy_v3.13_released_on_22.01.2024 # 20
    - The_Journey_to_the_Whin_Hill_v1.3_released_on_23.04.2024 # 21
    - The_Dreadful_Tales_In_Love_Undeath_v1.8.0-11.08.2024 # 22
    - 23_The_Innershade_mod_v11.12_released_on_18.08.2024 # 23, should come fairly late as it modifies maps
    - Shadows_over_Soubar_v2.1.2-released-on-07.07.2024 # 24
    - Skitia-NPCs-1.13-released-on-02.10.2023 # 25, nice NPCs but ultimately not necessary
    - Assassinations-v19-released-on-30.08.2023 # 26
    - Alabaster_Sands_v1.7-released-on-09.05.2024 # 27
    - The_Dreadful_Tales_The_Bloodied_Stings_of_Barovia_mod_v2.2_released_on_13.06.2024 # 28
    - song_and_silence-v18-released_on_03.01.2024 # 29
    - The_Tangled_Oak_Isle_mod_v4.5.1-released-on-06.09.2024 # 30
    - Lichdom_Mod-v1.3.1-released-on-27.09.2024 # 31, should come after tactics remix
    - Tower_of_Deception_v4.0.6_released_on_28.07.2022 # 32
    - The_Dreadful_Tales_Juniper_and_the_Stone_Leech_mod_v1.7_released_on-28.07.2024 # 33
    - Heart_of_the_wood_v7.0_released_on_04.06.2020 # 34, an item
    - Wares_of_the_Planes-v1.3-released-on-15.07.2024 # 35
    - Will_of_the_Wisps_v3.01_released_on_17.15.2024 # 36
    - Mystigan_v1.62_released_on_07.07.2022 # 37, a NPC merchant. Quite useful.
    - Golden_Horse_v1.8e_released_on_04.10.2024 # 38
    - BG2_EE_Romantic_Encounters_16.08.2023 # 39
    - Alternatives_mod_v15_released_on_28.03.2021 # 40
    - Sirene_NPC_mod_for_BG2_EE_v1.0_released_on_10.10.2024 # 41
    - Test_your_mettle_mod_v1.5_released_on_30.04.2024 # 42
    - Autumns_Twilight_including_Dusk_Aldant_The_Wizard_Slayer_mod_v1.0.0_published_on_18.10.2024 # 43
    - BG1_NPCs_for_SoA_and_ToB_mod_v15.1_released_on_16.09.2024 # 44
    - Region_of_Terror_mod_v5.0_released_on_16.04.2024 # 45, the drizzt mod
    - Beaurin_Legacy_Mod_v5.2.1_released_on_the_19.06.2022 # 46
    - Tyris_Flare_NPC_mod_v11.00_released-on-31.08.2023 # 47
    - Fishing_for_Trouble_mod_v3.2.10_released_on_29.01.2024 # 49
    - saradas_magic_for_BG2-v2.0.0_released_on_23.07.2021 # 50, a new NPC
    - DungeonCrawl_mod_v13.1_released_on_16.05.2021 # 51
    - I_shall_never_forget_mod_v6.3_published_on_18.08.2024 # 52, by Lava, should come late as it adds new areas
    - Afaaq_the_Djinni_Companion_v2.10_released_on_10.03.2024 # 53
    - Wings_mod_v1.08_released_on_12.10.2024 # 58
    - DAWAP_v7_released_on_08.10.2024 # 54
    - Made_in_Heaven_Item_Pack_Mod_v7_released_on_19.12.2022 # 55
    - Ascalons_questpack_v5.2_last_published_on_04.12.2023 # 56, a halfling among eyeless
    - MagicStoreMod-4.1-10.03.2024 # 57
    - Forgotten_Armament_v4.4_released_on_26.06.2024 # 57
    - Quest_Pack # 59 Should come after "Unfinished Business".
    - The_Item_Upgrade_Mod_v52_released_on_30.12.2023 # 60
    - One_Item_Mod_to_Rule_them_All-v3.0-04.12.2023 # 61, a great mod. This is based on the Unofficial_Item_Pack.
    - Crucible_Mod_v2.4_released_on_19.07.2024 # 62
    - SoD-to-BG2EE-Item-Upgrade-mod-v2.0.6_released_on_06.05.2023 # 63
    - Every_Mod_and_Dog_v11_03.08.2020 # 64; every mod and dog; this one is a little bit buggy. # ^^^ this is probably no longer needed as BGII:EE - Unofficial Item Pack has it.
    - tactics-remix-v0.8-beta-released-on-08.05-2024 # 65
    - wheels # 66, Wheels of Prophecy
    - Bridges_Block_v2.0_released_on_24.07.2024 # 67, should come after tactics remix.
    - The-Worldmap-Mod-v13.1.1-released-on-15.04.2024 # 68,
    - Tweaks_Anthology_Mod_Version_16_16.08.2023 # 69; should come late

  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    More on topic again, I have some feedback for the Autumn Twilight mod, in particular in regards to Fall. I have to win against that ice monster first though - that fight is actually quite difficult, also due to map design. The slow moving monsters are messing up movement quite a lot, interestingly enough. The summons of Fall are pretty great though, in particular the cheeky cat.
  • roshanroshan Member Posts: 29
    Hi, I'm curious if this mod adds unbalanced or overpowered items to the game? Also, can we choose not to install the additional kits?
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    More on topic again, I have some feedback for the Autumn Twilight mod, in particular in regards to Fall. I have to win against that ice monster first though - that fight is actually quite difficult, also due to map design. The slow moving monsters are messing up movement quite a lot, interestingly enough. The summons of Fall are pretty great though, in particular the cheeky cat.

    Icelock, the golem, has been buffed in both combat behavior and stats. I'm glad to see that Kitochi is being well-received as a character, so far he's one of the players' favorites.
    roshan wrote: »
    Hi, I'm curious if this mod adds unbalanced or overpowered items to the game? Also, can we choose not to install the additional kits?

    Currently, there are no optional components in the mod, but there will likely be some in the future, especially due to the high difficulty of certain quests. Some items may be considered overpowered, but the intention was for them to be used in high difficulty settings. I encourage you to try the quests, particularly the new Dungeon ones, and from there I'll decide how to proceed, depending on the feedback received.
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2024
    Secret Joinable NPCs

    Click on the image to go to the video.

    Repository link (with information about the mod):

    Join our Discord

    Information about the 2 Secret NPCs:

    - They can only be recruited after finishing the Rachnidra dungeon.
    - They have banters with vanilla and EE NPCs. They only have banters with CHARNAME in ToB.
    - Their kits are exclusive, meaning they are not available for character creation.
    Post edited by Curian55 on
  • James_MJames_M Member Posts: 145
    Hello. Looks very intriguing. Is this compatible with the BG2 original version, or does it require the enhanced edition version? Thanks!
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    James_M wrote: »
    Hello. Looks very intriguing. Is this compatible with the BG2 original version, or does it require the enhanced edition version? Thanks!

    Hi. It's compatible with the EE versions (BG2EE and BGEET). For now, the classic is not supported
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited October 2024
    So, I wanted to give some feedback, without spoilers, but I'll soon have to stop playing as reallife takes priority again.

    I am currently about to finish Dusk's final fight (in SoA) before I wanted to resume Fall's main quests. I also have not seen the two semi-secret NPCs yet; I actually thought it referred to the two guys in their main hideout, which seemed new. (And, by the way, not sure if there was a background story for them, but I think it may be nice to consider a short introduction for these two, or at the least one of them, perhaps a cut-scene or some mini-event that could introduce them a little. Perhaps one of them joins the main hideout a bit later or so. Though that is not so important.)

    So, a bit of feedback about Fall - I'll give more at a later time.

    Evidently Fall's main power lies in the summons, and I have tested them. They are pretty strong. The cheeky feline is by far my favourite - I picture numerous add-on encounters with that. Or like responses to rats or squirrels nearby e. g. the feline hunting them suddenly. Anyway. The special of the feline is pretty interesting; it's not so much my playing style, but for those preferring the stealth approach it would be fine. Also ... catching mice with it! It all makes a lot of sense with the cat.

    There is also the fat bonzo summonable. I guess the special power is pretty powerful (I never used it though). This one is a bit more annoying in that it is fat, clunky and kind of slow. It blocks the path a lot. While hasted it is not so bad, but without haste that tank thing is really annoying me more than the enemies are. So I kind of summon the other ones first usually; or, have Fall be hasted, run into a place closer to the enemy lines or behind, and drop the fat bonzo slog there; there it can be pretty durable indeed (actually, some foughts I simply won because of those summons, so they are strong really, especially on higher levels). I have Fall also use the longbow actually most of the time and Lava's silver arrow; I just like it. It looks stylish. (I could use the fire-crossbow from the shop, but since there also was that longbow from the mod itself, I thought I wanted to try it, even though I use Lava's ammunition for it instead.)

    Fall could also be in melee and I suppose her default whack-a-doodle weapon are two clubs then, which are also ok. But I prefer keeping her in the backrow. Usually Dusk and Korgan are in the front, and often the main character (who tends to be more versatile; for this run I tried thief-fighter-mage again, which is nifty for the versatility, but I kind of hate not having access to higher spell levels easily. I tend to remove the XP cap in general, though, simply because I hate any caps).

    I won't spoiler much about Fall's background, and I haven't finished it either yet. One thing I have noticed, though, is that if you do not pick up Fall early on, you may miss on a bit of content, depending on the play style. For instance, most folks will probably go to the Copper Coronet inn, the main one, early on. I tend to skip it, though, for various reasons, usually first going to Lava's southern district, as the quests there are super-easy for the most part, and one can just sleep as-is, which is kind of faster, especially when you rest, then cast haste. So southern bridge is my usual base now. Used to be the graveyard before.

    If you'd not have Fall, you may miss out on content in regards to animals in the copper coronet. So just a heads up to those who want to try the NPC, to ideally bring her along for the ride from the get go.

    Having Paina in team, is a bit of an indirect issue, in that what Paina does overlaps in part what Fall does. Both kind of focus on summonables, with Paina having more flexibility here, whereas Fall has the stronger individual summons. Still, although Fall is kind of great and has a much bigger story arc, and is useful in her own right, I kind of prefer Paina I think, even if we ignore the overpowered ring (summoning the small spiders). I don't have a solution for this, and I have not finished Fall's story arc either, but I just wanted to mention this quickly. Fall's spells are rather useless, though, as these are low level (I guess this is a consequence of e. g. Ranger or Beastmaster); in these cases having a main cleric or druid seems more useful.

    The specific enemies Fall faces are pretty cool though. So far the beetle and the eye-thing (looked like an eye to me actually, even if it may be more a bug than a walking-beholder) were the coolest.

    Also, as animals seem to be Fall's main focus, does she react to Trademeet's animals? I don't quite remember. Charm animal is not too terribly useful as there aren't that many big animals to snatch. Is it possible for the mod to add more special but regular animals? For instance one other mod adds driders in the Underground. We could have larger bears as well as huge boars (I thought there was a mod with a large boar ... didn't Lava have some large boar?) or horses or anything. Or a Rothé or so:é - can AI autogenerate some models? Would be pretty nice if that could be done via AI actually. So far the mod is pretty huge and epic. That's a long play for new or semi-new players. These will probably benefit the most, although some of the fights can be pretty difficult. Dusk's final fight in particular - all those time stops and mass explosions can be pretty tough for the lower hp characters, even though I try to keep them behind the front row.
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    So, I wanted to give some feedback, without spoilers, but I'll soon have to stop playing as reallife takes priority again.

    I am currently about to finish Dusk's final fight (in SoA) before I wanted to resume Fall's main quests. I also have not seen the two semi-secret NPCs yet; I actually thought it referred to the two guys in their main hideout, which seemed new. (And, by the way, not sure if there was a background story for them, but I think it may be nice to consider a short introduction for these two, or at the least one of them, perhaps a cut-scene or some mini-event that could introduce them a little. Perhaps one of them joins the main hideout a bit later or so. Though that is not so important.)

    So, a bit of feedback about Fall - I'll give more at a later time.

    Evidently Fall's main power lies in the summons, and I have tested them. They are pretty strong. The cheeky feline is by far my favourite - I picture numerous add-on encounters with that. Or like responses to rats or squirrels nearby e. g. the feline hunting them suddenly. Anyway. The special of the feline is pretty interesting; it's not so much my playing style, but for those preferring the stealth approach it would be fine. Also ... catching mice with it! It all makes a lot of sense with the cat.

    There is also the fat bonzo summonable. I guess the special power is pretty powerful (I never used it though). This one is a bit more annoying in that it is fat, clunky and kind of slow. It blocks the path a lot. While hasted it is not so bad, but without haste that tank thing is really annoying me more than the enemies are. So I kind of summon the other ones first usually; or, have Fall be hasted, run into a place closer to the enemy lines or behind, and drop the fat bonzo slog there; there it can be pretty durable indeed (actually, some foughts I simply won because of those summons, so they are strong really, especially on higher levels). I have Fall also use the longbow actually most of the time and Lava's silver arrow; I just like it. It looks stylish. (I could use the fire-crossbow from the shop, but since there also was that longbow from the mod itself, I thought I wanted to try it, even though I use Lava's ammunition for it instead.)

    Fall could also be in melee and I suppose her default whack-a-doodle weapon are two clubs then, which are also ok. But I prefer keeping her in the backrow. Usually Dusk and Korgan are in the front, and often the main character (who tends to be more versatile; for this run I tried thief-fighter-mage again, which is nifty for the versatility, but I kind of hate not having access to higher spell levels easily. I tend to remove the XP cap in general, though, simply because I hate any caps).

    I won't spoiler much about Fall's background, and I haven't finished it either yet. One thing I have noticed, though, is that if you do not pick up Fall early on, you may miss on a bit of content, depending on the play style. For instance, most folks will probably go to the Copper Coronet inn, the main one, early on. I tend to skip it, though, for various reasons, usually first going to Lava's southern district, as the quests there are super-easy for the most part, and one can just sleep as-is, which is kind of faster, especially when you rest, then cast haste. So southern bridge is my usual base now. Used to be the graveyard before.

    If you'd not have Fall, you may miss out on content in regards to animals in the copper coronet. So just a heads up to those who want to try the NPC, to ideally bring her along for the ride from the get go.

    Having Paina in team, is a bit of an indirect issue, in that what Paina does overlaps in part what Fall does. Both kind of focus on summonables, with Paina having more flexibility here, whereas Fall has the stronger individual summons. Still, although Fall is kind of great and has a much bigger story arc, and is useful in her own right, I kind of prefer Paina I think, even if we ignore the overpowered ring (summoning the small spiders). I don't have a solution for this, and I have not finished Fall's story arc either, but I just wanted to mention this quickly. Fall's spells are rather useless, though, as these are low level (I guess this is a consequence of e. g. Ranger or Beastmaster); in these cases having a main cleric or druid seems more useful.

    The specific enemies Fall faces are pretty cool though. So far the beetle and the eye-thing (looked like an eye to me actually, even if it may be more a bug than a walking-beholder) were the coolest.

    Also, as animals seem to be Fall's main focus, does she react to Trademeet's animals? I don't quite remember. Charm animal is not too terribly useful as there aren't that many big animals to snatch. Is it possible for the mod to add more special but regular animals? For instance one other mod adds driders in the Underground. We could have larger bears as well as huge boars (I thought there was a mod with a large boar ... didn't Lava have some large boar?) or horses or anything. Or a Rothé or so:é - can AI autogenerate some models? Would be pretty nice if that could be done via AI actually. So far the mod is pretty huge and epic. That's a long play for new or semi-new players. These will probably benefit the most, although some of the fights can be pretty difficult. Dusk's final fight in particular - all those time stops and mass explosions can be pretty tough for the lower hp characters, even though I try to keep them behind the front row.

    Possible spoilers in my response:
    Thank you for the feedback. Fall has, as summonings, the two wolves, the "bonzo" you mentioned (I imagine you're referring to something scaly), and the cheeky cat. There are two more: One of them can be obtained if you have Fall speak with the Beastmaster in the Copper Coronet during the slave liberation quest (for this to work, you must help Hendak liberate the slaves and NOT make a deal with Lethinan to betray him). To get the last summoning, you need to have freed the beetle (not killed it). This final summoning becomes available during Fall's last quest in Rachnidra (the dungeon that unlocks after the Underdark). Completing Dusk’s final quests before entering this dungeon is recommended, as once inside, you cannot return to the city until it's finished.

    For the other two NPCs, they will become available once you complete all quests in Rachnidra (as long as you meet the conditions). I posted a video above on how to unlock these NPCs.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2024
    I wanted to give more feedback, but reallife put a stop to my current
    run, so I will give some update here in a more free-form. I also
    ended up abandoning Fall's abyss quest, and I'll explain why.

    First, the mod improves on many aspects of the earlier Dusk mod, which
    was already a great mod (I leave the issue of balance and item design
    and reward to another thread).

    Fall's summonables are pretty much her primary power. She is also decent
    at long range and via her clubs, but I ended up using her mostly in
    ranged combat. Her cleric spells are quite useless; I assume this is because
    Beastmaster is similar to the Ranger class, but druids or clerics in the
    party can do all what Fall can do - and that much better, in regards to

    I would suggest to give Fall one or two unique abilities - not to make
    them powerful, but simply as a tactical usefulness. Something like locust
    swarm once per day; does not yield damage but may deduct the enemy
    THACO and AC for, say, 2 points, for 3 rounds - or something like that.
    (Regular saves should apply but could be applied at some slight penalty
    or so.)

    Other ideas could be something like faerie fire or so. Again, nothing
    too overpowered, but just making her more useful.

    Although Fall's summons are great, I think overall I prefer Paina; high
    level druid spells are really useful, e. g. mass cure or heal. Paina also
    has poison weapon as ability; can summon spiders as cannon fodder (and
    has that overpowered spider ring; that thing has to be adjusted, though
    I am sad she lost access to her big arachnoid buddy; by the way there
    could be some banter between Fall and Paina, given Paina loves spiders
    and Fall does not).

    The storyline aspects are also quite nice, e. g. Fall triggered when it
    comes to animals.

    I also liked the two NPCs shopkeepers. I think any more addition to
    interesting items may be nice, though they should also not be too
    powerful either.

    Now to the parts I struggled with. I should say that I have somehow
    messed up Dusk's quest and failed to reach the situation where he
    can boost his strength. Not sure what I did; in old play throughs
    I always manage to have him reach his final boosted form. Anyways.

    I also used the "enemies have twice the hp as normal" from another mod.
    This one actually made final fights too difficult; that was my mistake. In
    general I think I have to stop using any such "enhancements"; they
    always cause more problems than they seem to be worth. Also, I'd
    love if someone could obsolete the Tweaks mod; most of the options
    are useless or problematic, but some are nice to have. I always
    remove cap XP restriction, even though I rarely reach that XP number.
    Game-mechanics wise I hate XP restriction. Anyway, just wanted to
    point out that the fights were too difficult because of my mistake


    Having said that ...

    The Abyss was not a lot of fun.

    First, the traps: they were not the main problem, but I disliked that
    one had to get rid of traps AGAIN on the way out. Do spiders place
    traps? Fire traps? I think if you want to put traps on the way out,
    they should be e. g. web-traps. That brings me to ... explosions.

    At one point my whole screen was red due to a gazillion effects, and
    I wondered what the point of that was. One boss spider also teleported
    to my weakened backrow characters and BAM - fire explosion, killing
    both. You can not easily navigate to those spiders because of fodder
    units, in particular hasted centipedes - also very annoying. Did a
    LOT of damage to Dusk, who can not use anti venom ring whereas
    Korgan shrugs of poison. This was all quite annoying already, but
    what killed me was the "hahaha I can respawn again and again and
    again". After I killed the big boss spider like ... 3 times or what
    not, and already 3 times before, I decided that I am not only wasting
    time here, but that the current design is problematic. In general I
    think respawning the same boss mob is bad design. I understand that
    Irenicus has the same problem, but he is kind of central to the story.
    Note that the Tactics remix mod has a similar problem, e. g. improved
    Irenicus with his pet dragon and then his shard-state to constantly
    respawn (and, even after killing him again and again, the game had
    a bug where I could not resume into ToB). So, nah, I don't like all
    that bazillion explosions and respawning boss spiders at higher strength.

    What's even worse is ... I can not go back to the entrance, right?
    Because you have to finish the whole storyline part here. This is
    also a reason why I no longer play Never Winter night for BG2 - I
    can not solve a certain quest, and already pointed out the issues,
    which won't get fixed, so there is that. Some mods I can not play,
    Never Winter night is one of them. I also lost interest in Fall's
    storyline after boss spider respawn and simply closed the game on
    that day.

    Also, unless I am mistaken, the scaly hero (who is, along with the
    epic cheeky cat, the coolest NPC) not being killable means you
    can XP farm. Just send him through the dungeon, let him harvest
    XP for the party. That also is not good game design IMO. I understand
    that he is central to the story and probably the way back, but
    why do you need players if immortal characters win the day?

    Anyway. I could add more complaints here, but at the end of the
    day I decided to quit Fall's storyline at that point. Perhaps if
    some changes are made to make this less annoying overall (e. g.
    rather than those constant respawnings, perhaps have one final
    fight instead; even though the boss spider wasn't getting that
    much stronger, it simply was annoying - the player does not know
    how often you respawn those things, how about 100 times? 10
    times? How to know it? It sucks the fun out of playing.)

    This does not distract from the overall quality of the mod,
    mind you, so I think the mod is better than Dusk's mod (even
    if it is very similar, for obvious reason). But the abyss
    part right now is simply no fun to me at all and a lot of the
    design is really strange (fire spiders, ice spiders - those
    things only exist because of the area effect right?).

    Note that while I did not like the actual playing in the abyss,
    the visuals are great. So art-wise this is all excellent.

    Note that the abyss reminded me of The Crucible by morpheus,
    but actually I found The Crucible better designed than the
    abyss part (and also most of Tactics remix; this is probably
    due to morpheus being able to create The Crucible in a more
    free-form whereas Tactics built up on older design that
    was not always perfect; Tactics remix has many cool things
    though, I like the changed Sahugin area for instance).
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    I wanted to give more feedback, .

    Again, potential spoilers. Morgrath respawns three times until the final battle. Cho'Nuja being immortal is a somewhat intentional bug, mostly to see how it worked and to try to have players keep him alive at least once so that the option to recruit him as an NPC could be activated. In the next update, he will be mortal and can die in those battles.

    We should check which version of Dusk didn't receive the extra strength—Good Dusk or Evil Dusk? There might be a bug there.

    Not being able to return to Athkatla is designed in a similar way to what happens in the Underdark, but with a higher difficulty, of course. Not being able to return to Vidomina’s Enclave is also intentional—you can only rest in the Swamp. I’ve also considered lowering the difficulty of the encounters since it was designed to be challenging but wasn’t thoroughly tested.

    Dusk being vulnerable to poison is an issue others have pointed out. I’ve created a shield that protects against poisons, which will be sold by Xsi in the Abyss. I’ll also make some major healing potions that cure poison; they’ll be sold by Xsi and Hakamir. This will come out in the next update.

    Giving innate abilities to Fall in addition to the summonings? I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I could add something. Perhaps a few specific spells for her (level 1, 2, and 3).
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2024
    Version 1.1 is now available!

    General Fixes and Balancing:

    • Fixed several minor bugs.
    • A disclaimer about language clarity during installation has been added.
    • Re-balanced five kits.

    New Dungeon update:

    • Cho'Nuja as an ally can now die (previously, his HP couldn't drop below 20, so you'll need to be careful to keep him alive if you plan to recruit him as an NPC later).
    • Added difficulty settings: Normal and Hard. These impact enemies’ HP, saving throws, and attributes. They do not affect scripting, and some enemies (like Morgrath or Skel'Tharant) remain the same in both modes.
    • Adjusted experience points gained from defeating enemies (affects all minions).
    • Added new items available in shops and on some enemy corpses:
    * Verminpiercer: A powerful crossbow once wielded by Sylvaris Thornwood, granting immunity to paralysis, and webs. Fires magical bolts if no ammo is equipped and has a lethal effect against spiders.
    * Venomguard: A shield once wielded by knight Lobixon Cabal, granting +3 AC (+4 vs. missiles) and poison immunity.
    * Purifying Draught: This potion heals 40 HP, cures poisons and diseases, and grants poison immunity for 6 hours.

    NPC Tweaks and Updates

    • Reward for Haer-Dalis in Dusk’s quest "Revenge of the First Sword" has been fixed.
    • Royal Avenger base damage was nerfed.


    • The Summon Voragor spell has been modified. It can now be summoned up to 20 meters away from the ranger.
    • Added innate ability for Fall: Falcon Speed.
    • Added exclusive spells for Fall:
    • Level 1: Summon Scarab
    • Level 2: Marksman's Blessing
    • Level 3: Arcane Bolts of Evereska


    • The innate abilities Ice Summoning have been updated: all summons can now be called up to 30 meters away from the Frostmaster.

    • Cho'Nuja has been nerfed: this includes his attributes, stats, and passive ability features.

    Re-balanced Kits


    XP Values Changes

    Known Issues:
    • When starting a new game, Fall will have the 3 new spells at level 1 Ranger casting level.
    • When continuing an existing game, Fall will gain her new spells and abilities; however, she will only have 1 use of Falcon Speed instead of the intended 3.
    • The Arcane Bolts of Evereska spell does not scale properly with levels.
    These bugs will be fixed in the next update.

    Download Link V1.1:

    Join our Discord!
    There, we discuss changes for upcoming updates (e.g., the rebalance came from a discussion there).

    Thank you all for your reports!
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Thank you for your work and for taking the time to make such a detailed and precise patch/update notes.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    A quick question: do the new companions (Dusk, Fall, and the two "hidden" ones) banter with each other (in addition to the Bioware + Beamdog companions)?
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Dusk and Fall have a few interjections if I recall correctly, though not that many (if memory serves me right).

    I don't know the other two companions but if one refers to the big scaly one then I have not seen much interaction, but I also have not progressed with past Fall's quest, so I don't know the late-game content actually. Strictly speaking Dusk and Fall are more like separate NPCs, with Fall focusing on animals and her quest-line covering animals too. The cheeky cat is my favourite - would have been epic to let the cat and Demolisher form a team, with the cat sitting on the dog. (On that note, I think Demolisher is sometimes called Demoli or Demi or something; that was confusing in the mod.)
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited January 27
    Since I can't post new comments or create new posts, I'm editing this comment to let you know that updates about AT will be shared on the Gibberlings forum and on Discord.
    Thank you very much, and goodbye.
    Post edited by Curian55 on
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Curian55 wrote: »
    Since I can't post new comments or create new posts, I'm editing this comment to let you know that updates about AT will be shared on the Gibberlings forum and on Discord.
    Thank you very much, and goodbye.

    What happened? :/
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 433
    Discord link is broken.
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited January 27
    Edited to avoid unnecessary duplicates
    Post edited by Curian55 on
  • Curian55Curian55 Member Posts: 36
    edited January 27

  • Lejan55Lejan55 Member Posts: 10
    Version 1.2 is now available!
    • Fixed several minor bugs.
    • The known issues from v1.1 were fixed.
    • Hidden adventures compatibility: AT is now compatible with the Temple of Mask component from the Hidden Adventures mod. AT must be installed AFTER the mentioned mod for the compatibility to take effect.

    Hidden Adventures Compatibility: When the mod is installed, if the "Temple of Mask" component from Hidden Adventures is detected, a crossmod will be installed, allowing access to Mathyus' Hideout directly from the Temple of Mask, thus adapting it to the Hidden Adventures mod. It is important to install Autumn's Twilight AFTER Hidden Adventures.


    Download Link V1.2 (It may appear as V1.2.2 )

    Join our Discord!

    Thank you all for your reports!
  • Lejan55Lejan55 Member Posts: 10
    Curian55 wrote: »
    Since I can't post new comments or create new posts, I'm editing this comment to let you know that updates about AT will be shared on the Gibberlings forum and on Discord.
    Thank you very much, and goodbye.

    What happened? :/

    When I tried to publish version 1.2, it was not possible because the site kept displaying this message:

    Meanwhile, I noticed that new comments and posts were being published, but my comment did not appear. I tried again, but the same thing happened. I attempted using an old secondary account (on which I had lost the password and recovered years later), but the same message appeared. Seeing that the days were passing, I couldn't think of any other solution than to edit the last message to notify that I would publish on G3 and Discord. (I also tried contacting a moderator, but the site gave me an error.)
    Discord link is broken.

    Thanks. It's fixed now.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for the explanation. I'm glad you're now able to post updates here. B)

    Regarding your earlier answer to my question (which is no longer available), could you remind me whether the following is correct: Dusk and Fall have banters with each other as well as the standard Beamdog and Bioware companions; however, the two "hidden" companions do not banter with each other, or with Dusk and Fall, but do have some banters with some other companions (but not all). Future revisions, though, will likely expand the banters for the hidden companions.

    Is that more or less correct?
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