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My Undead Hunter (HoF, solo from scratch)

Here's my char:

Lothair, LG human, undead hunter, (18/43)/18/18/9/13/17, shield&sword++, flail/morgenstern++, (crossbow++ at level 6).

Current status: level 4, attracting goblins 1 by 1 in Easthaven. 😉


  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    All right, Lothair (level 6) is in the Vale of Shadows. 👻

    He's indeed obliged to use a heavy crossbow vs Yetis, it gives THAC0 = 10 and about 30% chance of hitting a Yeti. It's within the limits of my patience so far. 😎
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Current status: level 9 in Lonelywood (after clearing Kuldahar Pass and 3 caves in the Vale of Shadows). I've bought in Kuldahar 3 potions of invisibility and 3 potions of speed in order to "complete" the Burial Isle. 👈
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    Thanks for the progress update. Care to elaborate on any special tricks and issues so far? I’m curious about how you managed the Pass and the VoS crypt entry swarms.

    All right and thanks for your interest. 👍

    I've completed Kuldahar Pass coming from Kuldahar (or Vale of Shadow). When U come back like that, 30-40 goblins attack U immediately. First trick: let goblin archers exhaust their arrows (2-3 comebacks will be necessary). Second trick: after entering the zone, wait goblins in the narrow path (where only 1-2 of them can attack U). Cast "Protection from the Evil", enter in the melee, kill 1-3 goblins and go rest to Kuldahar (or rather into VoS in order to save money from that greedy innkeeper). Repeat the algorithm. 😉

    Entry swarms in VoS caves: enter a cave and return back immediately attracting few skeletons, go to a narrow path (available near each cave) and beat 1-3 skeletons in a direct melee (your paladin should be specialized in a crushing weapon). Go away rest and repeat. Other minor undeads are also beatable in honest 1-to-1 melee (I have cleared 3 caves before going to Lonelywood). 😎
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    Ah. Repetitive, but manageable. FYI, even with a LG character you can blackmail Aldwin into giving you free room at the inn. I’m not sure if a pally gets that dialogue option though. Too late for your current run anyway, I presume.

    Yeah, I have actually returned to Kuldahar after "completing" the Burial Isle (looting everything without fights, using only Sanctuary). I finally cornered that greedy Aldwin, after presenting him that Eidan's Legacy Ring. Btw, now I have the Cynicism+4 sword finding traps and opening locks.

    Current status: level 14, basic AC = -6, using Flail of Mae. Finally, I can go easily in melee with Yetis. I just petrified 4 Yetis in a row (including one who possessed Mirek's heirloom, darn). 😜

    N.B. I have also the Girdle of Ogre Blood, summoning 5 Ogres. 😎
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Hmm... should I be careful not petrifying enemies having key items (keys, symbols etc.), necessary for the game progression? 🤔

    N.B. Even Yxi is petrifiable! 🤩
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    Well done. Yes, I would be careful not to petrify enemies with quest items or good loot.

    Yes, now the progression seems straightforward until Yxi etc. I will write a report, if something interesting happens. 😉

    Also waiting for fights of your solo Cleric/Mage with bosses! 👍
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    LoL that Therik, supposed to be tough, he was quickly destroyed by my Ogres. I didn't attack him at all, afraid of possible petrification (from my side). 😼 Therik has a nice transfer potion, giving INT+1, but my paladin doesn't need it.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    While some parts of Yigor’s strategy may be too high risk for a no-reload run, I think it’s quite clever. The thing about goblins is that their damage (non-critical) doesn’t go over 8. Skeletons can exceed that, and may also have better Thac0. It’s perfectly legitimate in a solo HoF game to play against lower risk enemies. It’s not even farming, it’s enemy selection.

    I’ve often thought Flail of Mae should get more credit. It’s a great HoF weapon. As I recall, it’s also much cheaper than the Three White Doves. It’s a better weapon for TFG and most of DE than TWD. TWD will also lose some relevance once the Pally can destroy undead through turning.

    And as for the ogre belt, it’s the best available before DE and orrick’s inventory update. The ogres are useful x1/day, and the minor regen is a great help. That saves spells like DUHM for combat.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    I’ve often thought Flail of Mae should get more credit. It’s a great HoF weapon. As I recall, it’s also much cheaper than the Three White Doves. It’s a better weapon for TFG and most of DE than TWD. TWD will also lose some relevance once the Pally can destroy undead through turning.

    Right, TWD is surely a nice weapon, but more expensive. I used it a lot. Contrary to its description, it never kills (not heavily wounded) powerful undead and extraplanar creatures in 1 shot! Otherwise, it would be too nifty vs Yxi, Belhifet etc. ⚠️
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    I agree that going against goblins vs against skeletons may be sub-optimal for a UH, but it definitely isn’t for every other warrior class. So Yigor’s idea would be quite relevant for your upcoming barbarian run, for example. And while suboptimal for the UH, that doesn’t mean it’s not viable for a no-reload run. The strategy is multiple holds of a choke point, with an easy escape route. It doesn’t really matter whether it takes 4 or 6 or 10 goes to clear the Pass, so long as it can be done safely.

    As for the TWD and FoM, please read carefully. Nowhere did I say that TWD is overrated. It’s a great weapon against undead, and one of my first buys in HoW once cash is less of an issue.FoM has broader application against enemies, because its special power works against everything. I also suspect that magic resistance does not block it. The cost of lost item drops is trivial against most enemies.

    I do agree, btw, that flail/morningstar isn’t the best beginning bludgeoning proficiency, if more than one will be used. It’s got the best damage and long term potential, but the worst short-term access - which is quite important for a HoF solo. Mace is clearly better also for the Love of Black Bess, which is Conlan’s best weapon from the perspective of damage/enchantment vs cost. But flail still works if one can get into HoW and get looting, because of FoM.

  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    @Aerich Actually, I cleared the Kuldahar Pass just for the sake of completeness, not because I was blocked in the Vale of Shadows or whatever. 😉 Also, I thought that my UH needs level 10 to go to HoW and planned to continue a bit in VoS. However, suddenly, Hjollder accepted my help (my UH had level 9 and 400,000 XP). 😎
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    If doing a completion run, you might be better off plowing along in the Vale and leaving the goblins until you get access to Hold Person. But it worked, so it’s all good.

    Yes, I’m pretty sure Hjollder looks at average party level. If APL =<9, you’re in. Not sure what he does if the lead character is lvl 8, though
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    Yigor wrote: »
    Aerich wrote: »
    Well done. Yes, I would be careful not to petrify enemies with quest items or good loot.

    Yes, now the progression seems straightforward until Yxi etc. I will write a report, if something interesting happens. 😉

    Also waiting for fights of your solo Cleric/Mage with bosses! 👍

    I’ll get there. I had a great idea for an evil theme run, so I went with that for a bit. I’ve gone back to the solo though, and the Cl/Ill is in the Watchknights’ crypt. I’m hoping to get to the Luremaster in a week or so. All the minor bosses in LDD weren’t much trouble, I could update on those if you like.

  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    I’ll get there. I had a great idea for an evil theme run, so I went with that for a bit. I’ve gone back to the solo though, and the Cl/Ill is in the Watchknights’ crypt. I’m hoping to get to the Luremaster in a week or so. All the minor bosses in LDD weren’t much trouble, I could update on those if you like.

    Sure, please describe fights with minor bosses, especially if there was something memorable, remarkable or funny. 👍

    Curiously, I also have a save with Cleric/Illusionist (level 11/11) in the Watchknights Crypt!

    I will continue it too and we could compare our runs! 😎

  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    I’d say my run is going to be easier, but maybe less original in terms of tactics and spell usage. I’m certainly not self-restricting my spell list. At lvl 30/30, with all the resources of the main game, I can cast a ton of great spells, buy anything of use, and kill everything but revenants, skeleton warriors, and greater mummies with turning.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Current status: level 17, ready to go to Dragon's Eye. B)
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    I assume you managed the Vale and ToFG fairly slowly and carefully with the help of Animate Dead and minor buffs? Anything of particular note?
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    edited November 2024
    Aerich wrote: »
    I assume you managed the Vale and ToFG fairly slowly and carefully with the help of Animate Dead and minor buffs? Anything of particular note?

    Actually, it was quick. Yes, I used Animate Dead, Girdle of Ogre Blood, some buffs and simple melee. 😎

    Nothing remarkable, except for numerous petrifications. Well, I petrified Lysan and reloaded, but she had only a morning star+1 IIRC. So, it wasn't really necessary. 😼

    N.B. The immunity to immobilization is really helpful in melees with undead! 👍
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Current status: Lothair (level 18) has quickly cleared the level 1 of Dragon's Eye in the direct melee (with assistance of summoned Berserker Ogres, skeletons and zombies). 😎
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    Do you find direct melee a bit tiresome with a solo?
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Aerich wrote: »
    Do you find direct melee a bit tiresome with a solo?

    Well, I guess I'm accustomed to it. "There's nothing better than a good old-fashioned brawl!" 😜

  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Lothair (level 21) has cleared the 2nd floor of Dragon's Eye. 😎
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