My Undead Hunter (HoF, solo from scratch)

Here's my char:
Lothair, LG human, undead hunter, (18/43)/18/18/9/13/17, shield&sword++, flail/morgenstern++, (crossbow++ at level 6).
Current status: level 4, attracting goblins 1 by 1 in Easthaven. 😉
Lothair, LG human, undead hunter, (18/43)/18/18/9/13/17, shield&sword++, flail/morgenstern++, (crossbow++ at level 6).
Current status: level 4, attracting goblins 1 by 1 in Easthaven. 😉
He's indeed obliged to use a heavy crossbow vs Yetis, it gives THAC0 = 10 and about 30% chance of hitting a Yeti. It's within the limits of my patience so far. 😎
All right and thanks for your interest. 👍
I've completed Kuldahar Pass coming from Kuldahar (or Vale of Shadow). When U come back like that, 30-40 goblins attack U immediately. First trick: let goblin archers exhaust their arrows (2-3 comebacks will be necessary). Second trick: after entering the zone, wait goblins in the narrow path (where only 1-2 of them can attack U). Cast "Protection from the Evil", enter in the melee, kill 1-3 goblins and go rest to Kuldahar (or rather into VoS in order to save money from that greedy innkeeper). Repeat the algorithm. 😉
Entry swarms in VoS caves: enter a cave and return back immediately attracting few skeletons, go to a narrow path (available near each cave) and beat 1-3 skeletons in a direct melee (your paladin should be specialized in a crushing weapon). Go away rest and repeat. Other minor undeads are also beatable in honest 1-to-1 melee (I have cleared 3 caves before going to Lonelywood). 😎
Yeah, I have actually returned to Kuldahar after "completing" the Burial Isle (looting everything without fights, using only Sanctuary). I finally cornered that greedy Aldwin, after presenting him that Eidan's Legacy Ring. Btw, now I have the Cynicism+4 sword finding traps and opening locks.
Current status: level 14, basic AC = -6, using Flail of Mae. Finally, I can go easily in melee with Yetis. I just petrified 4 Yetis in a row (including one who possessed Mirek's heirloom, darn). 😜
N.B. I have also the Girdle of Ogre Blood, summoning 5 Ogres. 😎
N.B. Even Yxi is petrifiable! 🤩
Yes, now the progression seems straightforward until Yxi etc. I will write a report, if something interesting happens. 😉
Also waiting for fights of your solo Cleric/Mage with bosses! 👍
Right, TWD is surely a nice weapon, but more expensive. I used it a lot. Contrary to its description, it never kills (not heavily wounded) powerful undead and extraplanar creatures in 1 shot! Otherwise, it would be too nifty vs Yxi, Belhifet etc. ⚠️
Yes, I’m pretty sure Hjollder looks at average party level. If APL =<9, you’re in. Not sure what he does if the lead character is lvl 8, though
I’ll get there. I had a great idea for an evil theme run, so I went with that for a bit. I’ve gone back to the solo though, and the Cl/Ill is in the Watchknights’ crypt. I’m hoping to get to the Luremaster in a week or so. All the minor bosses in LDD weren’t much trouble, I could update on those if you like.
Sure, please describe fights with minor bosses, especially if there was something memorable, remarkable or funny. 👍
Curiously, I also have a save with Cleric/Illusionist (level 11/11) in the Watchknights Crypt!
I will continue it too and we could compare our runs! 😎
Actually, it was quick. Yes, I used Animate Dead, Girdle of Ogre Blood, some buffs and simple melee. 😎
Nothing remarkable, except for numerous petrifications. Well, I petrified Lysan and reloaded, but she had only a morning star+1 IIRC. So, it wasn't really necessary. 😼
N.B. The immunity to immobilization is really helpful in melees with undead! 👍
Well, I guess I'm accustomed to it. "There's nothing better than a good old-fashioned brawl!" 😜