When I destroy it he appears. Is he not supposed to be defeated when I destroy the phylactery??? There is no way I can kill him. I ran out of the green thing the dwarf gave me and I can not get more because the way is blocked...
Some sort of glitch, try a previous save? I’ve played this many times and not encountered that problem.
I did and the same thing happens... How can I solve this? Did I miss something? Some step maybe I didn't do? He spawns every time I destroy the phylactery.
Thank you for your answer.
The technical process of destroying the phylactery is somewhat wonky. Has to be thrown at the furnace center but a misclick or timing and frame issues might not register it. And the player is not sure why it is not working. But 8 out of 10 times should be okay
I did and the same thing happens... How can I solve this? Did I miss something? Some step maybe I didn't do? He spawns every time I destroy the phylactery.
Thank you for your answer.
I loaded from an older save again and this time it worked finally.