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Bhaal worshiper *without* being a murder hobo?

Swarmkeeper109Swarmkeeper109 Member Posts: 76
Obviously you would still be a murderer as if you weren't that kind of defeats the whole point, but murdering everyone just because he's the god of murder seems a bit shallow. Maybe a bounty hunter could work, murdering people for money, though maybe that leans a bit too much into Malar. Any thoughts? And I know Bhaal is technically just the god of murder hobos, but I would like something more interesting.


  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,061
    He is clearly a god of assassins and his worshipers are all evil and must kill every 10 days or something like that. They murder for worship but also for pleasure. I think this pretty much sums up murder hobo if you are a Bhaal worshiper, but with assassin at least it is also a vocation. An evil cleric could also work or an evil wizard or an evil fighter or any thief class really. I think the thing is the murder to worship thing, so no way to avoid that with this deity.
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