Notable Pickpockets ***Spoilers***

What are the Notable Pickpockets in BG? I know about taking Alergnon's cloak in Beregost and Drizzits scimatar, but thats about it. I have Imoens pickpockets at 55 and I am not sure if I should raise it some more.
A lot of quest givers can also be pickpocketed for thier rewards.
Which is good.
Just drink a master thievery pot and play easymode.
Where can I get the earliest master thievery pot?
But how would Drizzt not notice his ICONIC Scimitars missing around his waist within ten seconds?
On the other hand, I can confirm Drizzt can be relieved of both his weapons.
Where can I get the earliest master thievery pot?
Nashkel Carnival
One of the gambling tents an npc called Vitiare will come on you immedietly after you enter the tent.
He will steal 100gp from you and dissapear, so before he does that whack him and you will find a master thievery pot in his corpse.
Have Fun
But there might be new ones now.
How he doesn't realize it remains a miracle though
Twinkle makes for the best weapon, Rasaad can use, by the way.
With his Boots, a ring+1, single weapon style and this weapon he's even quite formidable
now, being level 4.
Icing Death suits Jaheira pretty well. Just put both her proficiency points into Scimitar
Drizzt also has an interesting chainmail you can't steal. In BG1 I remember it allowed the use of Thief skills.
THe most notable item in BG should be the Cloak of Balduran in Undercellar, as you don't need to do this step in the questline (the 5 statues) or it often is just left and thereafter you can't talk to her to get it for free. (Degrodels Quest, else the NPC is Quenash)
*oops* was already mentioned..nevermind.
Edit: The dwarf in Ulgoth's Beard (Stonehammer) has a warhammer +1 /+4 giant humanoids
Shandalar got some lvlx-5 spells....some minor loot (Remove Curse, Feeblemind, Emotion, Greater Malison, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere and Spirit Armour)