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You're a Thief - how do you remove your Own Traps from the ground?

PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
Hello, question in the title.

also: i know there is a 7 trap limit per area, does this include any special traps such as Time trap, or can you have 7 normal ones plus an advanced trap?
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  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    You don't. Only an enemy can remove them, and only by triggering them.

    The limit includes thief traps, bounty hunter traps, and all three varieties of HLA trap. Seven total.

    Note that the arcane and divine spell traps (Glyph of Warding, Skull Trap, Delayed Blast Fireball) do not count toward the limit but also aren't party-friendly like the thief traps.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    oh, shit. i placed 7 normal traps near the shadow dragon, being unaware i will get advanced traps later.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    Don't worry. Seven normal traps ...
    If that's the basic level 1 trap, it's 98 average missile damage instantly.
    If that's the level 11 trap, it's 98 average missile damage instantly plus 49 average poison damage per round for three rounds after that.
    If that's the level 16 trap, it's 130 average missile damage plus 140 average fire damage instantly.
    If that's the level 21 trap, it's 130 average missile damage plus 140 poison damage and a save or die instantly.

    The shadow dragon has 160 HP and 25% physical resistance. No resistance to either fire or poison, but he* will always pass the death save.

    So, if your seven regular traps were set with a thief at level 16+, they'll be enough to kill him instantly. If they were set at level 11-15, the immediate damage will be about half and the poison will take him out in two rounds if you don't pile on.

    Yes, a couple of spike traps would do the job more efficiently. But you've already won with the traps you have.

    Incidentally, spike traps are not universally better than the basic traps - they're single-target, while regular traps hit everything in an area. So if the fight you're preparing with has several creatures, regular traps will deal more total damage.

    * Thaxll'ssillyia is marked as gender = MALE in the game. Misgendering any being that is capable both of understanding you and eating you is unwise.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    im on Legacy of Bhaal, so he has more life, my 7 traps take 2 fifths of his life away from him. also, i dont know why, but the poison from my traps only deal damage once, there is no over time damage from them. not just for the Shadow dragon, but everywhere else.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    im thinking if theres any way i can summon an enemy or get an enemy there to release the traps..
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    If the poison only deals damage once, that's the highest-level version of the trap. 3d8+5 missile damage, 20 instant poison damage, and a save or die which the dragon auto-succeeds. No ongoing poison.

    .. unless you're playing LoB in patch 2.6 without fixing a certain underflow bug, in which case the dragon auto-fails all death saves and a single level 21+ thief trap is a guaranteed kill. Oops.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    so, i think this means i will have to beat him with a weapon, somehow. if it wasnt for that level drain - he seems to be able to cast it on me forever.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    The level drain is the dragon's breath weapon. One round of blindness and four levels drained with no save, two levels drained that you can save against. In patch 2.5, the level drain was temporary (10 rounds), in patch 2.6 it's permanent until restored. All of that on a three-round cooldown.

    So, what sort of level drain protections do you have in your party? If nothing else, the protagonist can always protect themselves from level drain by going to Slayer form; this fight is actually one of the best uses of that.

    As for the other thief tricks ... dragons are immune to backstabs, see through invisibility, and you can't get close enough to pickpocket any of the loot.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    doesnt look good, but thanks for the info. im a solo assassin.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    actually, please dont tell me more, id like to find a way myself. fingers crossed. :)
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    still.. is there a way to summon an enemy? maybe summon something then attack it to turn it into an enemy?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    Standard summons aren't scripted to go hostile if you attack them. But maybe ... testing ...
    Here's how you do it.
    - Summon something. You want a low-level chump here, so a monster summoning wand is ideal.
    - Charm it. Dire Charm is what I tested, and the important thing about it is that the duration is shorter than the summon's duration.
    - When the charm expires, the formerly charmed creature becomes hostile to you and triggers any traps.

    I also tried a demon summon. That doesn't work. A summoned demon's GOODBUTRED allegiance isn't what the traps are looking for.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    thank you!
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    i summoned a warrior with the horn of i forgot what and then charmed it with the ring of human influence, then i attacked it to turn it hostile. it worked! like a charm =))
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