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Your favorite change or enhancement thus far

Really this topic is simple. I'm not asking if you like or don't like what's been done overall. But if you can play the game, I'm asking what is your favorite thing that has changed since vanilla that you like so far.

For me my personal favorite tonight was when I made my Invoker Specialist Mage, and found out she was only restricted from Enchantment Schools instead of Enchantment and Conjuration schools.

Feel free to add new favorites later, but don't try and write big long lists at once. Give everyone time to say theres, and like or agree with them if its the same as yours.


  • ImperatorImperator Member Posts: 154
    Arrows stack to 80, yay!
    Zoom is nice, wish only that my mouse scroll wasn't so sensitive.
  • zoom option and jornal seems more organized now
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    No load times. :)
  • TuckerTucker Member Posts: 16
    i was really impressed when i went to the nashkall carnival at night and got to see the new light spillage effects from the tents and around the fire pit i really liked that they said they where improving the environmental graphics and that was a very nice improvement.

    So happy this game has been improved and re released :)

    (i wrote a massive list then read your last line dam your rules!)
  • BeverastBeverast Member Posts: 10
    So far it has to be the journal. I have also found the zoom feature a very nice feature to have as well, especially for tactical planning in the more open areas.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    That is a close second for me I promise. I'm almost tempted to roll an archer now since ammo will be a lot less of a micromanaging exercise in futility.
  • KankKank Member Posts: 38
    Stacks of 80 arrows
    New Kit and the new NPC's (Well, not the monk so much.)
    Never modded my games, so the BG2 kits in BG1 are amazing.

  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Higher resolution
    Layout of the game
    Bigger item stacks
    Improved graphics
    BG2 rules
    Dorn :)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    To me instant saves, loads and area transitions, bg2 engine and zoom. The new environment effects are cool as well.
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