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Kagain quest



  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    That's not a bug.

    It's an unfinished business from the original BG game.

    The devs have not finished this quest
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    qcoutlawz said:

    Im a completionist and seriously I cant believe they've released this game with journal bugs.............I like how you have to read your journal for clues and to know where to go next for your quest but come on theres a completed quests tab make it work the way it should.

    I'm just glad they actually have the journal organized by quests. In the original, all your journal entries were just in one long list per chapter, ordered by date. So trying to see where you're at with a quest involved scrolling through a long list of all your entries, with different entries for the same quest sometimes scattered throughout.
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    It was resolved only in one of the mods, I think it was Unfinished Business. But we have BG:EE now, perhaps we get some fair ending if we ask them nicely. Pretty please? ;)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited December 2012
    Poor Kagain
  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 220
    edited December 2012
    I think that this quest has always be bugged.

    If you don't speak with Kagain and move near the caravan (the one mad of differente wagon) you will find some of them has the blu circle (Dialague expected?) but having not Kagain in gruop the circle turns to red; after killing them nothing happens.

    If you add Kagain in your group and you don't move to the area with the caravan, he'll complain and eventually leave the group.

    If you add Kagain and move to the area, he tells you that he is no more interested in finding tha caravan, and near the caravan there are no bandits.

    I remember also that the script of the area lacks a part of the code (there is a condition that cannot trigger (the one in wich Kagain would say something like "Here we are, let's find those bastards"). So while entering triggers the last condition, the one that triggers the "abandoning quest dialague".
    Post edited by NymMoondown on
  • mtyler11mtyler11 Member Posts: 20
    I had the problem with Kagain where after 8-10 days he just rage-quit the group with no way to add him back to group (he didn't return to his shop). Even when I traveled to the area with the caravans he wasn't there and he'd still rage-quit as soon as we arrived. I had to reload a save from a previous day just to prevent the rage-quit.
    I had thought that Overhaul/Beamdog was including the "Unfinished Business" and "Baldurdash Fixpack" mods to capitalize on the good work and bug-fixing the community had already accomplished. And the fact that many enterprising, industrious souls in the forums have already adapted the existing content to the new file structure shows that it wouldn't be too much work to make it happen...
    The only mods I think that Overhaul Needs to add is Unfinished and Baldurdash. Most of the other mods out there change the content from what the original team envisioned. Unfinished and Fixpack simply repairs/reinstates what the first team built.
  • davidj8580davidj8580 Member Posts: 20
    mtyler11 said:

    I had the problem with Kagain where after 8-10 days he just rage-quit the group with no way to add him back to group (he didn't return to his shop). Even when I traveled to the area with the caravans he wasn't there and he'd still rage-quit as soon as we arrived. I had to reload a save from a previous day just to prevent the rage-quit.
    I had thought that Overhaul/Beamdog was including the "Unfinished Business" and "Baldurdash Fixpack" mods to capitalize on the good work and bug-fixing the community had already accomplished. And the fact that many enterprising, industrious souls in the forums have already adapted the existing content to the new file structure shows that it wouldn't be too much work to make it happen...
    The only mods I think that Overhaul Needs to add is Unfinished and Baldurdash. Most of the other mods out there change the content from what the original team envisioned. Unfinished and Fixpack simply repairs/reinstates what the first team built.

    Which would apparently be going against their contract, which begs the question: if they aren't allowed to fix/restore content that was originally intended or might not be working due to a simple bug, what exactly are they allowed to do? Anything? Add a few new characters?

    I want an actual "enhanced" edition, personally. I haven't played beyond getting to the Friendly Arm Inn after reading about all of the bugs as well as the lack of unfinished content as I am waiting to get a properly fixed version. Money well spent.
  • davemodavemo Member Posts: 147
    I find it annoying that the quest is still there considering that I just dropped someone and re-added him to the group to get the quest out of my journal.
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    I hope they create something that ends this quest. Kagain could find the noble at BG City for example. This quest was only finished in the Unfinished Business mod.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    @davidj8580 UB was not included because it has many authors and OH couldn't talk to all of them. Even if pieces will be fixed, they will be fixed in a different way.

    This particular bit seems ot be fixed for me.

    I rarely recruit him, but more than one occasions, he did so when i entered the area north of beregost.

  • ItomonItomon Member Posts: 187
    but it is very odd that he speaks the phrase immediately when you enter the area north of beregost. He says he don't want to look for the caravan anymore, but that gives the feel that you haven't even tried! (for me, at least. I always go north after beregost to return Landrin's quest and thus didn't look for the caravan yet)

    they should probably fix this trigger to happen sometime AFTER you entered the area where destroyed caravans can be found, or even east of it, or something else to make more sense. AND if they can't change the quest log in the journal, then leave it unfinished, but at least let us THINK we tried to find and that Kagain REALLY got tired of looking for it.
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