Final battle tactics

Here's the inevitable final battle thread. I'm about to record the final parts for my LP so I'd like to know some of the strategies veterans of the game use.
I'm playing the game with BG1Tutu, on insane difficulty. My party is 2 mages (Edwin + Xan as sorcerer), Viconia, Coran, Kagain and myself, Berserker 5/Cleric 8.
What I'm trying to figure out is something that works reliably (so I don't have to reload 5 times while recording), and allows me to kill all 4 baddies, Sarevok being last. That has proved quite touchy so far. If Sarevok decides to charge, there's not much I can do to except kill him asap, because he hits very hard (kills my 2 fighters in 2-3 hits).
Also Angelo can be a big problem if he decides to use his detonation arrows. Admitedly, I could just cast Resist Fire on everyone, but that's not fool-proof as either Angelo or Semaj casts dispel magic during the fight. If Angelo shows up, I have little choice but to melee him and kill him asap too.
Anyway, here's the best strategy I've developed after a few tries last night:
- Open by casting Greater Malison + Chaos + Horror(innate PC ability) and sending two skeletons in. This usually confuses at least one of them and allows me to retreat.
- Here, Semaj will often teleport in the middle, but he'll be alone and I can focus him down quickly. Meanwhile I cast as many webs as possible behind him to maximize the chance of isolating the others.
- From then on, it's rather unpredictable. Often Angelo will get killed by Sarevok for some reason, either because Sarevok is confused or Angelo caused him damage, I'm not sure. I'm basically hoping they don't all show up together and I can take on Sarevok last, but it's very hard to guarantee. Hold Person, Charm, Otiluke's Resilient sphere, Confusion, etc. work *sometimes* but it's nothing to rely on.
I've had a decent success rate with that but I'm sure you guys have plenty of other ideas.
I'm playing the game with BG1Tutu, on insane difficulty. My party is 2 mages (Edwin + Xan as sorcerer), Viconia, Coran, Kagain and myself, Berserker 5/Cleric 8.
What I'm trying to figure out is something that works reliably (so I don't have to reload 5 times while recording), and allows me to kill all 4 baddies, Sarevok being last. That has proved quite touchy so far. If Sarevok decides to charge, there's not much I can do to except kill him asap, because he hits very hard (kills my 2 fighters in 2-3 hits).
Also Angelo can be a big problem if he decides to use his detonation arrows. Admitedly, I could just cast Resist Fire on everyone, but that's not fool-proof as either Angelo or Semaj casts dispel magic during the fight. If Angelo shows up, I have little choice but to melee him and kill him asap too.
Anyway, here's the best strategy I've developed after a few tries last night:
- Open by casting Greater Malison + Chaos + Horror(innate PC ability) and sending two skeletons in. This usually confuses at least one of them and allows me to retreat.
- Here, Semaj will often teleport in the middle, but he'll be alone and I can focus him down quickly. Meanwhile I cast as many webs as possible behind him to maximize the chance of isolating the others.
- From then on, it's rather unpredictable. Often Angelo will get killed by Sarevok for some reason, either because Sarevok is confused or Angelo caused him damage, I'm not sure. I'm basically hoping they don't all show up together and I can take on Sarevok last, but it's very hard to guarantee. Hold Person, Charm, Otiluke's Resilient sphere, Confusion, etc. work *sometimes* but it's nothing to rely on.
I've had a decent success rate with that but I'm sure you guys have plenty of other ideas.
it's the cheapest but most known way of quickly defeating the endd boss.
Note: i don't recommend it since it makes it to easy..
Semaj is a pain, not really sure how I eventually managed it.
Yeah, I'm not being very helpful here. >.<
Edit: Hmm, that's some wonderful grammar ^^
Sarevok has a considerable magic res, an awersome thaco, tons of life, and a hard hit.
Semaj will start the battle with death spell (killing everything you summoned), greater malision, flesh to stone (hope you put one of the summons far from the death spell so he aim the flesh to stone on the summon), and damage magics. This all is done with angelo spamming flame arrows in youy ass and Tazor, that for incredible that appear is the weakest of them, squashing someone of your party alongside sarevok.
i played my last sarevok battle in BGT, so maybe in BG is unlike. By the way, if you ppl spam greater malision and doom on sarevok and they work, DO NOT USE EMOTION SPELL ON SAREVOK (in BGT at least), if he hit the die script while unconcious, the script bug and he don't die more, simple as that.
It's not that hard, I had harder fights (Tactics + Ascension, that Irenicus just didn't want to die after beating him about 5 times... And Ilych.. with a Fallen Planetar right at the start... :S)