Transferring Characters and Saves between Mac and iPad

Currently playing the PC version but I plan to get the Mac and iPad versions the moment they come out. I've read that saves can be transferred between the PC and Mac without a problem.
Is there a way, short of jailbreaking or waiting for iCloud support, to transfer saves between the Mac and iPad versions?
I heard that iCloud support will still be implemented a few weeks after the Mac and iPad versions are released and the wait will be too painful
Is there a way, short of jailbreaking or waiting for iCloud support, to transfer saves between the Mac and iPad versions?
I heard that iCloud support will still be implemented a few weeks after the Mac and iPad versions are released and the wait will be too painful

E: Aww. Just tried it out, and found out that the client can't save the game. Oh well. Guess we have to wait for the official way.
I made a test save in the ipad first and the files looked a bit different, there was a default.toh in there not there in pc, so I wasn't sure it would work.
I am at work so can not really play but I did load up my pc save and moved around a tiny bit without crashing. I then saved into a new slot. That slot has a whole bunch more files in it.
Anyway it loaded!
Were you importing BG:EE saves or tyring to import original game saves?
Transferring saves via iCloud or other online storage is definitely something we want to do going forward, but it wasn't a feature that was ready at launch, and I believe we've communicated that previously.
Does the saved game save in the app file itself? (i.e. if my iPad gets lost, and I restore a new iPad, will the save game be there?) - I'm investing heavy time so I need to have a failsafe incase the hardware fails
As iCloud isn't implemented yet it doesn't export your saves automatically.
To back up your saves, use iFunBox.
There's several detailed instructions in the iPad section of the forums on the procedure.
It works fine, not optimal, but it's absolutely better than nothing until Beamdog finds a permanent in-game solution.