F/F Romancing Neera, what are my options?

Happy new owner of BG:EE here, about to load it up fo a run. However, I've hit one big snag:
I want to play a female character.
I want to romance Neera.
Sadly, this isn't possible out of the box. So, what are my options here?
Pick male on character creation, use a female custom portrait & soundset and just RP cross dressing? This would work, but it's the worst option I can think of - kinda defeats the purpose of playing a female character if the entire game considers you male.
Girdle of Masculinity? Would wearing this at the right time allow the romance to start? Would it be required in all subsequent dialog with Neera?
CLUAConsole voodoo? I remember using that for F/F romance with a Aerie in a modded BG2, is it possible here?
Mods.. if my google-fu isn't failing me, such a mod hasn't been made yet. But is it possible? Is anyone working on such a mod?
Alternatively, if none of these options are possible (at least for a while yet), are there any other compelling F/F romances I can play in BG:EE, either that it ships with or through mods confirmed to work with BG:EE?
Thanks for any replies, but lets please not turn it into a discussion about gay romances as such. Plenty of those, and all I really want to know right now are what my options are currently.
I want to play a female character.
I want to romance Neera.
Sadly, this isn't possible out of the box. So, what are my options here?
Pick male on character creation, use a female custom portrait & soundset and just RP cross dressing? This would work, but it's the worst option I can think of - kinda defeats the purpose of playing a female character if the entire game considers you male.
Girdle of Masculinity? Would wearing this at the right time allow the romance to start? Would it be required in all subsequent dialog with Neera?
CLUAConsole voodoo? I remember using that for F/F romance with a Aerie in a modded BG2, is it possible here?
Mods.. if my google-fu isn't failing me, such a mod hasn't been made yet. But is it possible? Is anyone working on such a mod?
Alternatively, if none of these options are possible (at least for a while yet), are there any other compelling F/F romances I can play in BG:EE, either that it ships with or through mods confirmed to work with BG:EE?
Thanks for any replies, but lets please not turn it into a discussion about gay romances as such. Plenty of those, and all I really want to know right now are what my options are currently.
I shall follow this thread, while carefully resuming my.. knitting.. and tea..
Barring that, I suppose mods will eventually allow a female PC to romance Neera, it's just a matter of time...
Perhaps they just don't get defined if I play as female?
I guess I will play around with setting them blindly tomorrow.
Would be awesome if there was an easier way like CLUAConsoling a couple of variables though.
Anyone know what the first romance-specific dialog is? Just so I know if the 'hack' works.
For the best of both worlds, here's how to play as a female character and romance Neera while staying within the rules of the game: First, make a female character. Get the cursed Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity from the ogre south of the Friendly Arm Inn, but do not use it yet. After Neera gives you her quest, wait a week and then start wearing it before you go to sleep. If it's time for a romance talk, Neera will initiate dialogue once you wake up. You can remove the girdle after that and continue playing as a woman. Do this once every few days.
Her first romance talk is "I've been thinking about you."
This shouldn't cause any problems other then her refering to you as a male (as you're just changing the triggers, not the voices/dialogs) but it will solve your problem. If it bothers you, just think that you're the 'man' in the relationship???
If I'm feeling particularly adventurous I might load up one of the saves I have just prior to the love-talk rests, to see if she will accept my advances as all female (which would be the case if the script just check once in the beginning), or a gender-check is hardcoded into every lovetalk.
I've enjoyed the Neeramance so far, but I'm certainly looking forward to the rumored F/F romance DLC, especially if it actually acknowledges being F/F in addition to just being open to female charnames. In the meantime, looking forward to the conclusion of this one.
If the kiss was the last, I suppose I should Shadowkeep my gender back so the rest of the game doesn't get it wrong all the time =P
If I recall it's at either the Friendly Arm inn, Beregost, or Nashkel
Then, the assassin in the Nashkel inn killed her. Me and Xzar came to the conclusion that she wasn't worth the gold to revive, and that her robe looked better on me anyway. :P
After I'm done romancing Neera a second time, I'll go bug Rasaad in the next savegame.