Dorn overly powerful?

Is it just me or does Dorn feel way more powerful than, for example, Rasaad.
I'm having a big dilemma of choosing the party. Dorn seem to be very interesting character, so does Rasaad. However the stats seem to be just incomparable. Everything is better for Dorn, 19 str, incredible stats, better AC, many times better Damage and THAC0, more hp, just overall incredible kit and let's not forget that starting sword.
He's better in every single aspect by a mile. This seems to be a one question IQ test here..
Is the monk just bad early levels and become stronger than Blackguard later in the game?
Is it worth it to deal with all the evil-in-good-party issues to get him and dump the monk? This is really giving me a headache >.<
I'm having a big dilemma of choosing the party. Dorn seem to be very interesting character, so does Rasaad. However the stats seem to be just incomparable. Everything is better for Dorn, 19 str, incredible stats, better AC, many times better Damage and THAC0, more hp, just overall incredible kit and let's not forget that starting sword.
He's better in every single aspect by a mile. This seems to be a one question IQ test here..
Is the monk just bad early levels and become stronger than Blackguard later in the game?
Is it worth it to deal with all the evil-in-good-party issues to get him and dump the monk? This is really giving me a headache >.<
Frankly speaking, Monk is the one of the weakest kit at lower level so it is why Rasaad looks like garbage.
And I really wonder why the developers made the NPC having such useless class without any rebalancing kits/classes...
I don't really know how characters react to Reputation. Only experience I had so far is that I recruited Imoen @ Reputation 1 and when I killed an innocent she left instantly.
My advice: don't bother with Rasaad unless you care about his banters/personnality/etc.
Of course, it has always been argued that BG's evil characters were more powerful than their good counterparts, but that that was offset by them being, well, evil, and an evil party being harder to play. I don't know whether this is really true, but if Beamdog tried to create Dorn in that spirit, I believe they went a little overboard.
I wonder if it is a coincidence that the weakest new NPC comes for free with the tablet versions of the game, but you have to get out your purse for the real guys. I'm usually not one to cry Nerf! and let slip the dogs of balance, but in the case of Rasaad something should be done. I also believe Dorn has to be toned down a little. His only disadvantage is that he doesn't get extra constitution hit points, but it's not that much of a problem if the dishes out like crazy and doesn't get hit that much. And it's a "no bonus" disadvantage that we're talking here, compared to a "penalty" disadvantage. I feel he really sticks out in the BG1 NPC roster (would be different in BG2, I guess, but in this game...)
Actually, no.
Good NPCs will break away at reputation 2 or lower.... Neutral NPCs will break away at 1 reputation.. and evil NPCs will break away at 19 reputation or higher.
Sidenote, (Spoilers) I have a suspicion he's a Bhallspawn. He shares the same sir name as Grominir il Khan (a bhaalspawn from Saradush) and as stated, he does seem VERY powerful...
The worst past of it is that Rasaad's starting weapon profs are katana and wakazashi, both melee weapons, and has not a single ranged option even though he's the squishiest NPC to boot. I am seriously wanting to ditch him at this point, but I've discovered he's one of those NPC's that disappear forever if you remove him from you party. And since I've invested so much into him at this point, I just want to keep him alive long enough to trigger his quests and be done with him.
But Dorn? He's not exactly shrugging off blows and while he's offensively powerful, he often comes close to death (and in reloads) more often than Neera does, and I've got him in Ankheg armor at this point. He is one of the slower progressing NPC's due to using the Paladin XP chart, so I don't think he's particularly unbalanced. My bard and Imoen both have 2-3 levels up on him already.
Concerning his stats, I'm largely unconcerned. He's a Paladin, Paladins have superstats, and he's a Half-Orc, if he didn't have a 19 Strength, I'd wonder what the point was.
He's not really a tank, and overall he's occupying a similar place to Minsc in my party, damage-dealing melee who needs a little micromanagement to keep him healthy.
Regarding the 19 strength and his being a Half-Orc - there are other characters that don't max out on their race's special stat, like Yeslick, Kivan or Monty. Beamdog could have just given him an 18/xx STR and leave it up to the player whether to give him the boosting tome and make him even nastier. I think he should be in the game because he's an interesting character, not because the game needed a Half-Orc and those are strong so he should be super strong and then, to top it up, get an illegal but very powerful kit as a small addition. His lower HP are a disadvantage, but come on. No fighter-type NPC except Kagain has more than 17 CON, most have 16 or less, so in comparison he's missing out on about two HP per level at max hit rolls (which a lot of people don't enforce), which equals out to him being able to take approximately one and a half hits less than others at the end of the game. Hardly crippling, in my opinion.
Edit: I just did the maths; the average CON for all fighter types (single and multiclass) is 15.3. Dorn misses out a little, but really just a little, so yeah. Give him the tome, and he's very much up to par, while most likely being above average in the other stats and in his kit abilities.
Also, I just found a few tv show easter eggs, one about the walking dead during Dorns sidequest and one was in conversation with him, where I could reply to him with the immortal line "I'm not in Danger Dorn, I AM the danger." Hah. Loved it and Dorn fell in line immediately.
At first I was annoyed that he didnt have prof in ranged, but I gave him slings at lvl 3, and now he is good at ranged too, he has fighter base thaco after all.
Tanks you say?! tanks are for whimps. Viconia has the best AC in my party, and with her low Con she gets torn apart as fast as anyone else. the trick is to disable and shred all enemies within the first 2 rounds of combat. also i reload a lot hahahaha.
No but really Rasaad is definately viable. His greatest asset is his speed. Against opponents that are purely melee, I just give everyone but him a ranged weapon and kite with Rasaad. He runs circles around everything! As previously posted, he's also great at getting around your enemy's front line and striking their casters. Even when on the front lines, I move him out when he gets targeted, and back in when the enemy switches target to Dorn. I just gave him a point in Darts, and I think that'll add to his versatility a great deal. Now when hes almost dead and I have to run him away, he'll still be able to contribute.
Again, being a monk and not needing equipment also makes him a super cheap date! That's good too because having both Dorn and Viccy really makes people hate you. I just gave Keldoth several thousand gold so I could get slow poison over Horror. I'm all "why is my pc having nightmares? I'm a decent guy! Sure I'm guilty by association but why should that affect my subconscious?"
But back to Rasaad! I also think it's awesome that they intend to bring him back in BG2:EE where we all know he will turn into a bad ass dragon punching ninja, and I will get to think back on all the times I watched him get killed by wolves, and laugh. So theres that for all of us who like to think long-term.
Also it's not like every NPC in BG is amazing. That's kinda the point. You can challenge yourself in so many differnt ways in this game! One of coolest ways, imo, you can challenge yourself is by using sub-optimal party members. I've never used Tiax or Quayle or Faldorn or Garrick, but I'm sure lots of people have and appreciate them for their flavor and the alternate play-styles they provide. I've never played a monk in BG2 so I'm loving getting some experience with a weird class.
On the other hand, if you're playing some crazy no-reloads challenge, well then yea he's probably boarderline useless.
edit: wow i just wrote an essay about rasaad in a thread for Dorn. whoopsies sorry hahaha.
Rasaad will definitely surpass Dorn in power at some point in BG2, unless they add some crazy new blackguard items. Endgame SoA monk is better than endgame SoA palain.
Legacy of 2e rules. Take a character that is is hard to survive at low levels with and you are rewarded in the late game. A different conception of balance. 2e rules were largely unafraid to unbalance characters in various points of the game. Fighters rule through the first eight or nine levels, traditionally the hardest to survive. after that other classes tend to creep up in relative power.
I just started a black pits game and I can find it in special abilities.