Have we gotten Shadowkeeper working?
See subject! I just pilfered Drizzt's toys and feel like editing my alignment and proficiencies to be able to use em. Anyone know if we've gotten it to work yet, and how? I heard it could be done similar to the way we got WeiDU mods working, but I don't see instructions anywhere.
1) Open "...Documents\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\"
2) Copy "baldur.ini", "characters", and "saves"
3) Open "...Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766[or whatever number it is]\"
4) Paste the three copied files and folders into this directory
5) In this same directory, open "lang\en_us\" (or whatever language you're intending to use)
6) Copy "dialog.tlk"
7) Return to the root "\00766\" directory
8) Paste the copied "dialog.tlk" file into this directory
9) Open Shadowkeeper, and set the installation directory to the "\00766\" folder. (The program will yell at you because it's not BG2, but that's fine).
10) Restart Shadowkeeper.
Remember to copy the files back to your Documents folder when you're done, or the changes won't appear in-game.
open up command prompt (cmd) in the game directory (where baldur.exe is), and (note, you can paste things there, just not with ctrl+v):
mklink /j "save" "[location of your documents]\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save"
mklink /j "characters" "[location of your documents]\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\characters"
and optionally, add mpsave too, or if you're an even cooler cat (who doesn't play well with people), add The Black Pits save location as:
mklink /j "mpsave" "[location of your documents]\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\bpsave"
now checking the multiplayer games box in when trying to edit saved games will bring up The Black Pits saves.
Download the ShadowKeeper source code from: http://www.mud-master.com/shadowkeeper/ShadowKeeperSource.zip
Download the following changed source files from: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/77349605/ShadowKeeperChangesBGEE.zip
Copy and replace the changed source files over the original.
Compile and hopefully run (the .uld files that come with current compiled version will need to be in the same directory as the new .exe)!
A few notes:
My C++ experience is minimal and I can't test the changes so I may have made mistakes. The changes are fairly minor so hopefully it should be fine (and I'd hope that someone with a full copy of VC++ would have the knowledge to fix any of my mistakes anyway).
It only works for English language versions as I hardcoded the Dialog.tlk directory to lang\en_US\. I'm not sure where the language is set and it might require a UI change which again would require full VC++.
The existing guides to getting ShadowKeeper working mention copying baldur.ini to the 00766 directory. I couldn't find any reference in the source code to this file so either this isn't necessary or I've missed something.
Versions of VC++ past 2008 fail to load and convert VC++6 projects so there is going to be more work to get it working in them.
Anyway hope this helps someone.
edit: I found a guide for compiling MFC applications in Express editions and I've been making some progress. It appears the VC++6 to 2008 conversion process isn't great and I've had to make quite a lot of extra tweaks (including commenting out the BG2 reg key check because it's not needed for BG:EE and I can't be bothered working out how to fix it). Ground to a halt again at a missing nafxcw.lib file but more hopeful of getting something working now.
edit2: Don't think I'm going to go any further on this. Got it compiled in VS2008 Express after much hassle however it refuses to pick up the .uld files (it loads them fine as far as I can see, but it fails to deserialise them and doesn't seem to error doing it). Managed to obtain a copy of VC++ 6 too and again it failed at the same stage. I can't get debugging working in any environment and I'm at a dead end with sticking message boxes at various points to get more information out. On the positive side my changes didn't seem to cause any problems so assuming someones can work out the other problems it should be good for BG:EE. In case anyone else picks this up there are 2 errors I was getting common to both versions of VS: libc.lib needs to ignored by the linker and it couldn't find nafxcw.lib which is trickier to solve - I found a version of the file online and it got past the error but I wonder if it might be the cause of the .uld problem.