Neera and Rasaad's Quests (no spoilers...just my two cents)

I just wrapped up Rasaad's quest line, after having done Neera's yesterday, and personally, I like them a lot! I haven't taken Dorn, though I will be using him later (with another PC) for sure. Specifically, I liked the intrigue in Rasaad's...I promised not to spoil, so I hope others will play him to find out. He makes a pretty effective dart thrower, and can flank in a pinch (I managed to find a +1 for each of his weapons too). All around, he's worth having for his story. Neera's was pretty good too, though not as intrigue-laden. All around, I think these two are concrete members of my party going forward, except Rasaad, if I'm playing an evil PC (it would be my first ever evil PC but I definitely want to use Dorn and others that I largely ignore). I hope others share the same opinion, or similar, or give them a try. Very glad I bought this iteration of the game, early glitches and all.
Sadly, Neera is not a replacement either. A shame. Good mage otherwise.
Her wild magic surly adds to the thrill, lol.
In the final battle of her quest line I had all down but one, Neera casts her last MM on him and
causes a Fireball wild surge and takes 3 party members down + herself. The whole battle ruined *sigh*.
At least it won't get boring
Well I met her at beregost and I like the voice acting, I think she is well fleshed out... but to me I dislike her, she would annoy me in real life with her "cutsie" cheesey child like word play. Anyway I needed a mage so I dragged her along by the hair. She wanted me to find some dude after blabbering about her life and how she melted the faces of her class mates. So we went to this said place of no importance, very good replication of baldurs gate art, however completely boring as its just an S shaped track with some cry a baby who talked about his death of his partner or something which is fair enough. there are Loads of goblins that stand around, I walked into a cave, killed some goblins, found a fat wild mage who has no clue about anything. Mages pop up who also have good voice acting skills and proceeded to attack me! took them out and then I was given some sort of award but he disappeared as for some reason wild magic is really random but funnily enough the script engine always makes them do something better than fireball yourself or heal all enemies
is she supposed to never talk again after she pulls a hissy fit . because when it ended I literally said wtf? is that it. it ended so abruptly and its a little silly she has nothing else to say considering all the stuff that is happening around you.
edit* complaisant isn't the right word, whiny and cringey and childish is a better description
Edit 2* Never mind, I think my game was glitched, I found a video with more conversations with neera.
Especially when the enemy fighters were hitting 19s and such