Xan died. 1 hit koed with a crit hit from my polymorphed imp.

*Le sing* 'Impy I love you, love you I do! Impy, I love you coz you killed Xan'.

*Le sing* 'Impy I love you, love you I do! Impy, I love you coz you killed Xan'.
BTW, welcome back to the new forums.
Got it from http://artastrophe.deviantart.com/, but apparently he took it down?
Graywolf was a complete PITA, until I remembered to grab the rod of frost and use it with blind. On the otherhand the Nashkel mines were easy peasy with spamming sleep all over the place and letting my impy - beast kill all the kobolds, for I installed the universal weapon fighting styles and at levels 1 + 6 my wizard is putting points into two handed weapon style to later complement the swashbuckler levels which took 2 points in quarterstaffs and 1 shortbow. Therefore his current skill with using any weapon is just pathetic.
Due to having to dual class at 6 swashbuckler with the BG1 XP cap, Id have too few weapon proficiencies to fully create a scimitar dual wielder.
Hear me out.
You don't have to do a quest for him that requires killing another npc, (Edwin).
You don't have to take another NPC along with him, (Dynaheir and Minsc are stuck together). I mean sure you can kill one, but I feel bad doing that.
He doesn't bitch if you have high rep. Maybe at 20 rep. Maybe.
Blow up spells from evocation school are basically all in wands anyway. Magic Missiles aren't good until at least fifth level caster.
He has access to all the good buff spells.
50% fire resistance is good when stacked with a ring/robes/potion of fire resistance. Wade into fireballs and get HEALED.
7 con and no magic missile = useless mage.
His moonblade would've been MUCH more interesting if it was a returning thrown weapon, rather then a melee one. Keep him out of harms way, actually be useful for attack in most situations, could cast strength on himself for a +4 damage boost.
How appropriate.
And Neera I can't stand to be around. The whole kit/voice/colour scheme/portrait/her entire being. Irks me.