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The Mystery of Boo

I've been playing BG for a long time now and the release of BG EE was awesome news to say the least, but there is one thing that always puzzled me in the original... Boo.

Does Boo have any other purpose other than taking up what could be a useful quick item slot in Minsc's inventory? Maybe in the enhanced edition Boo could become like a magical item that dissolves Sarevok with a single click?

Could someone please let me know what they think about Boo? Also, if anyone has discovered a purpose for the space hamster besides absolutely nothing could you let me know



  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75

    There is no point to Boo. He literally takes up a useful quick item slot. And that is all. He squeaks when you click on him though. It's delightful. And whenever you are getting irritated with the game pwning you all the click Boo. SQUEAK! SQUEAK! SQUEAK!

    It's glorious!

    Such a shame - Boo could totally be the central piece for the BG3 storyline - He's actually a shapeshifting darklord.

    Ah well, thanks for the clarification
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    @JoeWalker There is that one quest in BG where you find that little boy and he wants you to find Rufie his dog with a squeaky toy. Well it's more like a dire wolf I think lol. When you approach it, it follows you cause of the toy. When the little boy gets it...he turns into a huge demon and they leave together. Or was it Rufie that was the huge demon? Can't remember now. Either way...maybe that is Boo. Oh sure just cute, but probably just some really bizarre planar being...getting a kick out of how redunculous Minsc is.
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    I remember that quest I was like - Did not see that coming!

    I might research making a mod or something strictly for turning Boo into a highly explosive grenade of returning or something - that might give Minsc the edge he needs
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Holy Hamgrenade! :DDDD
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    deltago said:

    I want someone to make a mod where Boo has babies and they slowly take over Minsc inventory being unable to move the squeeking rodents.

    "fear me evil. I have an ARMY of HAMSTERS AT MY DISPOSAL!"

    But ya, Boo is just and always will be just a tool for characterizing Minsc.

  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75

    Holy Hamgrenade! :DDDD


  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Maybe Minsc's "Head Injury" was really an accident where Minsc and Boo swapped brains!
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    CaptRory said:

    Maybe Minsc's "Head Injury" was really an accident where Minsc and Boo swapped brains!

    That's definitely possible as Boo seems to wear the boots in the Minsc/Boo relationship - Minsc is always telling you that Boo says this, Boo thinks that blah blah blah it's like who's waving the great sword, you or Boo you bloody idiot!
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Boo ends up riding with Commander who do you think? XD Course Shepard didn't recognize Commander Boo's authority and look what happened...
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Does minsc enjoy getting his prostate massaged by small furry creatures?
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    Mungri said:

    Does minsc enjoy getting his prostate massaged by small furry creatures?

    I think overhaul are looking into this - there has been some controversy regarding Minsc and his prostate.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Boo is just minsc's prostate milker, hence why he seems to be a pan sexual.
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    Am I right in thinking that Kivan is the better option over Minsc if you're wanting a ranger that is skilled with a bow? Also, if you do choose Minsc is he better at melee or ranged?
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    The best archer in the game I think is Coran. Minsc is better at melee.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    (Coran is a fighter/thief I think)
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75

    The best archer in the game I think is Coran. Minsc is better at melee.

    Is better to have Minsc+Imoen or Kivan+Coran?
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    It depends what you want to do. I usually like to dual-class imoen as mage/thief and keep Coran around since he can master bows. You then keep Minsc as melee although he is also a good archer as well. He's pretty much the best NPC in the game in terms of fighting. I would then add Ajantis and Yeslick if you want a good guy party.
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    Sounds good, I've never tried that - what level do you dual-class Imoen?
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Level 6. I would use Coran as your thief until you level Imoen to Level 7 mage.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    If you want a good NPC to substitute before you get Yeslick (since you find him a bit later) I would suggest Branwen. She's that chick that was turned to stone at the circus. She's a neutral cleric and can be useful until you get the dwarf.
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    I'm not familiar with the whole dual-classing thing so if I dual class Imoen will she have level 1 mage spells or whatever level 7 offers?

    And, do you think that this new Dorn guy would work well instead of Yeslick or Minsc? Or is Dorn too evil in a good party? Like I read that if you get too many good rep points evil characters turn on you.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    @JoeWalker I knew you were going to ask to explain dual-classing. Haha.

    This thread does a better job than I can. But basically...let's say you have Imoen at level 6 thief and then you dual-class her. You keep her HP, but then you lose everything else of her level. She basically becomes a Level 1...we'll go with mage since that's the popular thing to do with her (and what happens anyone in BG2). Once you make your way to a level 7 get your thief skills back, plus what you have as a mage. And that is the payoff.

    However that is why you need another thief in your party while you're doing that.

    As for Dorn, well...evil characters never really work out with good ones. They always end up fighting and eventually there is the potential that they will fight each other to the death. So far I have a very bizarre party in my game with all three new characters plus Imoen. I'm watching to see what happens. My reputation is average so far. And he hasn't whined yet. Dorn does seem to exercise the possibility of changing his tune, but maybe that's just me reading into his voice and dialog too much. I haven't gotten through the quest.

    If you are concerned about evil characters in an otherwise good party, I have learned today that if you remove them from your party and re-add them that this lowers your reputation by 2 each time you do that. So that might help you from having the fellow butcher your group in their sleep. :)
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    "GO FOR the EYES BOO, GO FOR the EYES!" Minsc should get a special ability blindness with the boo icon.
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    rel="darthchair">@JoeWalker I knew you were going to ask to explain dual-classing. Haha...

    I understand - Yeah I remember Imoen being quite good in BG2, I'll definitely give it a try this run through

    As for Dorn, well I'll just have to kill some peasants every now and again
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    Just gonna throw this out there - Boo as a playable character? I think that could work
  • smartroadsmartroad Member Posts: 47
    What about Boo as a Familiar? That's was iI assumed he was when I first brought the game all those years ago lol
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    JoeWalker said:

    Just gonna throw this out there - Boo as a playable character? I think that could work

    I believe small furry animals like rats get a huge physical resistance in the game (90%?) I tried killing rats in the slum area of bg2 and I usually could only do 1-2 damage and kill them.

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