BG::EE was released too quickly

I own a new Mac and have an old PC.
Since the website still says that the Max OS X version will come out two days ago and I have tried to contact @trentoster 2-3 times about when we can expect any release for iPad or Mac without answer I became tired of it and choose to download it on the PC. The download went well... and the I try to launch it. Nothing. Black screen and nothing more then halv a second of music. Crash. Nothing more. No information about hove to fix it. Nothing.
I search the website and see a link that will fix the problem. At least according to @trentoster . I installed it. The same thing. Black screen. Nothing more. Game crashes.
Did the developers become greedy and needed the money before they where ready to release the game? It sure seems so. But of course I don't know...
I'm a little disappointed. But just a little. I still love you guys.
Since the website still says that the Max OS X version will come out two days ago and I have tried to contact @trentoster 2-3 times about when we can expect any release for iPad or Mac without answer I became tired of it and choose to download it on the PC. The download went well... and the I try to launch it. Nothing. Black screen and nothing more then halv a second of music. Crash. Nothing more. No information about hove to fix it. Nothing.
I search the website and see a link that will fix the problem. At least according to @trentoster . I installed it. The same thing. Black screen. Nothing more. Game crashes.
Did the developers become greedy and needed the money before they where ready to release the game? It sure seems so. But of course I don't know...
I'm a little disappointed. But just a little. I still love you guys.
Post edited by Dee on
I believe trent should put the bugs fix in more higher piority , not reply to you ~
I suggest you can re-refund it first and wait for a while when those bugs be fixed ,
Trent and the guys sold something that wasn't ready for the market.
When i play enhanced edition , i figure out it worth to play couple years , if the feature can get better and better and continue support on going ~~
If there are no Overhaul Games , i don't feel BG series can live more longer time in the future ,
Yes , they don't handle it very well , but it is still on going ..
Small company need to make profit first , otherwise they will die and no further BG-EE sereis ,
Market will decide if they were qualified or not later ~
That's why the UI scales up to a blurry mess, rather than having discrete resolution settings. That's why the text is blurry, the spell icons etc. It's all dynamically scaled up or down, depending on your screen resolution, which is how android and iOS games cope with different device screen sizes.
What they should have done for the PC version:
Incorporated the bug fixes released by the community over the years
Incorporated the Widescreen mod into the main game files
Looked at TuTu and converted BG1 into the BG2 engine in a similar or identical fashion
Fixed the stuff they broke as they went along
Increased the number of screen resolution settings to cater to modern PC displays (1680*1050 & 1920*1080)
Surely the "devs" could have made specific changes to the PC version alone in order to have the game look its best to what will be it's primary audience for the initial release. That initial audience will be the ones spreading the word about how the game runs, looks, plays (and by extension, the quality of work done by Beamdog), long before the mobile device versions get released. Too much bad mouthing about the EE by the time they get rolled out will virtually kill the chances of the mobile versions seeing good sales. ATM the game is virtually heading there already - see the GameBanshee review for starters.
They really should have thought this through better tbh, and known that first impressions last, for a long time, and they are very hard to shake or rectify.
I was fortunate enough to have an extra computer lying around that uses an ATI video card, and the game runs like a champ on that rig.
But I was pretty horrified when the game repeatedly crashed my computer with a GeForce video card and Intel CPU; and to see my laptop, which also uses Intel, run the game in an incredibly lagged (and unplayable) fashion--and not even playing the movies.
For now I'm playing the game on my computer with the ATI card. I'm not even worrying about running it on the other two computers. I'll just wait until a full fix is implemented.
It's hard to estimate how many customers are affected by the Intel problem. And I have no idea if there was anything Beamdog could have done better in preparation for the issues we saw at launch. But my guess is that some sort of fix should have been made for Intel graphics drivers prior to releasing the game.
Its just frustrating...I was looking forward to this so much, and so far I've only been able to play a little bit through due to the slowdown when there are lots of spell animations and things happening.
@RedGuard - Yeah, I'm going to keep playing through as far as I can and wait for something to happen in future that could speed up the performance. I'll try looking, but I'm quite new to this forum and its hard to find threads, let alone individual members hehe =p Thanks for the tip
When I built my Pc two yrs ago, int. graphics were getting better. Nvidia and amd had mobo graphics that were barely acceptable for gaming, which was a news story. But the general thought as I recall was that Intel int. graphics suck and cause a lot of bugs.
I have an amd/ati rig, radeon hd 5700gfx. Intel is for Yankees fans. : )
We would have gotten a Full Quality GUI and less Technical Problems.
Miscalculations can happen, but they SHOULD not happen.
Because if you create a pc port from an tablet port, which was in the first place a pc original game, so many small mistakes can flow into the final code base, but i am sure, it is only a matter of some big patches until things do flow.... better.
And to show that that is indeed true, just take the fact that Tablets work well with OpenGL - one more evidence that the PC EE is a 1:1 copy of the tablet EE !! It runs with OpenGL and does not support Directx
It is like consoles. You have more or less a fixed hardware, and nothing can go wrong.
PC is different. You have tons of graphic cards, cpu's, main boards - DirectX would have been the more intelligent way for PC.
Beyond trolling, you just seem to not have any clue how computers, software, or programming works. If you did, you wouldn't make such silly statements.
I've heard that Intel treats Open GL as a second class citizen for Windows when compared to DirectX so it may be why there are so many people having issues with Intel-based solutions. They don't put the resources in to their OpenGL drivers as they do for DirectX. I really wished they didn't tie this so hard to Open GL.
But since when it is forbidden to count the facts together and say what you believe?
If i am wrong, i am sorry. I never planned to insult anyone or anything. Ok? Feel free to proove me wrong, i am interested to listen to your explanation or how you count things together
So, why do you say this? What features from BG vanilla have been removed in BGEE to make it more able to be played on a tablet? The initial targeted tablet (iPad) has a higher resolution than 1080p, so the graphics clearly aren't dumbed down from the tablet version. Additionally (IIRC), the iPad version was announced substantially after the project began. So why do keep saying this?
When I bought a Lenovo laptop about 2 years ago it was a great bang for the buck at Costco, which is what made me decide to get it. It's quite a powerful laptop specs-wise. It has an Intel chipset. I never intended to use if for gaming, though.
The other computer that I have that the game crashes uses a NVIDIA GeForce card, which about 4 years ago was a pretty good one, lol. I only play BG, really. So I never thought my video card would matter for gaming!
I think for the future I will certainly go with AMD and ATI, which is what the computer has that I'm playing BG:EE with so flawlessly.
It is quite in a low resolution, You can not count the quality demands between Tablets and computers as a 1:1 ratio - There are screens around which can be larger as the most largest tablet
Same goes for the New Intro Movie.
For a tablet Version you have to create a bit lower Content, because a tablet is never as strong as a pc... No matter how high the resolution of the tablet is for example.
Now... If it would have been otherwise, the Tablet Would feature more HQ Content, but its the opposite in reality. The PC EE features so much less Low Res Content.
You get it now? If you stil disagree, it is your right to do, i accept your opinion for sure, but do also accept mine.
And please.. Do not accuse me of trolling anymore, i never cursed or humilated anyone at no time
Peace and out
And.. I even tried to defend the EE - Because accusing that something is released too early indicates that the makers have not cared at all. While a miscalculation is not made in the first place, it can happen.
Things are cleared up hopefully by now? My Honor Defended and Restored? I am happy again