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Emotion: Hopelessness affects party

LiggLigg Member Posts: 187
edited November 2013 in Not An Issue
Observed behaviour
I cast Emotion in the Black Pits and knocked out four of my own party.

Expected Behaviour
The 4th Level mage spell Emotion: Hopelessness is party friendly and only affects enemies.

Edit: I'm not sure about this now. All I can say is that my party members fell asleep after casting emotion. I checked through the feedback to see if it had been cast by an enemy mage. I couldn't find anything.

Post edited by Balquo on


  • dam23dam23 Member Posts: 30
    It has always affected the whole party, even in bg1/2 , if I remember correctly.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @dam23 I'm not sure you do. From the BG2 manual: "...a feeling of hopelessness upon the enemies within the visual sight of the caster."

    Now granted, the manual might not have been right but..
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    Well, my memory is vague of the actual working and i never rtfm.
    But when i checked the item in editor, the intention is quite clearly not to affect party.
    This is the same in ToB (possibly after several rounds of patches/fixpacks) and BGEE.
    If it doesn't work, it is a bug, but i have to check it.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Some targets might have been affected by spell turning.
    Other than that, this spell works perfectly.
    Just tested it with Xan.
    No one was affected - Xan is normal :D
    emo.PNG 337.8K
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    dam23 said:

    It has always affected the whole party, even in bg1/2 , if I remember correctly.

    No. I am a big fan of the original (still have a working copy of The Original Saga and BG2 with ToB) and emotion is my favorite 4th level spell. I know for certain that it did NOT target party members. It would only target enemies (and neutrals in BG1 only).
  • LiggLigg Member Posts: 187
    Would spell turning do that? I only thought it was useful for acid arrow/blindness/magic missile etc..
    I don't know that it could turn Emotion back onto my own party. Well, if you don't learn something everyday...
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    Ligg said:

    Would spell turning do that? I only thought it was useful for acid arrow/blindness/magic missile etc..
    I don't know that it could turn Emotion back onto my own party. Well, if you don't learn something everyday...

    No. Spell turning only affects spells that directly target the caster of spell turning like magic missile and such. It would NOT bounce area of effect spells like fireball and emotion and the like.

    On a side note I do remember that in the original BG2 the 5th lvl priest spell: Greater Command did affect everyone in its area of effect including party members. This spell is almost identical in effect to emotion (knocks stuff out) so perhaps some people were confusing the two.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    This also happens in Icewind dale. It's a spell i rarely if ever used before but as i'm playing through iwd atm, time permitting, I tried it for the 1st time and i had to roflmao as it missed all my ennemies but knocked out 3 of my party.
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