The least useful school of magic for a solo mage

Hello fellow magelings,
I just started a solo mage game and I'm playing a non-specialist, because I wasn't sure which school of magic to neglect, however, I really miss that extra spell slot per level
So, for future reference, I decided to collect some input on the usefulness of particular schools. Go ahead and share your opinion as to which one is the least useful (for a solo character rather than a team player). Apart from voting, please substantiate your choice.
I'll cast a blank vote as I honestly have no idea.
I just started a solo mage game and I'm playing a non-specialist, because I wasn't sure which school of magic to neglect, however, I really miss that extra spell slot per level

I'll cast a blank vote as I honestly have no idea.
- The least useful school of magic for a solo mage171 votes
- Alteration  3.51%
- Divination50.88%
- Conjuration  4.09%
- Evocation  5.26%
- Necromancy11.11%
- Enchantment10.53%
- Illusion  7.60%
- Abjuration  7.02%
Edit: I have never tried Wail of the Banshee when combined with Greater Malison, but I imagine that helps make it considerably more effective. So it along with Horrid Wilting are certainly reasons to keep necromancer spells open if you want a strong late game mage, but generally I'd still say you can pass on the school if needed .
That said, I do not think enchantment is useless, but I don't think it is critical.
Explanation on why I think the other schools are more important, please bear in mind that I have actually never played solo mage:
Abjuration: It Contains almost all protection spells, vs spell and vs weapons, while this might be of less use in a party of 6, it is crucial solo. It also contains most anti-protection spell, which is essential in bg2
Alteration: Stoneskin, haste and slow, later on Tenser's transformation and time stop
Conjuration: Summons make excellent meat shields.
Divination: One reason, you can't target partially visible creatures with spells. May be replaceable with glitterdust though.
Enchantment: The big drawbacks of not having enchantment spells is the lack of Sleep (in bg1) and greater malison, There are no enchantment spells over level 5. In bg1 you'll have Algernon's cloak, so charm won't be a problem.
Evocation: Probably the best school with magic missle, web, fireball and cloudkill to name a few.
Illusion: Invisibility, Mirror image, Blur, Projected Image, Simulacrum
Necromancy: Not very useful in bg1, even if horror and skull trap are excellent spells. It truly shine late bg2 though with finger of death and Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting.
That said, if I would go solo I'd go wild mage, unless it was no-reload.
Alteration: Stoneskin. nuff said.
Divination: not useless, but maybe skippable.
Conjuration: if you're soloing, you want to summon.
Evocation: heh, no way.
Necromancy: horror, aka the best second level spell, and spirit armor... how about NO.
Enchantment: basically all the best spells are enchantment. if you want to win a fight, you use enchantment. Dynaheir is next to useless because she's missing this school. definitely the MOST important spells are here.
Illusion: the loss of mirror image alone means you're kinda screwed.
Abjuration: in a team, where Edwin doesn't have access to divination spell, you probably want to lose this. soloing, well... doable. second best to skip after divination. (going strictly by BGEE, not BG2 - abjuration is required there)
tl;dr version: skip divination, aka be a conjurer. if you want to change things up, transmuter is also worthwhile. others are mostly horrid.
Conjuration for example is barred from both Divination and Evocation.
Best schools are definitely Evocation (the powerful offensive spells like Magic Missile), Alteration (the key defensive spells like Stoneskin) and Conjuration (Summoning, Dynaheir being much weaker for lacking).
That said, I would agree with aXidal; a Wild Mage gets you the extra spell slot without having to give up any schools, if you don't mind having to reload after the occasional wild surge gone horribly awry. At higher levels Nahal's Reckless Dweomer + (Imp.) Chaos Shield can also be an interesting way to put your level 1 spell slots to use.
there is a reason the term "scry and die" exist, or little fun things like using magic to find an underground river, and the wall closest to it, then casually downing every enemy hiding in that particular cave... even in low level parties, the words "hey, that guy you sorta trust is blocking my divination attempts directed at him, I think you should go and stab him about 534 times" can easily give an unprepared DM something akin to a brain aneurysm.
It doesnt anymore in the BG2 engine, it only has Enchantment as the opposition school.
I dont understand why that in vanilla BG, there were two schools with two opposition schools, and all the rest only had one opposition.
I missclicked for conjurer.
Divination ofk
Divination may contain a lot of reduntant spells, but being able to counter invisibility feels sort of crucial.
After further investigation....Evocation Specialization is loses some conjuration, but not others.
Nothing it does is really all that spectacular...Skull trap by itself replaces pretty much every useful evocation damage spell.....the loss of web is regrettable, but.. ya can't have everything...well..actually you can technically (plain mage...or for the brave..WILD MAGE!?)...haha
And true sight is essential for a solo mage, since you're gonna need to save your dispels for things actually worth dispelling..especially if you're up against an improved invisibility spammer.
Strictly speaking, a Sorcerer is better as a solo...but only cause of how limited the selection of spells, combined with engine limitations GROSSLY under-powering several schools of magic that are actually quite powerful in PnP. They get 1 more spell cast per spell level per day, and with good spell picks can handle any situation from lvl 1 to till the end of ToB.
My proposed spell is a "scan" spell. It displays the target's current hp, character stats, attacks per round, magic resistance, physical resistance, saving throws, immunities, items it carries currently and other perks about the target. Every round for 1 turn, displays the target's hp. Magic resistance cant stop this spell. Also no saving throw.
Edit: This should work well with the power word stun/kill spell. No more guessing.