Basic rules

Well, BG is AD&D 2nd Edition, without all PHB options (like no non-weapon proficiencies), some rules additions from sourcebooks (like the kits from the "complete" classes series), disregarding other rules from the same sources (like no ranger/bards and bard/druids from the complete bards), and introducing some stuff from 3rd edition like sorcerers and monks (though some of that actually is based on 1st Ed). Basically it's some 2.5 Edition.
Well, I have a huge shelf of old AD&D books as well as 3rd and 3.5 Edition books (ahem, and Pathfinder stuff), as well as some CDs like Core Rules + Evermore Expansion or FR Atlas, along with loads of PDFs on my HD (which is completely ok since I DO own the genuine paper originals), but, this might not apply for many other players.
So what P&P rules IS BG:EE actually based on? Since 2nd Ed is not published anymore for quite some time, is there a chance that Wizards of the Coast might allow the devs to publish the rules that are supposed to be the backbone of the game - at least for the betatesters to be? After all you can't betatest rule behaviour if you don't know what the rules are supposed to be.
Well, I have a huge shelf of old AD&D books as well as 3rd and 3.5 Edition books (ahem, and Pathfinder stuff), as well as some CDs like Core Rules + Evermore Expansion or FR Atlas, along with loads of PDFs on my HD (which is completely ok since I DO own the genuine paper originals), but, this might not apply for many other players.
So what P&P rules IS BG:EE actually based on? Since 2nd Ed is not published anymore for quite some time, is there a chance that Wizards of the Coast might allow the devs to publish the rules that are supposed to be the backbone of the game - at least for the betatesters to be? After all you can't betatest rule behaviour if you don't know what the rules are supposed to be.
- 2nd Edition D&D Rules.
another reason to make FAQ Thread steaky
I guess that new games could only be made with 5E, with is not a bad thing judging from the playtest.
It has a nice old school feeling, and could feel like a 2.5 game
One design goal of 5E is to please old school gamers AND newer gamers.
It's modular. You can use the basic rules to play a nice, quick and easy kind of 2.5 like game.
If you want to have a more 3E or even 4E feeling you can use optional rules.
If fifth is taking the best of all (because 4th did have some good ideas), I'm very curious to see what it's like.
Plus, it means that video games made with the 5th Ed rules can be a lot like 3rd edition due to the freedom of the system.