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Leaving a party member behind in the Dorn encounter

Where does that person go - since you meet Dorn in an "encounter" area that you cannot go back to?


  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    They disappear into the ether.
  • Dark_NeuronDark_Neuron Member Posts: 58
    Really, thats unfortunate.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    If you dont take Dorm however, he'll say he is going to the friendly arm inn.

    So you can redo your party management there.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Yeah, this has always been the case. Also this is why you cant save in ambush areas.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It does seem to be a problem, though. More a problem in general with NPCs not going someplace realistic, but exacerbated by the fact that in this case there's literally no way to retrieve them; you might as well just Ctrl+Y them and take their stuff.
  • Dark_NeuronDark_Neuron Member Posts: 58
    Well, I lost Kagain this way then. I suppose I could have lost a better character.
  • NoonNoon Member Posts: 202
    I dropped Khalid during this encounter, but later, i went to this encounter area again except khalid, still at the same place. I don't know how i got here, i was travelling between the south areas, maybe to the mine i can't be sure.
  • XiterroseXiterrose Member Posts: 2
    If you get into an ambush encounter in that same area, the party member will still be there. I dropped Kagain and later got into a random encounter and found him still standing there.
  • tobajastobajas Member Posts: 77
    This was always a problem in BG 1 since the place you told the npc to leave the party was the place that npc got stuck in. It was fixed in BG 2 by letting you chose if they should stay in place or return to a fixed "home" area which was different for every character usually were you first recruited them.
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  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Well, I lost Kagain this way then. I suppose I could have lost a better character.

    Nope, not particularly.

  • Dark_NeuronDark_Neuron Member Posts: 58
    Noon said:

    I dropped Khalid during this encounter, but later, i went to this encounter area again except khalid, still at the same place. I don't know how i got here, i was travelling between the south areas, maybe to the mine i can't be sure.

    Thanks. I found him this way.
  • WoozWooz Member Posts: 32
    Kagain is one of the best fighters around, arguably the best in my opinion...I mean, he regens health...c'mon.
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