BG2EE Anticipation Thread

This won't be confusing, right?
Anyway, BGEE is here. And barring months spent correcting bugs and more months spent on DLC, the Beamdog 13 should be starting work on Baldur's Gate 2's enhanced edition sometime relatively soon, right? (After the requisite vacation, of course).
And that's awesome. And not just because all those nasty, irritating journal-related bugs won't be an issue.
So, let's get down to it. What are you fine folks hoping to see Beamdog change or add to Shadows of Amn and/or Throne of Bhaal?
Anyway, BGEE is here. And barring months spent correcting bugs and more months spent on DLC, the Beamdog 13 should be starting work on Baldur's Gate 2's enhanced edition sometime relatively soon, right? (After the requisite vacation, of course).
And that's awesome. And not just because all those nasty, irritating journal-related bugs won't be an issue.
So, let's get down to it. What are you fine folks hoping to see Beamdog change or add to Shadows of Amn and/or Throne of Bhaal?
Specifically, these are the things I'd like to see.
1. More areas. BG2 was a lot less of an open world. A simple addition I'd like to see would be some more generic "wilderness" areas on the map between the important places, like in BG1. They wouldn't need to have much content. Just like BG, a few special encounters, short NPC semi-quests (like the nobleman who wanted to jump off a cliff at the beginning of BG1) to add some flavor to the game and make the world feel "bigger."
2. A new stronghold for Shadows of Amn. Something that has fewer (or none at all) class or race restrictions. Ideally I'd like to see a customizable player-stronghold that can be entered at any time via an inventory item, that could be used in both SoA and ToB.
3. One or two more Bhaalspawn powers. The Slayer was cool, but it seems like a demigod should get a few more unique abilities. Maybe an ability that triples your chances of getting a critical attack for a brief period of time? (You are the scion of murder, after all). Or maybe some sort of ranged energy attack (HADOKEN!) to make those melee Bhaalspawn feel a bit more like those super-awesome sorcerers.
4. More quests and characters! Not necessarily new party members, just more crazy characters with lots of dialog and decent roles in large-sized quests. I'd love to see some more quests that do things "differently" -- like forcing the player to solo certain areas, or like those awesome areas where you had to solve a bunch of riddles to get through. Loved that.
6. I get that Beamdog can't really change existing stuff, but I'd love to see some of the ideas that were never implemented with original characters implmented with the new characters. Remember Aeries' baby? Why not extend the romance quests for the new NPCs at least to the point of marriage.
7. Friend-quests. This one is kind of a long-shot, but I thought it would be cool if every character could have a romance quest line that could be straight (i.e. lover's path) and also "as a friend." That way, we could experience all of those quests on a single play-through without having to romance every party member in the game, or romancing different NPCs. That never works for me! I always pick Jaheira!
Take the strongholds abit further then they currently are maybe?
Lots of potential for quests, and maybe even customizeing it more
Thats just the two things that came to mind when i asked myself that question anyway, i might spend some more time thinking about it to see if anything else comes to mind.
Beyond that...maybe a few new npc's, some new gear to atleast boost the lackluster kits and classes(bards!), a few new chapter 2 big quest lines, and I'd love to have a 'reset' quest for one npc that would allow you give that npc a kit, choose proficiencies, skills, etc. The NPCkit mod of course will hopefully be brought over, but having that option limited and already in the game would add quite a bit more party crafting and planning than just completely throwing all balance out.
As for adding old party-members from BG1 to BG2... well, that COULD work if they were NOT recruitable. BG has 25 party members (28 with BGEE) and to get all of them up to BG2's content standards would be a lot of work that, I think, would be better spent elsewhere. I wouldn't mind seeing them pop up as cameos, however. LMFAO. We are on -EXACTLY- the same page here. Great minds, huh?
1. New NPCs. I like most of BG2's characters, but there are certain gaps that could be filled (ie: evil thieves, good clerics, assassins, etc.)
2. Ascension. Chances are virtually nil, but I'll reiterate my position that it's perhaps the only mod Beamdog should fight tooth and nail to integrate into the game. Leveling up the Slayer, fixing Imoen's banters with Sarevok, bringing back Irenicus, Bodhi and the Five during the final fight with Amelyssan... these things can only improve the game.
3. A stronghold for Blackguards.
4. Also unlikely, but if there's some way tome stat boosts and spells could carry over for non-PC party members like Jaheira and Viconia, that would be great.
Gone back to playing BG under BGT - Stable - Excellent GUI - And no bugs.
I would love to see the ascension mod in to. Great mod but they might need to tone down some of the tougher fights. They should try tooth and nail to get that in.
I just heard on Spell hold that they gave the rights to overhaul to do "return to wind spear."
I'm sure some on here know what that mod was. It would truly be amazing if people could actually play it. So overhaul will probably in some shape or form release something to do with that mod.
To this day I hold it up as an example of how to end an RPG properly. If only games like Mass Effect 3 had followed Throne of Bhaal's example!
That is all.
Basically - too inconsistent with general timeline and the previous games, too linear, lame (storywise, not battle wise) main villain, too linear, too many situations where your only option is to butcher everything that moves, the overused Solar-deus-ex-machina... the list goes on.
Though, while I am one of those malcontents who complain about it, in the grand scheme of things I do prefer the ToB ending to no ending.
Atkathla is your wilderness map for this game. It wouldn't make sense to have farmers attacked by liches or have dragons frolicking through the hills. They're high level threats and thus, rare. BG2 is already stretching believability with its number of enemies, I don't see the need to add more random ones.
On Topic;
I hope they leave it the way it is, add Dorn, Neera and Rashaad, a new rogue NPC and restore/add the Hidden questline with the Illithid connection.
With the right "abuse"(spells and such) demigods like Kangaxx are a piece of cake which in my opinion ruins the game. All the mages got the same cast system and that makes it boring after a while. I don't see how that mod can be a problem to use.
It's not like every mage in the game needs it but for the powerful ones. Irenicus needs to be a lot harder and maybe have the redemption mod in tob.
An Acranewarrior or some Warpriest. Or even Warlock.
A new race maybe? Drow :-)
Or at least a way to bring back Yoshimo...
OT: Personally, I would like more wilderness areas. They can have terrible low-level enemies, even, just add some funny NPC encounters, maybe the odd high-level band of adventurers you can fight against.
I believe they are planning to add an evil thief to BG2EE already, but I am looking forward to that. I hope s/he has an interesting kit.
An evil ranger kit, or at least one that doesn't restrict you to good alignment. I know rangers technically couldn't be evil for ages in DnD, but I still don't think it makes no sense.
Sub-races would also be cool, like in IWD2.