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  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    @Magevil Sorry but If you respect the limit of 256 colors, I don't see what's wrong...

    @Seldar Thanks, but I hope this mod will be compatible with BG2EE and for that reason, I prefer to do something between BG1 & BG2.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    edited December 2012
    @Kerozevok Thanks for all your help. I got it figured out. I recreated the buttons that I was having issues with and for some reason it fixed the issue. Not sure why...
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Magevil Send me your bam, I will take a look.

    For the curious, screens 2 & 3 updated.
  • stardog765stardog765 Member Posts: 48
    Very nice! Soooooooo when ya gonna upload it :)
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kerozevok - I'm all good now - everything is working. Thanks! Sorry to turn your thread into a support thread.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    @stardog765 Never, i share only the screens. ;)

    @Magevil Glad for you. :)
  • stardog765stardog765 Member Posts: 48
    Your words hurt me!
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kerozevok - do you know which BAMs contain the buttons for the bottom panel on the main interface? I found GUIBTACT.bam but cant find the remaining buttons...
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    @Magevil No sorry, there are also several bam i didn't found and i'm tired to search them...

    And if I add the incompatibility with the french caracters and the "spawn points" ridiculously too weak, I become nostalgic of BGT...

    It's not a good day for modding on BGEE.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kerozevok - I'm really struggling to find the the other buttons. I don't understand why its this hard...the others were fairly easy to find. The whole structure of files leaves me scratching me head....
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Magevil It's the big sh*t for find them, I agree with you.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kerozevok - The three needed BAMs for the bottom panel buttons are: GUIBTACT.bam, GUIWDB10.bam, GUIWDBUT.bam - might save you some time if you plan to do work with those buttons.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Magevil Many thanks but... (read the 1st post please).
  • stardog765stardog765 Member Posts: 48
    Sorry to hear that Kero but I do understand. I have said enough is enough a few times and gone back to BGT and I still have a hard time making up my mind.

    Thanks for your work
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Woo, what a setback! I myself am quite bored with playing the game over and over but that's precisely why there's modding. I think you should at least finish your project.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Kerozevok said:

    The game is too easy

  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @stardog765 If one day Beamdog fix this "major bug" (I doubt, because BGEE was made for the "dragon age generation" and not for the baldur's fans), maybe I'll continue the mod...

    Anyway thank for your support man.

    @Abel Still a lot of work... I like the modding, but I prefer do that on BGT or NWN2.
  • stardog765stardog765 Member Posts: 48
    NWN now your talking.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    edited December 2012
    @Kerozevok - Sorry to hear you're done Modding BGEE. The spawns are a bit weak but I'm sure that is something a modder or beamdog will address eventually. Beamdog has proven themselves to stand behind the game after release with various patches.

    "As I said before (repeatedly, good god, how many times have I said it?), I've submitted it for review and it's being looked at.

    And on that note, I'm closing this thread. I feel more than a little badgered, here. If there's an issue, it will be resolved; if things are working fine as they are, it will be examined for possible improvements." -Aosaw
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited December 2012
    I have to say, if they kept the game as easy as it always have been, that's a good thing. This way nobody can complain they got on shotted by a kobold commander; you'll have SCS for that. It was a major debate about AI and about how much they should change the gameplay. I believe it's better to keep things clean, and smooth for the great things to come; you need clean ground on which to build grand things.

    No fun to play = the highest interest for modding methinks.

    P.S. I should mention I'm not discussing the game itself but the concepts; like easy and difficult.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Magevil 30 beta-testers and 6 months of test for this result ? No sorry, I don't expect more.

    PS : Review of BGEE on (the most popular french website) : 12/20.

    @Zafiro Mwaahaha >> The true BG1 (look the number of wolves).
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited December 2012
    @Kerozevok, yes, you're right, but you're missing my point; if the game is empty, than you have more space to fill; it seems to me that's exactly the space needed to spark interest for modding.

    P.S. Don't pay to much attention to my ramblings. I'm just being serene and settled.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    I managed to come up with a temporary workaround for weak spawns until it is officially patched. I have a creature who runs a script that says "if I see a PC then I summon x creatures then destroy myself"; I place the spawn creature at the spawn points in area files and it works perfectly fine.

    I am thoroughly enjoying BG:EE so far, even though I am doing more tweaking than playing. It isn't like I was going to get any new experiences via gameplay but I have never been able to have this much flexibility with the original game before.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Mathsorcerer - very cool, I'd help test it out do you have a thread for your mod? Also I'd like to hear your feedback on my GUI mod:
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    @Magevil - No, I don't have a thread because I thought the "weak spawns" was being fixed by an upcoming patch? Am I mistaken, or what?

    I have three parallel installations of BG:EE (two at the house, one at work) so I can test out your GUI without touching the one on this laptop, my "home base" installation. I freely admit that I have no idea how to mod GUIs whatsoever.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    edited December 2012
    @mathsorcerer - You just place the mod files in the override folder so it shouldn't be much of an issue for any installation you test it with. I just started Modding BG but I'm enjoying it.

    I do believe they are looking into patching it but in mean time I'm sure some people would be happy to have a fix for it. Who knows how long it could be before its fixed.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    Aren't the GUI files .bam or something like that? I *used* to have a really decent .bam editor but that was years ago and when I tried to get an updated version it didn't work anything like the one I had back then so I got rid of it. Are there better tools out there? I don't know since I stopped looking....
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    I hope you will return to BG:EE and finish this mod - looks much better than original GUI.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012

    The "spawn points" in BGEE ? One xvart, one hobgoblin, one gnoll...

    BGEE is an insult to the Baldur's fans.

    If I need to wait a mod to play BG1, hmmm.. where's the interest of BGEE ?
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,037
    I was only half-asleep (which happens from time to time) when I realized that since I am using a script to correct the spawn points that I could tailor the spawn points to check for how many people are in the party or their average level and scale the encounters to match. Two 1st-level characters might get one wolf but 5 5th-level characters would get 3 vampiric wolves, etc.
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