@VampQueen31 You're right in that 720p, while HD, is not "full HD" which is a marketing term reserved for 1080p stuff. The movies are 720p because we had to make a call as to what most people's computers could support playing without barfing. Even at 720p, there's a lot of performance issues being reported - but, providing people with an option for 1080p movies might be a thought going forward. Can't promise anything of course, just, that's an interesting thought.
Furthermore, I'm not sure what you're talking about with regards to achieving X or Y resolution. Could you clarify? If you run our game in fullscreen mode, it runs at whatever resolution your desktop is set to. I believe the second or third tick in from max zoom is a 1:1 pixel ratio, typically. That shouldn't be any different at your 2048x1152 than it is at my 1920x1200...?
I think a lot of things about BGEE does not make sense. For example almost all big time BG 1+2 modders are BGEE's moderators and beta testers and still they concure to a final product with an UI that streches in resolutions more than 1280 and produces blurred results, is touch and not PC optimized, does not run in all graphic cards, has sound issues, mediocre 2d cutscenes and so on. Three patches in seven days is not a good thing imo for a product that is on production for the past two years and relies heavily upon existent and final products like the widescreen mod and many others.
how is it not a good thing, the devs could tinker all they like before a game is released but with a game this huge and for its age, there is so much margin of error that cant be tested... from different play styles to ten or so years of different hardware configurations and technology, yes releasing it would always be like a Beta, because it has to be.
the devs keep in touch with us on the boards here, they take suggestion and by releasing quick patches fixing minor things directly shows they want us to have the best gaming experience while they try and fix a more complicated issues
this game is a hell of a lot more stable than BG with tutu etc
@VampQueen31 You're right in that 720p, while HD, is not "full HD" which is a marketing term reserved for 1080p stuff. The movies are 720p because we had to make a call as to what most people's computers could support playing without barfing. Even at 720p, there's a lot of performance issues being reported - but, providing people with an option for 1080p movies might be a thought going forward. Can't promise anything of course, just, that's an interesting thought.
Furthermore, I'm not sure what you're talking about with regards to achieving X or Y resolution. Could you clarify? If you run our game in fullscreen mode, it runs at whatever resolution your desktop is set to. I believe the second or third tick in from max zoom is a 1:1 pixel ratio, typically. That shouldn't be any different at your 2048x1152 than it is at my 1920x1200...?
I was referring to the blurriness of the UI at HD Resolutions. I realize my native display is above standard full HD, so Im not going to really complain about supporting beyond 1080p (that might be asking too much) but even at 1080p its blurry, its still a bit blurry at 720p. I was saying with mods the original BG 1 and 2 dont have blurry UIs at my native resolution.
What I dont understand is, the devs were working closely with modders, would it really have been hard to get permission to use some of the PC fixes and optimizations modders made to fix this sort of thing? As I said, with mods my original BG 1 didnt have these issues.
'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0', - that does not work for me. Any ideas why? I tried to change 0 to o but it did not help either. I p[lay bg2 in custom resolution so I think that my monitor is ok. Can someone send me an edited bgee.ini with that UI scale included? :<
'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0', - that does not work for me. Any ideas why? I tried to change 0 to o but it did not help either. I p[lay bg2 in custom resolution so I think that my monitor is ok. Can someone send me an edited bgee.ini with that UI scale included? :<</p>
Make sure that there is the line 'Program Options' before..
Strange that it does not seem consistent between everyone's game. My .ini file has simply:
'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0',
...and it works. *shrug* All punctuation must appear just as I listed above including the final comma.
Perhaps it is its location in the file? That line in mine appears between the last 'Game Options' line and the first 'Program Options' line. I doubt the location has an affect, but may be worth a try.
Eh, still nothing. Tried to change the location of the string in the text, tried to change '0' to 'o' and implement strings provided by @mch202. Have to wait for some kind of a mod i think :<
EDIT: Ok, i did this by changing my screen resolution to custom resolution via nvidia manager. Thanks for your help
This was my bg ini without that string because i changed my screen rosolution so bg resolution scaled as well. But, there is another problem I have to face right now.
Just wanted to pop in and say that the ini setting is so much better, I don't mind the inventory screens being the way they are. Obviously it could be better but text is so much easier to read now that it's not blown out of proportions. If more can be done it would be greatly appreciated!
As an update, here are some 'before' and 'after' screenshots of the ini setting:
BGEE Before:
BGEE After:
Journal Before:
Journal After:
Please view them at 100% to get the full effect of what the scaling has on the UI and text when forced to meet 1920x1080. It's bearable but admittedly unpleasant and like others have said before, being that this is a game with a fair amount of reading the clarity of text makes all the difference.
Edit: Photo's will now show full resolution. Thanks agris!
@begolf00 "IWD II had some of the worst GUI that I have ever seen for an infinity game".
Seriously, I respect project eternity work and its internal debate but still "some of the worst GUI" ? IWD2 GUI was very well design, with no space wasted. Just check IWD2 inventory screen vs BGEE for instance...
That's not a good idea - BGEE saves other information there as well every time you quit the game. It will delete entries that aren't valid - is it possible that there were typos in the entries?
I most likely made a typo when inputing the line. I may just get down to enjoying the game, instead of fiddling within ini files, program files, and so on and so forth. That was the bane of my previous attempts to play Baldur's Gate prior to this Enhanced Edition release. Best I not follow the same path of patching more than playing for a second time.
@upi00r yep, that's something we can look into going forward as well. For the time constraints and multiple-platform support, we had to work with existing conventions for the time being resulting in the current UI as you see it, but going forward we'll definitely be looking into the best way to implement a fully HD gui.
I can't give you a timeline, I hope you understand - but it's on the list.
4 months later, something moved forward in this case? Many folks is still waiting for sharp not scaled and nice HD GUI as should it be ...
From the screenshots it looks like the best solution would be to scale the "sub screens" such as the journal screen while not scaling the gameplay screen.
I'm kinda waiting as @GLen mentioned for something to "fix" this from Beamdog so I can enjoy the game. And why do we have to monkey around with ini settings, can't there be a button in the threadbare settings menu?
@smeagolheart What you've mentioned, in regards to scaling of all screens except the gameplay screen, was discussed by @nathan previously as 'hybrid mode'. I also think this is the best solution for players wanting an unscaled experience, since the hybrid of native and scaling is something not currently feasible with the widescreen mod, and requires source code access.
I hope Beamdog is still interested in this solution, it would make a lot of PC users happy.
Well, no info at all. I'm afraid that PC version of BGEE is neglected now. Money still lies in Android and BGEE2 - simple thing. Some of You will say 'u worry too much' I know that, it's only UI... yeah but I'm just sick of it, because sometimes those little things affects a lot.
Furthermore, I'm not sure what you're talking about with regards to achieving X or Y resolution. Could you clarify? If you run our game in fullscreen mode, it runs at whatever resolution your desktop is set to. I believe the second or third tick in from max zoom is a 1:1 pixel ratio, typically. That shouldn't be any different at your 2048x1152 than it is at my 1920x1200...?
the devs keep in touch with us on the boards here, they take suggestion and by releasing quick patches fixing minor things directly shows they want us to have the best gaming experience while they try and fix a more complicated issues
this game is a hell of a lot more stable than BG with tutu etc
What I dont understand is, the devs were working closely with modders, would it really have been hard to get permission to use some of the PC fixes and optimizations modders made to fix this sort of thing? As I said, with mods my original BG 1 didnt have these issues.
'Program Options','Graphics','Scale UI','0',
'Program Options', 'Volume SFX', '80',
'Program Options', 'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0'
try adding this 2 lines:
'Program Options', 'Graphics', 'Width', '1920',
'Program Options', 'Graphics', 'Height', '1080',
'Program Options', 'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0',
in my .ini if I delete the first 2 lines than it doesn't work, Hope it helps.
'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0',
...and it works. *shrug* All punctuation must appear just as I listed above including the final comma.
Perhaps it is its location in the file? That line in mine appears between the last 'Game Options' line and the first 'Program Options' line. I doubt the location has an affect, but may be worth a try.
EDIT: Ok, i did this by changing my screen resolution to custom resolution via nvidia manager. Thanks for your help
Link: http://oi48.tinypic.com/35l4snq.jpg
That's quite strange and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?
@agris thank you
BGEE Before:
BGEE After:
Journal Before:
Journal After:
Please view them at 100% to get the full effect of what the scaling has on the UI and text when forced to meet 1920x1080. It's bearable but admittedly unpleasant and like others have said before, being that this is a game with a fair amount of reading the clarity of text makes all the difference.
Edit: Photo's will now show full resolution. Thanks agris!
Seriously, I respect project eternity work and its internal debate but still "some of the worst GUI" ? IWD2 GUI was very well design, with no space wasted. Just check IWD2 inventory screen vs BGEE for instance...
If yes, would you happen to know the text string to put in the bg2.ini as well?
You may need to alter the security permissions of the file to prevent your system from making changes to it.
I'm kinda waiting as @GLen mentioned for something to "fix" this from Beamdog so I can enjoy the game. And why do we have to monkey around with ini settings, can't there be a button in the threadbare settings menu?
I hope Beamdog is still interested in this solution, it would make a lot of PC users happy.
I'm afraid that PC version of BGEE is neglected now. Money still lies in Android and BGEE2 - simple thing.
Some of You will say 'u worry too much' I know that, it's only UI... yeah but I'm just sick of it, because sometimes those little things affects a lot.
"BGEE is neglected for now"
No one has said we are done with BGEE, and there is good reason for that