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I was wandering out in the wilderness and Rasaad got struck by lightning out of nowhere!

KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
I had heard this was possible in the rain, but it had never happened to me in my many years playing these games. I feel like I just unlocked an achievement inside my mental record book. :)


  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    That's awesome, also did you have a Druid in the party?
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Scared the crap out of you didn't it? Make you jump in your chair? It did to me in the original - even the second or third time it happened... ;-)
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Hah! That happened to me with Khalid, once.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    How much damage did it do, and did it kill him?
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Did that ever do damage? I don't think so.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    I haven't seen that happen in quite a long time..
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Happens to me with some regularity XD
  • KholdstareKholdstare Member Posts: 160
    Philhelm said:

    How much damage did it do, and did it kill him?

    I don't remember how much damage it did, but Rasaad did indeed die from it. I was laughing so hard that I didn't even care that I needed to reload.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Random lightning strikes were introduced into BG1 by the TOTSC expansion, IIRC.

    I remember playing BG1 with TOTSC installed for the first time, and nearly jumping out of my seat the first time I saw a lightning strike.
  • MarricMarric Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2012
    One of the coolest things in the game, without a doubt. Its the little things like this, the neat little quirks and peculiarities that make this game so lovable. The Xart village is another good example, you'd never miss it if it wasn't there, but it puts a smile on my face every time he summons up that bear.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Philhelm said:

    How much damage did it do, and did it kill him?

    IIRC, random lightning strikes aren't supposed to do damage.

  • AlexRmFAlexRmF Member Posts: 20
    just had that happen to Khalid and I had a WTF moment due to it... he didn't die but he took some 8 points of damage
  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
    I remember them doing no damage in the original game but it looks like that's not true in BG:EE.

    Viconia got struck for 8 damage or so in my game.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    So thats what killed my Imoen! I was so confused when it happened, it was just after a battle so I though it was some crazy spell trap thing I didnt know about.
  • jimkayjimkay Member Posts: 10
    ajwz said:

    That must have been quite a shock.

    It does spark my empathy for Rasaad.
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    ajwz said:

    That must have been quite a shock.

    You're horrible lol....
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    Sounds like Rasaad had a very...enlightening experience. *sunglasses*

  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    I was just playing on Vanilla and it happened to me.

    It just said 'Lightning' and I took about 15 or so damage
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    That tracks.

    The first time I went to recruit Viconia. YEARS ago. There was a lightning storm. And bandits with ice arrows everywhere. And my party almost died over and over. And I just barely made it out with her in one piece.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    I wish I could say it doesn't happen often like everyone else, I have had 9 characters struck by lightning during the rain prior to reaching the Cloakwood Mines. I recall it happening an unusually large number of times with the original as well.
  • VarilVaril Member Posts: 14
    This happened to me when I was jumped by some named Hobgoblin in the middle of nowhere. I saw him take a step back, fire an arrow, and then Ajantis got hit by lightning for like 75% of his HP. Needless to say, I panicked about this Hobgoblin who apparently had a bow that shot lightning. "I DON'T REMEMBER THAT FROM THE ORIGINAL KILLITKILLITKILLIT"

    Then lightning struck the hobgoblin and killed it, and I realized that it was just Mother Nature showing us who the top-level Druid is.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Happened to my PC during a fight, killed him... and then it struck Rasaad right next to him and killed him too before it made me load. Guess lightning does strike the same place twice...
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    haha this happened to me too...was very surprised when it actually did damage though, although i always thought it should have! what really annoyed me was that my bard PC got hit wearing leather armor and carrying a wooden staff while all around were other chumps in metal armor carrying metal weapons that would have made much better receptacles...stupid nature. ;-)
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @Varil HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! That is awesome!
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201
    I've been having this happen a lot recently. Lightning will strike Rasaad...who is just wearing clothes and no armor while my main char who is standing right next to him and is decked out head to toe wearing nothing but metal just points at him and laughs.
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