I was wandering out in the wilderness and Rasaad got struck by lightning out of nowhere!

I had heard this was possible in the rain, but it had never happened to me in my many years playing these games. I feel like I just unlocked an achievement inside my mental record book.

I remember playing BG1 with TOTSC installed for the first time, and nearly jumping out of my seat the first time I saw a lightning strike.
Viconia got struck for 8 damage or so in my game.
It just said 'Lightning' and I took about 15 or so damage
The first time I went to recruit Viconia. YEARS ago. There was a lightning storm. And bandits with ice arrows everywhere. And my party almost died over and over. And I just barely made it out with her in one piece.
Then lightning struck the hobgoblin and killed it, and I realized that it was just Mother Nature showing us who the top-level Druid is.