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Which NPCS have you never used for long?

Im curious to see if there are NPCs that are generally ignored by everyone. Here are the ones I didnt use much.
Skie: She enters the game too late, requires Eldoth to be with her, and her portrait looks like she just got off of the starship enterprise.
Eldoth: If I want a bard I usually just use my pc, sometimes I take Garrick for a bit but that is just because I feel like he fits in with a new naive party of adventurers just starting their journy.
Faldorn: Didnt know she existed for a long time. I dont see why anyone would have a use for her since Jahera is a better alternative and that portrait is scary.
Shar-Teel: I could never get over her low constitution so never used her.
Yeslick: I never took him because I though if I did I needed to leave someone in the mine to drown.

Once NPC project becomes compatible with BGEE I will probably try these folks out. It would be interesting to have all of them in a party together, kill all the birds with one stone.


  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Eldoth: He's too familiar in looks and personality to someone I know/knew.

    Shar-Teel: Never used her. I don't visit that area often.

    Safana: Never used her. Same thing.

    Dynaheir&Minsc: Don't like them.

    Khalid&Jaheira: Don't like them.

    Xzar&Montaron: Sort of like Montaron but he's a bit of a psycho.

    Ajantis: Paladins? Yuck.

    Edwin: I don't find him that funny.

    Garrick: Not exactly a must-have.

    Tiax: What a basket-case.

    So....basically most of them. I use all of the remaining ones.
  • HeliasHelias Member Posts: 112
    Xiviriel said:

    Im curious to see if there are NPCs that are generally ignored by everyone. Here are the ones I didnt use much.
    Skie: She enters the game too late, requires Eldoth to be with her, and her portrait looks like she just got off of the starship enterprise.
    Eldoth: If I want a bard I usually just use my pc, sometimes I take Garrick for a bit but that is just because I feel like he fits in with a new naive party of adventurers just starting their journy.
    Faldorn: Didnt know she existed for a long time. I dont see why anyone would have a use for her since Jahera is a better alternative and that portrait is scary.
    Shar-Teel: I could never get over her low constitution so never used her.
    Yeslick: I never took him because I though if I did I needed to leave someone in the mine to drown.

    Agree, but vou've forgotten the worst of al: Xan!

    I would also add Xzar an Khalid to the list. I never use them.

    I disagree with Shar-teel on the list. But you should dual class her to a thief, which makes her a very useful addition to an evil party.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Skie, Eldoth and Alora. Everyone else I used for an extended period at some point or another. Too many thieves in BG anyway.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited December 2012
    The ones you meet at baldurs gate (quayle, tiax, skie) I've NEVER used.

    Kagain, Coran, Alora , Yeslick, Faldorn, Xan , Safana, Xzar and Montaron I have used for a single quest.

    The others I use for long, depending on the party.

  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    edited December 2012
    I used:






    I beat the game with all the TOTSC content with them they worked out quite well =)
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Ajantis, mostly because I use his portrait.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    Xan is one of my favorite npcs of all time! I love his sword, his colors and his pestimistic attitude. Also the way he shuts Ajantis up is pretty funny.

    Good idea about duel classing shar-teal, I never even thought of that.
  • MarricMarric Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2012
    My thoughts on all of the NPCs

    NPCs I've never used:

    Eldoth - I've wanted to try him, but the couple games I started intending to pick him up, I didn't stick with long enough.
    Skie - never tried Eldoth
    Alora - Suffers from coming to late + an overabundance of better theives.
    Tiax - while I like taix's character, sometimes I'll grab him for a bit just to "poke" him, cleric/theif's just feel kinda "crippled," especially when you get him that late in the game.
    Quayle - Late and probably the weakest NPC in the game
    Faldorn - While there is some appeal to a straight druid, she's got meh stats and comes late
    Safana - Overshadowed by Imoen

    NPCs I use regularly:
    Imoen: she's your "sister," and really solid build all around
    Coran: Uber archer/thief, one of the few NPCs of comparable power to the PC, I have a though time NOT taking him, lol. And he comes at the perfect time for dualing Imoen to a mage at lvl 4/5
    Minsc: and Boo! he was the heavy hitter till Dorn came along
    Kagain: Hard to argue with early pickup and 20 constitution and easy to get Dex Gaunlets fix his one minor flaw.
    Garrik: I have a tough time playing without a bard to ID stuff, I just wish he was a bit better...
    Viconia/Branwen: heal bots, basically equal comes down to who I didn't take last time

    NPCs I've used once or twice, but don't take often for whatever reason
    Khalid/Jaheria: Used to take them all the time when BG first came out, but I'm kinda burned out on them.
    Kivan: Minsc is a better frontliner, Coran is a better archer, and I know early BG so well, I don't need the extra body to fill in till I grab one of the other two (might change when SCS gets updated though)
    Dynhair: Subpar mage and kinda annoying on top of it.
    Ajantis: solid fighter, if I need someone to help Minsc its either him or the PC
    Yeslick: Good guy, but I'm usually already settled into my party by this point.
    Monteron/Xzar: overshadowed by Coran/Shar-teel, and Edwin, but sometimes I grab them for a bit, but they rarely make it past Nashkel if that far.
    Edwin/Shar-teel: both pretty powerful (shar-teel used to be the only NPC capable of grandmastery), but they feel truly evil in a way that Kagain and Viconia don't.
    Xan: Love his character and the moonblade is just so cool, but I struggle to make effective use out of him.

    Man there are a lot of NPCs.

    Oh and my impressions of the new NPCs
    Neera, I like her, decent stats, amusing personality. Two things that kinda bug me 1) Why do they insist on giving Mages melee weapons?!?! 2) Her personal quest, at least Adoy's Enclave, was a disappointment. It takes all of 5 minutes to wade through the goblins, the ranger feels very tacked on with no satisfactory conclusion to finding/burying his wife (would have been a great place to put a neat ranger specific piece of equipment), and then after beating the red wizards (silence made the fight almost laughably easy) all I got was a "plain" belt, that was a let down.

    Dorn: Really liking him so far, the revenge arc is neat and well integrated into existing areas, I'm really looking forward to taking on Semmon its built up nicely. Neera's quest sould have been more like this, but from the opposite, being hunted instead of doing the hunting, side. And to top it off he is actually well built with usefully chosen proficiencies and solid boarding on overpowered stats.

    Rasaad: Interesting backstory, so so voicing, what sounds like a good quest (although I haven't gotten to it yet) but completely let down by being a crappy stat low lvl monk. He either should have been a cleric (need a good aligned one besides Yeslick) or else had an actually useful item/special ability and slightly better stats.
    Post edited by Marric on
  • secretfiresecretfire Member Posts: 65
    I find myself feeling terribly guilty if I leave Imoen or Jaheria behind, so I have difficulty kicking those two out of my party, even in BG1. I'd love to leave Jaheria's husband behind, even, but they come as a package deal, so. This makes it rather hard to get and keep an effective party. But since none of the NPCs (aside from a few) say -anything- in BG1, it doesn't matter much.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Marric said:

    Rasaad: Interesting backstory, so so voicing, what sounds like a good quest (although I haven't gotten to it yet) but completely let down by being a crappy stat low lvl monk. He either should have been a cleric (need a good aligned one besides Yeslick) or else had an actually useful item/special ability and slightly better stats.

    He really isn't that bad once he hits level 5/6 (+gauntlets of ogre strength). Helps to pick him up late (chapter 3) and have a slightly smaller party. Before that it's a bit miserable...
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    Just murder Khalid and cast domination on jaheira. Win.
  • NecroscopeNecroscope Member Posts: 38
    Faldorn has access to some of the best spells in the game and she levels well as a straight druid in BG1. So I'm giving her a go, she uses a lot of darts.

    Khalid can be a very versatile guy, give him some points in bow, make him mastery in long swords, well you got yourself a tank and a archer in one. His THACO levels well as well and you just bulk him up with a strength belt.

    Xan is the original no nonsense mage, no tack on characters so you can take them, nor an annoying quest to wade through gnolls to murder stuff.
  • AndrasteAndraste Member Posts: 78
    The only three I've never used at all are Faldorn, Eldoth and Skie. Faldorn is available pretty late even with the NPC project installed (I love the capacity to move some NPCs to earlier locations!) and I like Jaheira a lot more. I guess I could use her in an evil party, but I always take Viconia instead.

    As for Eldoth and Skie - Skie is available very late and there are better NPCs to use. Also, Eldoth's DEX is terrible, and listening to a douche mistreat his girlfriend is not my idea of a good time.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Shar teel looks like a muscular man in transition to becoming a female. Dynaheir gets on my nerves... she just sucks imo. Never used eldoth, quayle, skie, safana, tiax, or a couple others I'm sure I'm missing.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    So much face palm in here.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    All evil characters and paladins are usually kicked out pretty soon (with one exception), if I use them at all.. well, and of the neutral or good guys, I usually just stay with Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc (and Boo), Branwen (or Viconia [it's the exception I mentioned above]) and Neera (or Faldorn). I wanted to try an all-girl party, but Minsc is Minsc is Minsc is Minsc.. and a playthrough without him is like a mage without magic.. so it always will be an all-girl party + Minsc (and Boo) at best ;) !!!
  • OurQuestIsVainOurQuestIsVain Member Posts: 201
    I usually don't pick up any of the NPCs that are in Baldur's Gate. At that point in the game proficiency points have been spent, bad hp rolls have been made, thief skills have been spent. I like to micromanage every facet of each character. Now that I think of it though, a playthrough where I pick up the people in BG might be fun from an RP perspective. It isn't as though the party leader would say to his group 'Practice with this weapon instead of the one you were going to or memorize these spells or practice these specific thieving skills' Imagine my fighter char telling my mage what to memorize, he doesn't know jack about magic, leave it to the person who has actually studied it. But, because I metagame, those are the NPCs I don't usually get.
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    Dynaheir...she really gets on my nerves...each time i intend to use her i always end up kciking her and minsc out...i've trialled most of the others for extended periods, pretty much enjoyed them all...although i think poor Yeslick is next, i can never quite justify kicking out someone else for him so he very rarely gets to come along...
  • pukingdogpukingdog Member Posts: 25
    i hardly use evil npc's except viconia.

    like some others, i just cant kick imoen. i realy like her bantering, and she IS your sister.
    i hate khalid, but i like Jahira, so i let khalid die in battle.

    my party: me(fighter), imoen, jahira, minsc and dynaheir, and neera.

    im thinking about booting minsc and dynaheir for ajantis and maybe viconia.

    Must say i like neera a lot better then dynaheir.

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012
    Korgan. He is a huge doucher, I hate his guts.

    I tried Dynaheir but she sucked too bad. With Invokers only having 1 opposition school now, she will be a lot better for sure. I will have to pick her up again some time now.

    Tiax suffers from using a very difficult class (you *can* make Cleric/Thieves awesome, but it's not easy) and having more or less shitty stats besides. His Constitution is great, but 16 Dexterity? Every other thief in this game full of thieves has a better Dex. 13 Wisdom? Good enough but no bonuses. Sad. Damn guy *requires* Gauntlets of Ogre Power, then he's pretty beast.

    So much face palm in here.

    I completely agree with this statement. I will attempt to rebuke the fail:
    Xiviriel said:

    Faldorn: Didnt know she existed for a long time. I dont see why anyone would have a use for her since Jahera is a better alternative and that portrait is scary.

    Faldorn should not be compared to Jaheira AT ALL, she is no fighter. Faldorn gets the most divine spells out of any NPC in the game with a 16 Wisdom and pure class Druid. Druids get to Level 10. Yeah, and on top of the 16 Wisdom, AND Innate Ability Summon Dread Wolf, that's lots of spells.
    Xiviriel said:

    Shar-Teel: I could never get over her low constitution so never used her.

    Haha trust me, with high Strength and Dexterity low Constitution is far, far from the end of the world. Kivan and Shar-Teel kick ass.
    Helias said:

    Agree, but vou've forgotten the worst of al: Xan!

    You got Xan problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but not knowing how to use Xan properly ain't one.
    Kurumi said:

    I wanted to try an all-girl party, but Minsc is Minsc is Minsc is Minsc.. and a playthrough without him is like a mage without magic.. so it always will be an all-girl party + Minsc (and Boo) at best ;) !!!

    Minsc fanboy/girlism ... the bane of my existence.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    I think Skie should be capped at level 3 max (I'd be more inclined to say level 2 actually), it just doesn't make sense for her to be of the same experience as beginning game Jaheira for example - of whom I'm guessing is a seasoned adventurer. What has she been doing in Baldur's Gate that would net her such a huge amount of xp? I guess this way she would level up quicker and allow for players to evenly distribute her Thieving skills a little more to their liking and reload if she doesn't get anywhere near her maximum 7 hit points per level.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    edited December 2012
    I use Shar-Teel all the time. Her con is low, but not low enough to get a penalty, unlike Viconia's (and everyone seems to love her anyway). Then again, the EE gave her a pretty **** proficiency spread, and Dorn has a very similar role (nice STR and DEX, but no con bonus), so I probably won't be using her again.

    Let's see... for me, it's:

    Alora, Tiax, Quayle, Skie, Eldoth, and Yeslick because they all join way too late. I usually have my party decided by the time they come along.

    Let's see, I also never cared for Montaron much. I don't use backstabs very much, and that's really what fighter/theives are best at. Imoen is almost always in my party, so I don't need thieving abilities either.

    Something unfortunate always ends up happening to Xan in the mines, like when I just went there yesterday, Mullahey used rigid thinking, and my main character wandered off and critted the poor guy.

    I never use Edwin, because I have a thing against conjurers (don't ask). Yes, I know he's the best mage in the game, but that's not really all that important to me.

    I can't stand Kivan. He's a stuck up elf who tells me to quit bothering him when I give him orders, and leaves the party for good if I want to re-arrange it. Well you can go **** yourself too, buddy.

    Edit: Ajantis! Never used him. He's just too easy to make fun of, especially when he's about to attack you, and you question his paladinhood. Priceless.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    I think I've beaten the game with nearly all of them in the party at some point or another, and those that I haven't, I've still kept in the party for a good while at least in one playthrough. So.... yeah. I looked through them, I tried to remember having not ever used them, and I really think only Alora and Tiax fall down to something as "not for long", and even they did hang out with me for some time at some point.

    I've played this game a lot.
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    I've used all good aligned NPCs as I prefer to play as that alignment.

    I usually tolerate Jahiera even though she is neutral as she is one of the only healers early on. I prefer Yeslik over her as it's nice to have a Dwarf in the party and he also matches my alignment.

    Minsc is pretty good, but you also have to take Dynaheir who isn't so good. They are entertaining to take along though. Minsc probably has the best comments in BG1. I suppose you could always get Dynaheir killed off if you want to take Minsc along with you.

    Coran is probably my favorite NPC. I love his voice set. Hes also incredible useful as a ranged fighter and a thief. When designing a character this is probably what I'd want to make mine like, but since he already exists there is no need to recreate him.

    Kivan is another NPC that I would make like Coran. I love to roleplay the Ranger/Archer/Stalker wandering the dangerous woods. Unlike Coran hes more of a solo/outcast type charater. Coran is more of the romancing/swashbuckling/charismatic type. Having both of them in your group as ranged bow fighters makes life a lot easier in BG1. The downside is again you don't need to make a character like this as a good one already exists and the voice set is better then what you can choose.

    Khalid is a good tank, but you have to take Jahiera along with you if you want him in the group. He also does a lot of whining for a neutral good character which is a little annoying at times.

    The new Monk (good aligned) NPC has a good voice set, but I can't justify taking him along as he is just to weak of a fighter compared to the others available.

    Ajantis is a decent tank if you need one. I like Keldorn a lot better, but he is ok. I'd rather play the role of Paladin myself as ranger and fighter/thief are already taken by better NPCs that I like a lot.

    Imoen is the best good aligned mage you can get if you dual class her. She has a high int and a high dexterity. I still think a fighter/mage dual class would be more useful than a thief/mage, but it does the job. She is usually my mage of choice.

    I know playing with only good NPCs is very limiting, but that's how I like to play.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192

    The new Monk (good aligned) NPC has a good voice set, but I can't justify taking him along as he is just to weak of a fighter compared to the others available.

    The thing about monks is that they're incredibly weak until very high levels, which you don't achieve until during very late in BG2.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Yeslick - Just do the mine with a 5 man party or go back outside and leave someone, it's not that far!
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    Personally I hate halflings (except Montaron) and dwarfs, gnomes. trying to play with humans\elves.

    Yeslick - I don't remember him. Is it a dwarf cleric in Nashkel mines? Never used him.
    Alora - Too late in game + she's a midget. Montaron FTW!
    Faldorn - Never used her. Druids in BG are something! Cernd is the most hated NPC in BG2.
    Skie - Never actually saw her in game :-) But she's a good Thief on the list.
    Garrick - Don't like his portrait. Poor stats. He was once in my party, but died immediately.
    Quayle - Don't even know who he is...
    Safana - In my very very first playthrough in '99 couldn't find her... Imoen, Skie and Shar-Teel dualed to thief are way better. Some kids would prefer her, because of her vamp style or something like that...
    Eldoth - He is a good guy, but comes only with Skie. And I coudn't get his quest done, so he leaved.
    Tiax - Don't like him. His place is in a mental asylum :-)

    Ajantis - is ok. The only paladin in the game. Paladins are funny.
    Branwen - is ok. My only cleric in the game. I never liked Vicki in BG1. She's ugly...
    Shar-Teel - She was the very first NPC I ever dualled (to thief) :-)) And if I'm not mistaken, she's the only fighter in the game with a 18+ score in STR. She is still a good performer even with 9 Con. When I was playing with an evil group in BGT, I used her as a thief.
    I don't like Dynaheir and her look, but she's the only good profmage in the game. So, she's in.

    Don't like Cernd, Nalia, HaerDalles, Jan, Aerie.
    Mazzy... I wish she was a human or an elf or half :-(((
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    DarkDogg said:

    Personally I hate halflings (except Montaron) and dwarfs, gnomes. trying to play with humans\elves.

    Yeslick - I don't remember him. Is it a dwarf cleric in Nashkel mines? Never used him.
    Alora - Too late in game + she's a midget. Montaron FTW!
    Faldorn - Never used her. Druids in BG are something! Cernd is the most hated NPC in BG2.
    Skie - Never actually saw her in game :-) But she's a good Thief on the list.
    Garrick - Don't like his portrait. Poor stats. He was once in my party, but died immediately.
    Quayle - Don't even know who he is...
    Safana - In my very very first playthrough in '99 couldn't find her... Imoen, Skie and Shar-Teel dualed to thief are way better. Some kids would prefer her, because of her vamp style or something like that...
    Eldoth - He is a good guy, but comes only with Skie. And I coudn't get his quest done, so he leaved.
    Tiax - Don't like him. His place is in a mental asylum :-)

    Ajantis - is ok. The only paladin in the game. Paladins are funny.
    Branwen - is ok. My only cleric in the game. I never liked Vicki in BG1. She's ugly...
    Shar-Teel - She was the very first NPC I ever dualled (to thief) :-)) And if I'm not mistaken, she's the only fighter in the game with a 18+ score in STR. She is still a good performer even with 9 Con. When I was playing with an evil group in BGT, I used her as a thief.
    I don't like Dynaheir and her look, but she's the only good profmage in the game. So, she's in.

    Don't like Cernd, Nalia, HaerDalles, Jan, Aerie.
    Mazzy... I wish she was a human or an elf or half :-(((

    Viconia is ugly in BG1? She affronts my good alignment, but I always liked her portrait.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598

    Viconia is ugly in BG1? She affronts my good alignment, but I always liked her portrait.

    She looks like a 60 y.o. granny. With sweating problems. lol
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