For Roleplayers: Justification for entering houses
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I think the player should be pointed toward those quests by talking to other commoners in public areas, and from buying drinks/hearing gossip in taverns. And this can be done rather specifically, not vaguely. I.e., you're specifically told where to go and who to talk with. What the quest-giver needs help with doesn't have to be completely explained. But you can be pointed to talk to them (and most importantly where to find them).
It is the sort of thing that could be done in a mod. But it might also be an enhancement to the original game that WotC would give approval for Beamdog to implement. It's not changing content, just implementing it better.
"Yarrr CHARNAME, I'm be off for some Kentucky Fried Kobold, see ye back in an hour ye mucky dogooder."
*Backstab x 3 - Critical hit - Montaron hit Gantolandan for 38 damage*
*Montaron loots Rogue Stone*
"Ahoy CHARNAME, those devilled legs make me sick! Xzar you mottled fool, hold ye olde pretty egg for me, ye blasted meatbag..."
I'd like to say : there is no need to pose such a question.
If you are in the cityof a PNP game, unless your DM has created A LOT of sidequests or expected that you get in every house, you do not explore the insides of a whole city.
In a game that focuses on exploration, there's alway a thief in your team, that would like to get inside a house.
Or perhaps the thief side of you would like to know what's inside the house, or the paladin side expects to see hostile encounters / evil characters inside so he can kick their asses.
Not all Thieves in D&D acquire their skills in order to commit criminal activity. Those skills can also be for adventuring, treasure hunting, hiring out as a mercenary (eg, caravan guard), etc.
Pushed by curiosity, you enter the house with no sense of evil - though you know that you are breaking the law (good thing that thieves can't be Lawful).
After this, it's up to you if you want to commit acts of thievery - or not.
Lol, sorry for contributing to the thread derailment.
During right wing control, it can slightly move to "Evil" though.
(sorry to all americans, but the last president did not let good souvenirs to the whole world - on the contrary to the current one).
this government is lawful neutral at best. Because the law shall prevail (when democrats are in command).
*hangs head in shame*
Enough politics. Let us get on to enjoying BG:EE, which I will be doing presently.
As for the other houses...I usually just make an excuse. For instance...he might be ogling one of the women changing through a window. Or maybe the door is already cracked open and he takes a peek. Sometimes I do roleplay that those people are static members of society and that other people know about them. "Poor so-in-so," someone might say in the tavern, " 'eard someone stole 'er baby!" Or something like that. And then you go investigate.
Since my character is a lech...he is more apt to help a female than another male. So I have to take that into account. Does the NPC have a daughter? Well...there might still be some "rewards" involved.
I have been busy all week and haven't really started Day 2 in my character's journal yet though (seems to take multiple days to explain why my character did what he did in the game when actually typing them out). So sometime probably Tuesday I'll start with him on his own, meeting Imoen, Xzar, and Montaron...and dealing with all these new obnoxious idiots on his quest to...well once his sword "Pointy Death Stab" crumbles from the crappy iron...HE WILL WANT VENGENCE!
That being said, I played Knights of the Old Republic I and I'm playing Knights of the Old Republic II with a fully light-sided jedi, and I just loot the majority of the containers that I see through the games. Again, there are almost 0 consequences, but there was a situation where a minor NPC complained that I got into his apartment and got some of his credits. I chose the option "I don't need that. You can keep it." and while he complained about my behavior, he simply let me have it.
If you want to justify these actions.. Well, in most of these games you are embarking on a quest to save the world or the galaxy. So you can simple say that you are gathering all the monetary help that you can and you will pay them back (which isn't true).