Neera's Quest... Am I missing something? **SPOILERS**
So... Neera's Quest.
You go the new area, where the wildmage lives.
A couple goblins greet you and offer you to take them to their leader. I kindly said no and started wandering about, when I meet this ranger-looking fellow who tells me all about this rocks that turn into goblins and how his wife got killed by hobgoblins. I said "Ok... I'll look for her, no probs!" and set out east. O my way east I find a ton of gobs just... like... hanging about, not doing anything in particular. They don't want to talk to me or anything, so I'm like "Well... guess I'll just get it over with". Another thing that seems weird are all this empty containers scattered about. After looking into them, I just enter some sort of cave on the North East.
Inside there are some violent goblins and kill them off, "Easy as Goblin pie!", that sort of thing. The this big bad-ass hobgoblins starts talking trash to me so I am forced to waste him. I find this door behind him and, what do you know, there is that fatass wildmage. He explains a couple of things to me and out the blue, the red wizards that were hunting Neera back y Beregost show up. I blow them up and the wildmage teleports back. He says that he is grateful for what I did and that he wants to give me his treasure trove, then proceeds to teleport out, never to be seen again...
That's it? One weird thing, though, right after that happens, Neera starts her romance scrip with me (AGAIN, I had that conversation a couple hours before, too). And after that, nothing happens. The quest is still on my journal but there is nothing else to do... or is it?
I looked all over the map and all I could find was Rocky and Bullwinkle... and he even summoned an ogre to fight me...
So what's the deal... Am I missing something???
You go the new area, where the wildmage lives.
A couple goblins greet you and offer you to take them to their leader. I kindly said no and started wandering about, when I meet this ranger-looking fellow who tells me all about this rocks that turn into goblins and how his wife got killed by hobgoblins. I said "Ok... I'll look for her, no probs!" and set out east. O my way east I find a ton of gobs just... like... hanging about, not doing anything in particular. They don't want to talk to me or anything, so I'm like "Well... guess I'll just get it over with". Another thing that seems weird are all this empty containers scattered about. After looking into them, I just enter some sort of cave on the North East.
Inside there are some violent goblins and kill them off, "Easy as Goblin pie!", that sort of thing. The this big bad-ass hobgoblins starts talking trash to me so I am forced to waste him. I find this door behind him and, what do you know, there is that fatass wildmage. He explains a couple of things to me and out the blue, the red wizards that were hunting Neera back y Beregost show up. I blow them up and the wildmage teleports back. He says that he is grateful for what I did and that he wants to give me his treasure trove, then proceeds to teleport out, never to be seen again...
That's it? One weird thing, though, right after that happens, Neera starts her romance scrip with me (AGAIN, I had that conversation a couple hours before, too). And after that, nothing happens. The quest is still on my journal but there is nothing else to do... or is it?
I looked all over the map and all I could find was Rocky and Bullwinkle... and he even summoned an ogre to fight me...
So what's the deal... Am I missing something???
So, in other words... for now, that's it?
Are there any original romances in the game or are those just from BG2?
Does anyone have some info on the quest?
That larger Wild Mage guy seemed to skip a dialogue line or two, considering how he gives you a belt before talking about something else entirely before. Then Neera yelling 'it's all about YOU,' even though your conversation with that wild mage guy had almost nothing to do with you.
I'm pretty certain it's bugged.
That's pretty much it. Note that there is a dead woman lying on the ground inside the cave just before you face the hobgoblin and if you cursor over her body you get a prompt to burn her body etc. Do this and go back to the ranger guy for a reward. The Quest continues once you've reached Baldur's Gate.
As for the goblins if you antagonize them you have to fight your way through them. If you're kind they wont attack you and you can go right to the end. That's why they weren't attacking you. The empty containers are common for many areas in the game. Just check out the ones in Beregost and see how few of them actually have something inside.
The romance is bugged and has been reported as such by many folks. My room mate has a bug where she continually starts the "give me some sugar baby" talk every 2 or 3 feet he walks in Baldur's Gate.
Edit: @GoodSteve
Oh, I didn't notice that you could interact with the corpse. THX!
[Spoiler] I just happened to be wandering around the North BG area, NW of the Ducal palace when a little halfling that talked like a very loud Groundskeeper Willy ran up and began harassing us about stolen gold. Guess who turned out to have 'borrowed' that money and fled in the night? Anyhow there's a good convo path that offers to replace the stolen gold out of your own funs, and Neera is grateful (It think?).
Here's hoping she doesn't do it to Charname in the future! [/spoiler]
I've had the interaction in BG, but no other talking with Neera since Adoy. Blah.
Considering this video, I've only had dialogues untill 14:27, and don't have all that behind this mark. My last dialogue made a note in my journal calling "Sure of Herself" and its point is encouraging. "Maybe all she needed was the chance to be the part of the group. Or maybe she's responding to the presence of one particular person". But since that, I have not had any dialogues for a looooong time. How do you think, I've broke it, or it's just a bug?