Disappearing mouse cursor in fullscreen mode - fix

Hey folks, over the weekend we pushed the first patch to the game. In the Options / Graphics menu, there is a new option there to enable/disable the hardware mouse cursor.
This has a few effects:
1) DISABLING it should fix the disappearing mouse cursor for some people when in full-screen mode. Without going into too many technical details, for whatever reason their graphics configuration was scaling the cursor too big which resulted in it disappearing.
2) the software mouse cursor (again: with the option disabled) does perform worse as it updates on every frame with the game, so, you'll notice the movement will not be as smooth. In addition, due to the way the software mouse cursor renderer works, the cursor will scale with the window size and be present in any screengrabs.
3) the game may take a performance hit from doing this. For most systems it should be negligible, but for those running the game on any sort of Intel integrated graphics, this may cause grief.
Generally the issue for which this fix was implemented has been occurring primarily on some AMD-based chips, and specifically in Windows Vista for some reason, though.
This has a few effects:
1) DISABLING it should fix the disappearing mouse cursor for some people when in full-screen mode. Without going into too many technical details, for whatever reason their graphics configuration was scaling the cursor too big which resulted in it disappearing.
2) the software mouse cursor (again: with the option disabled) does perform worse as it updates on every frame with the game, so, you'll notice the movement will not be as smooth. In addition, due to the way the software mouse cursor renderer works, the cursor will scale with the window size and be present in any screengrabs.
3) the game may take a performance hit from doing this. For most systems it should be negligible, but for those running the game on any sort of Intel integrated graphics, this may cause grief.
Generally the issue for which this fix was implemented has been occurring primarily on some AMD-based chips, and specifically in Windows Vista for some reason, though.
But I'm experiencing a huge glitch in the game that has really disabled my gameplay.
First after buying equipment at the candlekeep inn, I can equip a sword but when I picked up my armor (not shield); my mouse cursor disappears and all quickslots and such lights up.
I can escape that screen but I cant manipulate the exit screen so I have to control alt delete.
Exiting app, rebooting computer didnt solve. So I gave up. After Gorion died I used Imoen to pick up loot which was leather armor; that I was able to manipulate and place in right spot. I thought "yay its fixed'
Nope. I'm now at the Friendly Arm Inn and I was trying to manipulate Imoens arrows and no matter what; my mouse/cursor disappears, all the weapon slots highlight, the ground boxes highlight, the missle weapon slots highlight...everything where equipment can be applied gets highlighted and while I may eventually figure out where the item goes and drop appropriately I still cannot find a mouse pointer for me to play the game. After the glitch happens I can still click in the game to move but I wont know where precisely the mouse will land me. Likewise I still cannot manipulate the Options Menu or any Menu, hitting a key brings it up but im still screwed.
Control Alt Delete and ending the task kills the game and I'm free
Apparently Baldurs Gate EE wont run in Safe Mode with Networking so I cant eliminate something on my hard drive
I have right clicked shortcut and ran as Admin but that didnt help
I have disabled every single option within the Options page for Feedback/Pause/Gameplay that didnt solve anything.
I dont see a .ini file within my folder so I'm not sure where to manipulate. So my primary character had problems with equipping armor and now Imoen has problems manipulating arrows. I'm at a loss of what to do next. Thanks
Also on a whim I decided to use the Pre Custom Characters that came with BG:EE rather than create one from scratch; thinking custom characters was the issue..nope. Buying armor form CandleKeep Inn was ok but when I bought a stack of arrows and then tried to manipulate it; it did same thing
I read this on a sticky made by TrentOster:
When playing full screen on the Ati Radeon 4800 series cards, an inventory glitch can occur where the studded leather, spears and certain heltmets disappear from the cursor when picked up. If you play in a window instead of full screen this issue disappears.
So TRY IN WINDOW MODE when manipulating equipment.
Honestly I do not have a ATI graphics card but I did just test this out on Imoen and it seemed to have worked
Myself I employ a GeForce Graphics Card and a AMD Phenom Processor
I'm... I'm really disappointed. I had extremely high hopes for this, but at the moment it's an unplayable mess. I would have rather it released next year than like this.
This inventory bug seems like such an easy thing to fix, but it's so important for people's enjoyment of the game. Please fix it soon dudes.
I played only a bit, currently I am in Friendly Arm Inn where I met with Jaheira and Khalid. So far, I found the following problems:
1. Cursor is missing after any operation with arrows and some other stacked items in inventory.
2. Sound is useless. Only some chirps, beeps and pieces of conversation and ocassionaly some music.
3. Game is SLOW. I do not know why, because I am trying to play it on the computer where Skyrim works like a charm with 20+ mods. And no, I do not have the Intel graphic, I have a decent Nvidia card.
4. There is nothing new in the game. Even the old bugs/problems are there - for example, you can press "M" for map, but you cannot hide the map with another "M" key-press. Incredibly stupid.
Simply, for me it was a total wast of money. If I only want to play the old fashioned BG, BG2, I can install it from the DVD which was a part of my Score computer games magazine one year ago. On one DVD, I have BG, BG2, all datadiscs and language support for Czech language. And it is a real game, without those stupid bugs I mentioned above...
So far the whole experience has been a bummer. First the game was delayed at the last minute, then the download was going at 35 kb/s, now the game is unplayable and I have to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it. I own about 200 hundred games digitally, purchased at stores where I can download at speeds of 1 mb/s minimum and only two pieces of software have been unplayable due to bugs.
I'm also very disappointed in the UI. It's an eyesore. Screen shots of the new UI weren't available in September, were they? I wouldn't have pre-ordered if I knew the game would look like this.
Hopefully this gets patched and I can get back to playing my blackguard. But it isn't 1998 and I'm not twelve years old anymore. I buy games -- in this case pre-order them -- with my own money, but ultimately my time is what is most valuable. If things don't get fixed soon then I might never get back to it. This is my favorite game of all time, but every couple of weeks there's something new to play.
I had to stop following Trent on twitter. He's just retweeting people who are singing his praises, over and over again to the point where it just comes off as arrogant. I don't wish him any ill-will, but at this time reading "I'm playing the game and loving it you are awesome" for the dozenth time isn't making things better.
Well, I've blown off some steam, that's what message boards are for, right?
Like in topic, my cursor dissapears.
Anyone knows how to deal with it?
1. When I click on armor, the hand cursor dissapears, as well as the armor cursor.
2. I tried to put the armor in a slot anyway (while not seeing any cursor, just blindly) and the armor showed up, but the hand (or just any) cursor was invisible, so...
It`s impossible to play like that. :c
U need more info?
Sorry for spam! Could someone close this thread?
Even when you exit the inventory the cursor is still not visible.