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Which edition of Baldur's Gate 2 are you using ?

It seems that there is an overwhelming majority of people with Enhanced Edition here. Thanks Captain Obvious, you may say, pointing at the URL. But since I have an interest in game mechanics and the two editions seem to have a significant amount of differences in that area, it becomes troublesome for the minority if we're split something like 90/10. As an original edition owner, I and the other 10% would simply not be talking about the same thing as the rest of you, and we would also not be able to rely blindly on what we read around the place. Knowing what to expect would be convenient.

So if active users can cast a quick vote to help understand what the population looks like, I'd be grateful :)
  1. Which edition of Baldur's Gate 2 are you using ?45 votes
    1. Original edition
    2. Enhanced edition


  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited October 2018
    The original BG2: Shadows of Amn is almost as old as me (with original BG being older than me ;) ). I first met with the Infinity Engine genre in about 2015, and started off with the Enhanced Editions themselves. So I've never played the original ones, maybe I'll try them out some day. :)
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I have played both - been playing for more than 15 years.

    BG2 is still a great game - but BG1 didnt age well. Even 15 years ago BG1 was a chore, and you was in dire need of TuTu, BGT and what not.

    Today we have IWD:ee and BG1:ee. Both updated with care and consideration. They now truly stand out as the epic game they are. Even the reviews back in the days where harsh on BG1 once BG2 came out.

    The IE games needed the enhanced editions, and the games can now stand the test of time - without modding. I can even play the game on a iphone (and do nothing but). No small feat.

    So the transit has been easy, and most mods transit to ee thanks to the voluntary work of some lovable people. So the ee has been accepted by most, and for those who dont like it, the old mods are still there.

    This forum is for the EE games. But the devs and mods have been around for ages (sorry - but its true...), and know the engine and the mechanics of then and now. The forum embraces all with a positive and constructive attitude. The old forum may be gone, but this new forum has given shelter and refuge to most of the old forumites - and no one frowns when the old game is brought up (the no reload thread as an example).

    The job on the ee has been one of carefull curating - love, time and effort has been put into it. And it shows - even on this forum
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  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited October 2018
    Both editions for me too. I go back to the original BG1 when I want to recapture the PnP feel of D&D without all the bells and whistles that come with the EE's.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    The IE games needed the enhanced editions, and the games can now stand the test of time - without modding.

    Nothing stands the test of time.

    Anyways, I still install and use the originals (and I bought the BG2 collector's edition, a thing I've only done with 4 games in my life) when I want to see how something was "in the original", but the "bells and whistles" have me.

    And yes, BG1 was horrible, even relative to BG2.

    Much worse than a quite similar analogy, Fallout 1 vs. Fallout 2.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I don't agree that the two editions have "significantly" different game mechanics. It is true that Beamdog has changed the game's interface and added some NPCs, kits, etc, but then again "old school" BGers have a long history of modding those sorts of things (so there is no "common" standard anyway). Just think of EE as being a particular set of mods most people install nowadays, and feel free to join the conversation!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Bugfixes. New opcodes for modders. Prettier graphics. A new expansion. And load times reduced to a single second. The only disadvantage is that the new versions closed some exploits.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Seriously, things are possible now with modding, that could never bee done before. For that fact alone, using the originals is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Add in the extra stability, bug fixes, new content. Its simply no contest.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    after being "contaminated" with the bug fixes and smoothness and ease of use of the EEs, it is practically impossible for me to go back to the originals

    the originals just run like pure garbage ( although bg2 was okay ) but the game fixes from the EEs make it so playing the originals is just a pain

    its like trying to play pokemon red or blue ( or green ) when you have fire red and leaf green instead, which are astronomically better than their first gen counter parts

    although, sometimes i like looking at the bg series as it was eons ago, with that terrible res and ui, it just tugs on the nostalgia feels, but that bliss eventually runs out and when it comes time to play the bg series again, the EEs are the only way to do it with sanity
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Though I still enjoy the originals, I most often play the EE editions these days. Although I yet prefer playing in version 1.3, rather than the latest patch level. This may change if they open up more of the hard coded areas of the UI to modders, in future patches.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    Though I still enjoy the originals, I most often play the EE editions these days. Although I yet prefer playing in version 1.3, rather than the latest patch level. This may change if they open up more of the hard coded areas of the UI to modders, in future patches.

    I thought they already did that? Each patch has opened the engie more up to modding. Aren't there already several UI mods on this very forum?
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    There are indeed. Unfortunately, there is only so much that our talented modders can do as long as some areas, for example the world map or equipment comparison, remain hard coded. I realize that some people, much like yourself @ThacoBell, love the new UI. :) But there are also those of us out here who were disappointed with the changes and are still waiting for more options. This is why our dedicated UI modders have worked so hard.

    But for now, 1.3 works for me. :)
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited October 2018

    There are indeed. Unfortunately, there is only so much that our talented modders can do as long as some areas, for example the world map or equipment comparison, remain hard coded. I realize that some people, much like yourself @ThacoBell, love the new UI. :) But there are also those of us out here who were disappointed with the changes and are still waiting for more options. This is why our dedicated UI modders have worked so hard.

    But for now, 1.3 works for me. :)

    My personal axe to grind is with the hotbar buttons hardcoded to class archetype.

    One can't, for example, make Mazzy a perfectly true to PnP 'Truesword' class, because PnP Trueswords get the ability to hide/sneak as Ranger of equivalent level.

    Only the Cleric/Ranger archetype has the correct button layout, but then the level progression is basically halved for being a multiclass. And, being a Cleric/Ranger, would have to clean up all the unwanted Ranger bits, like Druid-type spells, favored enemy, and Charm Animal.

    Which is kind of funny how much time and effort I've spent on it, because I've never been a Mazzy fan, and am still not a Mazzy fan, and even now I don't plan on keeping her much longer in an future runs than it takes to do her quests. But it's clear that that's what the devs intended her to be based on their primitive BG2 method of giving her innate abilities, and I want it to be done right.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847

    There are indeed. Unfortunately, there is only so much that our talented modders can do as long as some areas, for example the world map or equipment comparison, remain hard coded. I realize that some people, much like yourself @ThacoBell, love the new UI. :) But there are also those of us out here who were disappointed with the changes and are still waiting for more options. This is why our dedicated UI modders have worked so hard.

    But for now, 1.3 works for me. :)

    My personal axe to grind is with the hotbar buttons hardcoded to class archetype.
    I'm hoping @Bubb will come up with something regarding this, since it looks like he's already made significant headway.
    Bubb said:

    Hmm... that action bar looks quite weird for a Cleric / Mage! ;)

  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited October 2018
    Flashburn said:

    There are indeed. Unfortunately, there is only so much that our talented modders can do as long as some areas, for example the world map or equipment comparison, remain hard coded. I realize that some people, much like yourself @ThacoBell, love the new UI. :) But there are also those of us out here who were disappointed with the changes and are still waiting for more options. This is why our dedicated UI modders have worked so hard.

    But for now, 1.3 works for me. :)

    My personal axe to grind is with the hotbar buttons hardcoded to class archetype.
    I'm hoping @Bubb will come up with something regarding this, since it looks like he's already made significant headway.
    Bubb said:

    Hmm... that action bar looks quite weird for a Cleric / Mage! ;)

    Interesting. I did notice when I made a Cleric/Thief a couple weeks ago, that the Thieving ability (disarm/pick lock/pick pocket) button was actually in the F12 Special Abilities button. There may yet be hope.
  • ProbablyNotANumberProbablyNotANumber Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2018
    Well thanks a lot for your participation guys! 40 votes and a 95/5 distribution, the trend is pretty clear but that shouldn't come as a surprise, we're on Beamdog's forums for Bhaal's sake.

    @smady3 Thank you for your service. With you, we are just enough to start a cult and begin conquest soon.

    For what it's worth, one main reason I will not buy Beamdog's edition is that they did not bother translating it. I speak their language, but I expect respect for mine if they want their product to sell in the relevant homelands. Especially since Baldur's Gate 1&2 had really good text and voice sets already. Some lines have entered into legend and make for great quotes for the initiated :)
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  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    the ee. they run better and most modders focus on them insted of the originals.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    ThacoBell said:

    Seriously, things are possible now with modding, that could never bee done before. For that fact alone, using the originals is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Add in the extra stability, bug fixes, new content. Its simply no contest.

    Wearing nostalgia rose colored glasses is what you're looking for.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    It's hard to take the bus again after cruising around in a limo.

    That said, the originals haven't magically become worse, so kudos to anyone who can still enjoy them in spite of the new ones.
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