I was bored so I ...

... decided to kill Dreppin's cow Nessie (just after he had healed her). Boy did he get mad. So did everyone in Candlekeep. That game didn't last long.
Your turn. What have you done when you got bored playing BG?
Your turn. What have you done when you got bored playing BG?
...I usually turn it off when I have enough:)
Since reading this thread, though, I have the weirdest urge to head to Nashkel & charm Oublek, then force him to beat Noober to death. See how the big man feels about "dealing with criminals" and being "jaded" after that, ha!
Too soon?
Then I ctrl+q the dragon and had it kill everyone in candlekeep or Baldur's Gate =D
Yaaaay Simssssss
And yes, I used to go into Fireball spree around the Sword Coast from time to time, until the whole army of Flaming Fist highest officers finally get me.
Come to think of it, I a significant amount of sitting behind my mech armies in SC2 and just destroying their worker lines instead while they come to me. Although usually its not with nukes =(
@Dragonspear: I cannot say that I enjoy the storyline, but I love SC1 and SC2. Competitively valid or not, I am always happy when I have bunkers filled with marines, backed by ghosts, siege tanks, missile turrets, and patrolling vikings by my entrance. I've always had a thing for bunkers. *shrug*
I never played SC1, by the time I started to appreciate RTS (oh say, about a year and a half ago) graphically I was already screwed. That and a friend took my original SC1 disk and I'm too cheap to buy it.
That said, personally I dunno, I used to enjoy the marine but between banelings, psi storm, colossus, siege tanks, archons etc, I just prefer Mech. Give me Hellion, Tank, Thor, Viking, Banshee into Raven, Battlecruiser late game.
I mean, I still play bio against protoss (hurry up HotS), but its definitely my weakest matchup and I think its in large part because I know longer enjoy the nuances of bio or marine/tank play. I prefer the slow, patient mech crawl.
O and work...... always work.
One time I wanted to try something different, I killed Gorion right in Cnadlekeep at the beginning, while he was standing on the steps of the Library. The game ended just there.
Another time, playing IWD2, I had just found Nichodemus the ArchMage. Since this guy refused to talk to me, I just force started the fight and killed him in a few seconds. The game told me I had killed a critical character and could not continue. I stood there like a statue...
kicked him in the head till he was dead *cackling laughter*
Later, I used cheats to spawn an army of 2,400 paladins in the Umar Hills because I was bored and wanted to try something new and was feeling annoyed with paladins. I also spawned several copies of Abazigal and about 50 priests of Oghma in other parts of the same level. I fought them all with a party of six evil and neutral characters. It was truly epic and lasted for 7 hours real time. I eventually won, but unfortunately I didn't get to fight the Abazigal copies because it turned out that the paladins killed them before I could get there.
One time I imported my 3rd playthrough BG2 PC into BG Tutu and had him cast imprisonment on everyone in the game that I didn't like, but didn't really want dead. I thought that giving them a few thousand years in a magical prison to think about how they could have done things differently was a better punishment than death.