Dragon Age 4? (Possible spoilers)

in Off-Topic
Ok so the new teaser trailer has just been released. What's everyone's thoughts and theories on what's happening next?
I also found this fan theory which is pretty interesting. What do you think?
P.S. Mostly excited to kick the egg in the head for being a douche.
I also found this fan theory which is pretty interesting. What do you think?
P.S. Mostly excited to kick the egg in the head for being a douche.
I know a lot of people here like to bad-mouth DA:I, mainly because they don't like BioWare/EA, but I liked DA:I a whole lot, found the game to be very addictive and engaging, and am extremely excited about DA4 including its possible direction. I thought it was brilliant how DA:I ended and then expanded further in a very intriguing way in Trespasser.
With Gaider gone, it’ll be interesting to see how the BioWare team handles 4. It could be dead on arrival however as I think Anthem is Bioware’s last shot of reclaiming it’s former glory.
Well if it comes to that point. @deltago made an excellent point about this being Biowares last chance. It seems strange to me how that could be - like seriously ME:Andromeda was so mediocre, it's weird that it could really have cost THAT much, but I dunno, I don't really understand that side of game developing/publishing.
That controversy had nothing to do with the state that the game was in upon release.
The lore is fantastic though!
I don't recall any game taking a huge risk with its setting since Morrowind. Imagine a Forgotten Realms game that takes place entirely in Chult, Maztica or the far East, though. It'd be fantastic!
Same story with Forgotten Realms as a setting, really. My interest in Faerûn has completely dried up over the course of 50+ video games, all setting on the very same continent. Give me a main plot located in Maztica, Osse, Katashaka or Zakhara any day of the week. But please save me from revisting locations I can already sleepwalk through!
DA3 was one if the most underwhelming experiences of late and one of those games I wish I had never bought. To this day, I still don't know why I did since it was just as bland as I had expected. It was last "open world" game I ever intend to play, the genre is just completely dead stuck in clichés and old tracks and need a serious injection boost to become viable to me again. With this said, DA4 is on my "I really don't give a rat's ass"-list together with any future Fallout, Witcher game(s) etc.
I know this lie solely on myself and it's not like I blame the whole industry or the developers for the choices they made, but the MMO-esque additions that plague all open world games just isn't to my liking. In MMO's those quests serve a purpose of leveling and loots, thus they are just means for an end. In single player games that doesn't revolve solely on levels and loots, they add absolutely nothing. I really coulnd't care less about some redundant achievement that is logged on my Steam account and I completely fail to see why anyone does. Quests like that only remove immersion for me personally. Same with Mafia 3, a game I had anticipated since I loved Mafia 1 über alles and really liked Mafia 2 as well. Same with the LoTR game which name now eludes me, where you play a ghost ranger. Same with ME:A. Same with all open world games that try to squeeze in an MMO experience in a single player game.
Also, IMHO, there's really no such thing as blowing things out of proportion when it comes to personal taste. You either like something or you don't. It's always 100% personal and might not be rational of based on facts, but rather feelings, but that doesn't make it less true or real for you anyways.
But perhaps I am derailing the thread a bit with my ramblings, so I should probably stop now