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Why Irenicus doesn't die in final fight?

Irenicus doesn't die and even no movement at all in the final fight, no mater how long and how much I had hit him. His status just stays "almost die". I think it's a bug. Can this be fixed?


  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    It seems like for some reason his death cutscene does not trigger. I had the same problem few times, and reloading helped.
  • Cyruschen0112Cyruschen0112 Member Posts: 55
    Okay, maybe I can try it again in another play。Actually last time finally I made the wizard transfer to illithid by using lever 9 magic to draw hisintelligence Finally he died, but no ending come up, the story stayed no moving, then I closed the game.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    All the bosses share this issue. They need to move around at minimum health for the script to trigger. If you keep hitting them in place the sequence won't fire even if it should.

    Part of the problem is that some of the bosses (including Irenicus in hell) regenerate, so even if you reduce them to 1 HP, which should trigger their death cutscene, it doesn't, because they quickly regenerate back out of the death cutscene HP range.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited January 2019
    The OP's issue is sometimes due to poor player strategy and sometimes due to an actual bug.

    Poor strategy - Some players cower in the corner of the map while sending summons to handle the final fight. Because the enemies regenerate, you can dish out tens of thousands in damage without actually winning, leading players to (wrongly) conclude they must be experiencing a glitch.

    Bug - Many BG2 cutscenes fail to trigger from time to time. Reasons vary by cutscene but this one seems to fail more often than most as @SirBatince stated. A quick reload usually takes care of the problem.
    Post edited by jsaving on
  • thiefthief Member Posts: 45
    Sometimes the cutscene won't trigger if you have ridiculously high damage output per round. I once hit him for like 2000+ HP in a short span and had to reload... next time I slowed down a bit and cutscene worked. It was vanilla BG2.
  • blatantninjablatantninja Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2021
    Ugggg, having this issue. I've reloaded a dozen times, even went back and took him on solo, then switched to just fists before he 'dies'. I get the sequence where he says you killed me, he's laying on the ground, I didn't hit him again, but then nothing more happens. Eventually he stands back up, but then he doesn't do anything and you can't kill him. One thing that might be an indicator of the problem, as soon as the dialogue sequence finishes, it ALWAYS then shows Jon Irenicus: Freedom: Jon Irenicus. this happens even if he hasn't been casting anything.

    Anyone got another work around? Is there a global you can set that will trigger getting dragged to hell?
    Post edited by blatantninja on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Ugggg, having this issue. I've reloaded a dozen times, even went back and took him on solo, then switched to just fists before he 'dies'. I get the sequence where he says you killed me, he's laying on the ground, I didn't hit him again, but then nothing more happens. Eventually he stands back up, but then he doesn't do anything and you can't kill him. One thing that might be an indicator of the problem, as soon as the dialogue sequence finishes, it ALWAYS then shows Jon Irenicus: Freedom: Jon Irenicus. this happens even if he hasn't been casting anything.

    Anyone got another work around? Is there a global you can set that will trigger getting dragged to hell?

    are you using any mods? a lot of the time mods conflict with scenarios like this, and also i've never seen jon die and then somehow have a freedom spell cast on him for no reason

    also, worse case scenario you could probably just use the cheat console and warp yourself to hell ( i believe its AR2900 ) and then you can continue as normal
  • blatantninjablatantninja Member Posts: 29
    sarevok57 wrote: »

    are you using any mods? a lot of the time mods conflict with scenarios like this, and also i've never seen jon die and then somehow have a freedom spell cast on him for no reason

    also, worse case scenario you could probably just use the cheat console and warp yourself to hell ( i believe its AR2900 ) and then you can continue as normal

    TONS of mods (which I was sure was probably causing the issue as I've had a few others). I'm playing the EE Trilogy mod to make it one big game. I suspect that Shadows over Soulbar is causing some problems, as I keep seeing in the feedback area that Soulbar villagers are fighting in Suldanessellar, though I can't actually find them.

    I used the cheat console to move me to hell. I'll report back if I'm able to continue on or if Irenicus doesn't show up there or something.
  • blatantninjablatantninja Member Posts: 29
    Ok, well it worked! I didn't think it did at first as I thought I'd killed Irenicus and nothing happened. I reloaded, redid it, and then realized that I'd just killed one of the copies and he was hiding off in the corner of the map. Finished wiping the floor with him (my party is ridiculously over powered at this point due to all those mods!) and got the cut scene and then dumped into the ToB part!
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