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Memorable experiences from those early play-throughs.

waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58
I know that there is a similar thread somewhere, and my original intention was to bump that one. I was not able to locate it however, since I can't remember the title. If it shows up maybe a merge is in order. For now, however:

A significant part of the magic with ones very first play-through was that element of basically knowing nothing about anything in terms of what challenges awaited you and how you were supposed to overcome them in the most efficent manner. First of all there was no opportunity to meta-game in any way, since what you knew about the world was on par with your character would know, i.e no fire balls cast blindly in to the fog of war. Secondly you simply didn't have any idea of what weapons, spells, etc to utilise. You generally had to improvise as you went a long. As well as reload. A lot. Of course, twelve years ago, there wasn't a myriad of online walkthroughs and forums to guide you, either.

The thing is: these playthroughs were the best, since the immersion was so much greater than in later play-throughs were it became much more a question of trying new ways to beat the game. The game took months rather than days to complete, and the experiences offered were a lot richer.

From my first (or maybe not very first, but the first where I was actually getting places) play-through, my most memorable moment was without a doubt the fight with Davaeorn. I just literally COULDN'T beat him. I tried again, again and again, to no avail. In hindsight this was most likely down to my next to non-existent tactics and generally carefreee attitude towards things such as traps, buffs, and debuffs.

When I finally managed, the circumstances where dramatical, to say the least: after an initial melee charge that involved the flinging of countless canisters of flaming oil in the general direction of the evil wizard and his minions, my main char (a fighter) subsequently found himself beeing the sole survivor of the group. At this point he had already run for his life, and found himself in that chamber in the bottom right of the screen, with the chest. After a while Davaeorn caught up, determined to finish the job; however at this time his minions were gone as well as his magical protection, and a few swings with Graywolf's sword won my fighter the day before he was turned to toast.

When the dust had settled I counted five dead companions, of which three where permanently gone. And here's to the big thing: rather then promptly reloading (once again) I simply went on frow where I was. I had just won the impossible fight, it was well worth the lives of a couple of companions! My fighter simply gathered up the most valuable equipment he could carry, flung Ajantis and Kivan's relatively intact bodies on a mining cart, and began the long, cumbersome retreat back to civilized lands. After som much needed rest and some bloody expensive ressurection, my party, now a three-piece, set of for the first time to the grand city of Baldur's Gate, where their ranks would soon be bolstered by a pair of interesting gnomes...

Please share some of your memories of the very early Baldur's Gate experience!


  • waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58
    Oh, man, that turned into a rather long post.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    The first time I saw a basilisk it made me jump because the way it looked just completely creeped me out.

    Then the first time I saw Firkraag I jumped again because I thought "Bloody hell! That's a dragon!"
  • AmardarialAmardarial Member Posts: 270
    I still remember the first day I got ToTS installed and ran through Durlaq's Tower, I remember dieing to the hall of traps a lot (Didn't use thieves as much as I should have) and then the final battle with the Demon Knight and the Demon in Ulgoth Beard.....
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    my most memorable moments from BG would be when i stumbled into that group of adventurers near the halfling village and after a couple of retries was left literally shaking with adrenalin by the time i beat them. the difficulty of durlag's tower and telling that guy that being the fastest darts thrower in the west (or whatever) was stupid.

    and after many many reloads figuring out to use a potion of haste to have one NPC dance around graywolf while the rest of team peppered him with ranged weapons. that was my earliest grasp of "tactics". oh and interrupting the evil wizard trying to kill the other mage at nashkell carnival and desperately trying to save her before realising that actually i got more when i let her die. if it's a choice between loot and being good, i'll be good, but if it's a choice between loot and not being quick enough with the pause button...i'm sorry but i'm going to have be a second too slow to save you!
  • waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58

    Then the first time I saw Firkraag I jumped again because I thought "Bloody hell! That's a dragon!"

    I'm convinced that giant Wyvern in Cloakwood Forest could have handed him his ass.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    Then the first time I saw Firkraag I jumped again because I thought "Bloody hell! That's a dragon!"

    I'm convinced that giant Wyvern in Cloakwood Forest could have handed him his ass.
    Thinking about it, I also jumped when I saw the Cloakwood Forest movie and the Wyvern flew over carrying a cow. Maybe I'm just a really jumpy guy. Or perhaps I should drink less coffee?

  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    When I'm walking along, making my way east from Nashkell.

    I was trying to make it to the Gnoll stronghold, but we kept getting wounded by you have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourselves. Resting ended the same. The only way to reliably heal was to return to an inn. After two such times (really, my luck was that bad), Minsc lost patience and went berserk. We put him down because there was no way around it.
  • AyurukAyuruk Member Posts: 20

    Then the first time I saw Firkraag I jumped again because I thought "Bloody hell! That's a dragon!"

    I'm convinced that giant Wyvern in Cloakwood Forest could have handed him his ass.
    Thinking about it, I also jumped when I saw the Cloakwood Forest movie and the Wyvern flew over carrying a cow. Maybe I'm just a really jumpy guy. Or perhaps I should drink less coffee?

    The above quote is one for me. For bg2 I would say the first part of Jon's dungeon. Starting at a higher level and with 3 other team mates. When I saw that I thought to myself" this must be a tough game if they r giving me this kind of starting advantage"
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Just running away from something only to pick up, six wolves, some hobgoblins, a respawn of the wolves after running through the same area, escaping off the edge of the map into a hail of bandit arrows.
  • XanthulXanthul Member Posts: 57
    I remember buying like five or six stacks of bolts for Fuller and then damning myself for wasting 5 gold when I found out he only takes one...
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    The first time I saw what a Magic Missile spell actually looked like, I was like ohhhhhh that's what they were going for lol. I had played AD&D for a couple years but never really envisioned it till I saw the in-game animation.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2012
    my first combat ever outside of Candlekeep...Imoen & I got killed by a single gibberling...sigh...
    @HaHaCharade...I've found the BG games to be a great tool for my p&p d&d...especially as a DM...
    Post edited by rexreg on
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Beating Davaeorn the Ankheg for the first time. All party members were alive but all had single digit Hit Points, I had also used all my consumables so I decided to limp back to the FAI to rest and restock on essentials. Leaking blood and other vital fluids behind me and I then proceeded to be waylaid by enemies (including wyverns/ettercaps etc) at every possible point (I seem to recall being ambushed twice by wyverns in the same journey) until finally making it back to the FAI - Charname being the only survivor.

  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    Following the story line to the Nashkel Mines with Khalid, Jajeira, Minsc, Montaron, and Xzar. Getting to the almost bottom and then Khalid/Jaheira and Montaron/Xzar start going for each others throats as Imoen and I were standing there wondering what was going on. Somehow beat Daevorn and got back to Nashkel. Picked up Minsc. On the way to the gnoll stronghold (got a little side tracked)... Minsc got upset and I had to kill him too. I was wondering what the problem with this game was.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    Sorry I put Minsc in my minesgroup, when it was Imoen... I picked up Minsc after that debacle.
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    The most memorable part for me is the character creator. Sounds kind of silly but it blew my mind away when I saw that I could make so many different characters with different abilities! It was my first time playing an RPG like this. Prior to that, all I knew were RTS, FPS and RPGs meant FF6/7 (which I also love a lot, but the characters just do not compare.)

    I would sometimes spend hours just creating new characters and write background stories. And then I discovered that if I start a multi-player game in BG2, I can make all 6 characters myself! I must've spent at least 2 evenings creating my perfect party the first time.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    My favourite early memory is when I was a few floors down in Nashkel mine, and suddenly Jaheira and Khalid start attacking Montaron and Xzar, and all my PC and Imoen can do is stand and gape as my party tears itself apart in a hostile, monster filled cave. I mean, really guys, if ever there was a time to put aside your differences...
  • UnseeyingEyeUnseeyingEye Member Posts: 48
    edited October 2012
    I can see one memory as if it happened today. I was exploring a random area and found an archaeological site. I wandered in and talked to the archaeologists. They needed my help, I solved it, they got into a tomb and so with nothing else to do I walked out thinking that the task was done. How wrong I was....

    I was attacked! A ghost/spirit came charging at me. I laughed... one enemy against my experienced party of six! I was a fool; I quickly discovered that my party would soon be overpowered. But it is rarely the stronger side that wins, it is the smarter one and I was not without my tricks. Jaheira managed to get a lucky entangle spell that bound him in place and I swear he was bound for what seemed ten minutes. During this time I had her and Edwin unleash their entire arsenal of spells. When the dust cleared it was still there... looking at me, eyes of hate.

    I equipped my party with whatever bows or crossbows that were in my packs and didn't give the order to cease fire until we ran out of ammo. It still stood (although it now resembled a porcupine). I had no idea what to do now. My party was bloodied from the earlier fight and out of healing spells or potions. It was looking ominous. Even though it was entangled it could still attack if I came within range... but I had nothing else to throw at it. Searching in my pack once again, praying that I had overlooked a few arrows or anything that could help me, I came across the answer. It was a crude weapon, rusted and a prime example of shoddy workmanship but it might just be what I need.

    I handed the spear to one of my fighters and had him impale the spirit time and time again, safely out of the spirit's range and finally it fell. We all breathed a sigh of relief and began our march back to Beregost.

    I also have fond memories of fighting the people at the Iron Throne, Nymble (I think his name is), the two assassins who poisoned Scar and also fighting that Balor during the expansion.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @decado travelling from one end of Cloakwood to the other is always epic.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2012

    From my first (or maybe not very first, but the first where I was actually getting places) play-through, my most memorable moment was without a doubt the fight with Davaeorn. I just literally COULDN'T beat him. I tried again, again and again, to no avail. In hindsight this was most likely down to my next to non-existent tactics and generally carefreee attitude towards things such as traps, buffs, and debuffs.

    This is a little off topic, but BG was definitely the game that taught me the power of buffs and potions. I was used to playing Final Fantasy games where you basically just use your highest DPS abilities and heal when you get low. In those games I would always save my elixirs and stuff "in case I need it more later"... but I generally would get to the end of the game without using any of them. In BG that kind of playstyle just didn't work and I had to learn some tactics other than charging in and just trying to kill the enemy before they killed me.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I remember the fact I missed the entrance to the last room in the Nashkel Mines (with the boss and Xan in), and ended up leaving the mine and completing about 80% of the map before realising I had to go back.

    And the, like, 3 in-game years I spent culling winter wolves for profit. I used to camp out through the seasons waiting for them to turn up again.
  • griffianogriffiano Member Posts: 26
    The Tanner in the Bridge district was sooo Silence of the Lambs but a brilliant quest all the same.
  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    Already posted about BG1 in the other thread.. but my greatest experience in BG2 is:

    The Umar Hills quest. Greatest adventure ever, oh my gosh.. mysterious killings, missing ranger, werewolves, dead deities, amazing puzzles, and to top it all off, a dragon (you are given the option to avoid it, even better). Wow. left me in awe. It inspired my best PnP adventure.
  • UnseeyingEyeUnseeyingEye Member Posts: 48
    @_N8_ Dead deities at Umar Hills?
  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2012

    Yeah Amaunator. Or should I say, "dormant"?
  • UnseeyingEyeUnseeyingEye Member Posts: 48
    @_N8_ but if memory serves that was part of the Temple sewers quest... with the Unseeying Eye?
  • waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58

    @_N8_ but if memory serves that was part of the Temple sewers quest... with the Unseeying Eye?

    Both, in fact.
  • UnseeyingEyeUnseeyingEye Member Posts: 48
    @waardenius wait... I actually vaguely recall some sort of thing to do with bringing back light (and Amaunator has the sun in his portfolio doesn't he?). I will need to look into this further when BG2:EE is released.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @UnseeyingEye not played in a long time? remember the tiled floor trap-puzzle?
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