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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Version 1.039 of this mod now has a Russian translation courtesy of @p_zombie325
    I've added it to the main post and I'll probably leave it there for a while even after the next update finally goes up. Give more time for translation.

    Please direct any translation notes to p_zombie325 as I don't speak a lick of Russian myself :smiley:
    They also did the setup addition so let me know if it works properly.
  • RabulizRabuliz Member Posts: 17
    I’m looking forward to playing this, thanks!
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    thats the best kind. helps with replays.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    megamike15 wrote: »
    thats the best kind. helps with replays.

    I suppose I can't argue with that :-)
    And considering how many parts of our mod are mutually exclusive, there should be plenty of replay value.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Really looking forward- Mazzy is one of my favorite characters who I almost never end up with, and this is going to give me a huge incentive in that direction.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    I have a CTD when intervening with Hexxat. Killing Hexxat - fine. Picking up Dragomir's Respite - Fine. I already had a stake in my bag from exploring the Lower Tombs, and after Hexxat is staked, CTD. I dropped the stake and had no problems continuing play, until I picked up the stake again. Boom, CTD. Clara's dead port appears, the message pops up, and the game immediately locks. Something isn't firing properly in the clara trigger. Mazzy is not in the party at this time.

    I run what I would call a light-to-moderately modded game. Ascension, Rogues Rebalanced, UB, Tweaks, Crossmod, and several mod npcs.

    If you'd like, I'm happy to send you my .dmp, my save, or test anything you'd like me to test. I can play around the crash without issue.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Interesting. I just ran another test, and post-staking Hexxat, it doesn't CTD unless and until I try to move. I can open inventory, character sheet, etc, np.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Ok, I figured out the cause of the CTD. When Clara is raised, she is still selected, but her sprite isn't present. If you try to move her while dead, CTD. Making sure she is unselected before attempting to move resolves the issue.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited June 2019
    @Deucetipher Thanks for letting us know. I'll have to see if there's a way to auto-unselect her in the code. I think it auto-selects when she joins the party and most NPCs don't join the party while dead so it's not normally an issue.

    I think if I make her unselectable until she's raised, that should fix it but I'll have to do some testing. If I can't sort it out, I'll have to start a "known bugs" section in the readme since it seems like an easy fix.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited June 2019
    No worries. Sorry for the triple post, but I was trying to do a thorough bug report and was getting excited as I narrowed it down and, in my exuberance, did not think to edit my original post

    As an aside, a mechanic wherein you receive her as a dead body which must then be taken to a particular priest or a certain statue, whereupon she is resurrected, might be a simple way to dodge the issue. Also prevents an issue from arising if you already have a full party when you stake Hexxat, if you happen to pick up another party member prior to acquiring a stake.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Are you kidding, specific bug reports are the best bug reports. Saves me from having to figure out the issue and at least I can tell people what to do if they run into the same problem :)

    I think I've got some code that will fix it, if making her unselectable works. But I'm in the middle of coding another section so I won't be able to test it until I actually get this part installing properly.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    From the _bbaldurgoodevil.baf:
    IF	//Fix for Alternatives if you steal the item but then drop it.
    	OR (2)
    	RESPONSE #100
    I'm not exactly thrilled to see such "fixes" using my prefix and changing my variables in another mod. If you think there is something missing in the alternative route to get the temples' necklaces from Alternatives (and Ajantis BGII) then talk to me instead of including a script block that scrambles my quest variables.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @BCaesar See above.

    @jastey I think this code only exists to make our quest trigger even if Alternatives is installed so it's a fix for our mod rather than saying something is wrong with yours. However, I didn't write or code this portion, so I'm not 100% certain of the triggers. If there's a better way to do it, I should be able to adjust the variables while I'm adding the next bit.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    This script block disables the alternative's route as soon as the player takes the original necklace into the inventory. The variable is an original one from Alternatives / Ajantis. It is not used in your mod anywhere.

    Situation currently: with Alternatives installed, the player can take the original item. Then decide against it, and put it back. Then talk to the priestess to get the fake.
    With your mod installed as well, as soon as the player takes the original necklace, the alternative route is disabled, even if the player does not leave the temple with the original necklace. (btw, you don't need to disable this route to detect whether the original necklace was taken, you can just use the item code, instead.)

    So, yes, this script block interferes into the Alternatives /Ajantis alternative route for unknown reason and with no gain for your mod. Please remove this from your mod.

    If you (including @BCaesar) think there is a compatibility problem, please contact me.
    If you think there is an oversight in the alternative route to the necklace, contact me and we can discuss about it.
    Do not just "fix" what you think is necessary in your mod by disabling my questline. This is bad practice.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    And a bug report:
    a player had the lightnings as if he'd stolen the necklace, but he said he didn't steal nor touch the original one but went the fake necklace path of Alternatives/Ajantis, instead.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited June 2019
    I'll have to look into the bug report. As far as I'm aware, our code shouldn't be triggering on the fake unless it uses the same item number as the real one, but I'll have to double check. That was some of the earliest coding on our mod and we're learning this as we go so it's entirely possible that something isn't working right.

    I think the other code is because our mod triggers when you take the necklace so if you take it and then go alternatives, you can end up lightninged to death without having a necklace to give back. But a few more triggers in the right place would probably fix that, I'll just have to figure out where.

    I suppose the easiest fix would be to change our trigger so the timer starts once you leave the temple area with the necklace to give people more time to change their minds, and then just let players to be forced to pay off Talos if they decide to do Alternatives after that.
    Post edited by Ratatoskr on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    Alternatives uses another item code. The player said he didn't take the original in his playthrough. He also didn't have a possibility to talk to the priestess about it after the lightning started.
    I suppose the easiest fix would be to change our trigger so the timer starts once you leave the temple area with the necklace to give people more time to change their minds, and then just let players to be forced to pay off Talos if they decide to do Alternatives after that.
    That sounds like a good idea.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Deucetipher I haven't yet found a way to automatically unselect Clara so you get the honor of the first "known bug" in this mod. At least it's an easy fix.

    And I can't see anything in our code that would trigger the lightning without stealing the necklace, But the next update will have some edits to try and stop that from happening anyway, plus adjusting the theft triggers as mentioned above.

    If anyone else runs into that same bug, please let me know so I can try to narrow down the cause.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2019
    jastey wrote: »
    This script block disables the alternative's route as soon as the player takes the original necklace into the inventory. The variable is an original one from Alternatives / Ajantis. It is not used in your mod anywhere.

    Situation currently: with Alternatives installed, the player can take the original item. Then decide against it, and put it back. Then talk to the priestess to get the fake.
    With your mod installed as well, as soon as the player takes the original necklace, the alternative route is disabled, even if the player does not leave the temple with the original necklace. (btw, you don't need to disable this route to detect whether the original necklace was taken, you can just use the item code, instead.)

    So, yes, this script block interferes into the Alternatives /Ajantis alternative route for unknown reason and with no gain for your mod. Please remove this from your mod.

    If you (including @BCaesar) think there is a compatibility problem, please contact me.
    If you think there is an oversight in the alternative route to the necklace, contact me and we can discuss about it.
    Do not just "fix" what you think is necessary in your mod by disabling my questline. This is bad practice.

    Ok we'll mess with it, see if we can get it to work better, and find a way to do it without changing your trigger. I don't remember any intention to try to edit your mod, just to try to make ours more compatible, but honestly it was coded ages ago so I'm speculating; I have almost no memory of doing it. Ratatoskr will take the Alternatives coding out in the next patch and when I get time I'll test it without that coding and see if I can figure out what I was trying to fix in the first place. Maybe I can recreate the lightning bug while I'm at it.

    The learning curve on this whole coding process is astoundingly steep, with a lot of what we learned just coming from copying other mods, so it's highly likely I screwed up something up, though looking through the lightning code I can't see how what they said had happened could have happened; but we'll look at it. The only possible triggers are the priestess is dead (and you aren't doing the Cleric quest) or the necklace is stolen, the priestess confronts you about it, and then you tell the priestess, "I refuse to give it back."
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2019
    No worries. Sorry for the triple post, but I was trying to do a thorough bug report and was getting excited as I narrowed it down and, in my exuberance, did not think to edit my original post

    As an aside, a mechanic wherein you receive her as a dead body which must then be taken to a particular priest or a certain statue, whereupon she is resurrected, might be a simple way to dodge the issue. Also prevents an issue from arising if you already have a full party when you stake Hexxat, if you happen to pick up another party member prior to acquiring a stake.

    One could pick up another party member before getting the stake, I never thought of that. Ok we'll have to figure out a work-around. That's a pity, the whole Hexxat/Clara coding was a real pain I was hoping not to have to reopen it :) .

    Hexxat/Clara is actually one place where I coded a bug-fixes in the actual game before I could even start because Hexxat kept killing Clara kept glitching out where Clara wouldn't die (so in our mod there's a back-up trigger on Clara dying to make sure she really dies when Hexxat kills her).
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @Deucetipher I haven't yet found a way to automatically unselect Clara so you get the honor of the first "known bug" in this mod. At least it's an easy fix.

    Thanks? Sorry? I'm not sure what the appropriate reaction is ?.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2019
    jastey wrote: »
    And a bug report:
    a player had the lightnings as if he'd stolen the necklace, but he said he didn't steal nor touch the original one but went the fake necklace path of Alternatives/Ajantis, instead.


    Test report: I have both mods installed, I talked to her, got the fake necklace, walked back to Mae'var's guild and gave him the necklace. All worked as expected. So I have no idea what happened in the other players' game how to recreate it, but as far as I can tell the Alternatives path works as expected with both installed. If he wants to come over here and talk about it we can try to figure it out. I'm curious if he does it again if it still has the same effect or if it was a one time fluke.

    Anyways next I walked back to Talos and it was night so I stole the necklace even though I didn't need to. Walked outside and nothing happens. It seems with our mod that only works if it's during the thief quest. I'll probably change that.

    Then since I had that Romantic Encounters mod I bedded the Talos priestess as well, which was a little ridiculous but exactly what the mod promised. I managed to keep Viconia and Jaheira from breaking up with me with an obvious lie they should have both seen through. RE works as expected.

    Lastly I killed the priestess and took her necklace again (since there's one copy sleeping and one awake) and none of her guards even cared. When I walked outside the two Talon priests outside cared though and Talos lightninged me to death so that part of our mod is working fine. I think I'll make the lightning death a bit slower though. Draw out the agony.

    Anyways next I'll try doing the whole thing with my Alternatives fix coding deleted and see if it all still works like it's supposed to or if an obvious bug pops up.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @BCaesar Yeah, we'll have to mess with Clara. It seems that there's no easy way to unselect a dead person automatically so she will probably just have to live in known bugs until we find a workaround.

    And I adjusted the dialogue triggers for Talos to just require MaevarWork greater than 2, so all you need is to have gotten that quest at some point and have stolen the necklace. Hopefully that will allow people to pay her off and stop the lightning if they get a glitch later on.

    Did your remember to wait a day after stealing the necklace before taking to the priestess? That's the other required trigger for our priestess talk.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @Deucetipher I haven't yet found a way to automatically unselect Clara so you get the honor of the first "known bug" in this mod. At least it's an easy fix.

    Thanks? Sorry? I'm not sure what the appropriate reaction is ?.

    No worries. I was mostly just being persnickety. ? Between bcaesar and I we should manage a fix at some point. And at least we can tell people how to avoid the issue until then due to your wonderfully detailed bug report.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @BCaesar Yeah, we'll have to mess with Clara. It seems that there's no easy way to unselect a dead person automatically so she will probably just have to live in known bugs until we find a workaround.

    And I adjusted the dialogue triggers for Talos to just require MaevarWork greater than 2, so all you need is to have gotten that quest at some point and have stolen the necklace. Hopefully that will allow people to pay her off and stop the lightning if they get a glitch later on.

    Did your remember to wait a day after stealing the necklace before taking to the priestess? That's the other required trigger for our priestess talk.

    Of course that change won't make any difference for the guy who was lightninged to death, as the lightning you get just for stealing the necklace is annoying rather than fatal. It's just a reminder. It's killing the priestess that brings the death lightning.

    Maybe we can select someone else? Or maybe we can add Clara too your party alive as soon as possessed Clara leaves, and then kill her when possessed Clara dies (since they're actually two different people).
  • CeleriokCeleriok Member Posts: 12
    I can help you translating to spanish your mod (thus some ppl notableto understand english can play it too xD).
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Celeriok If you're willing, that would be awesome. We will hopefully have another update soon, but a fair amount of the mod should stay the same as the current version posted now. Otherwise, you'd be welcome to wait until we post the next part.

    We have all the tra files in their own folder sorted by language so they shouldn't be too hard to find. But let me know if you have any questions or need anything.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Hi! How goes things?
  • CeleriokCeleriok Member Posts: 12
    @Ratatoskr sorry for being missing. I need to know how to proceed, how to beggin.
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