Safana/Imoen changed?

I've only played Siege of Dragonspear twice. The first time I didn't have Imoen in my party at the end of BG1, so that's that.
However this time I did and when I started SOD Imoen wasn't replaced by Safana. I was just a member down (had 5 members for the initial dungeon.)
Was this a change? All I've ever read on these forums is that if you have Imoen, she's replaced by Safana.
However this time I did and when I started SOD Imoen wasn't replaced by Safana. I was just a member down (had 5 members for the initial dungeon.)
Was this a change? All I've ever read on these forums is that if you have Imoen, she's replaced by Safana.
If you want that Imoen remains in the party at least in the first SoD dungeon, have a look at my mod Imoen 4 Ever which enables this. (Mod forum at G3 is being set up currently.)
Similarly if you had both ladies in your party at the end of BG1, then Imoen should be replaced by someone else, but I don’ t know who this should be (Biff the Understudy perhaps?) or the mechanics of achieving it.
The reasons for this is that otherwise some parties may lose a party member on the first dungeon, through no fault of their own, and this just isn’t very fair.
I didn't know that. My main is a sorcerer.
I know that, I've played SOD before. I think you misunderstood my OP.
Those are interesting thoughts, but have nothing to do with my OP. Thanks for sharing, though.
I ended BG1 with Imoen, but I didn't begin SOD with Safana, as everyone has said should happen. I just had a 5 person party instead. My main is a sorcerer. I DID have Coran, though. He's half-thief - maybe that's why?
I wasn't really bothered with it, I just wondered if Beamdog changed it. I guess not.
On topic: since 2.5, the thief abilities of the other party members are checked, and Safana replaces only Imoen if a certain trap detection and removal ability is underscored.
Perfect! Makes sense too. I guess the original intent was not to leave you in that dungeon with no thief and no way to get one since its full of traps and locks. Thanks!
Link to mod page at G3
my only real issue with that imoen forever mod comes from the bg 2 part. it kinda kills alot of the motivation for chapter 2 and 3 just having her not be kidnapped and alot of banters and story stuff makes little sense if she is with you that early.