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The Room alignments

Oh hai Beamdog forum.

Let's give some alignments for the characters of that little masterpiece called ''The Room'' huh?

Lawful Good: Johnny (''if alot more people loved each other, the world would be a better place).

Neutral Good: Peter the Psychologist (''People are people. Sometimes they just can't see their own faults'').

Chaotic Good: Michelle (''Your point of view is different from mine'').

Lawful Neutral: Claudette (''Marriage has nothing to do with love'')

True Neutral: Mark (''I just can't figure women out. Sometimes they're just too smart. Sometimes they are just flat out stupid. Other times they are just evil'').

Chaotic Neutral: Denny (''I just like to watch you guys'').

Lawful Evil: ???

Neutral Evil: Lisa (''I'm going to do what i want to do and that's it'').

Chaotic Evil: Chris-R (''Where's my ****ing money Denny!?'')

Unaligned: Doggy the pug.


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