The CHARNAME Appreciation Thread!
Hey everyone! So, here's the deal: We've got a bunch of insanely talented and creative people on these forums, many of whom have made some super great characters! We appreciate the heckie out of all the canon NPCs, and that's great, but I think it's time for us all to show each other's CHARNAMES some love!
The purpose of this thread is twofold:
1. To draw and/or describe your own CHARNAME. Please introduce them to us! This thread is kind of meant to be focused on Baldur's Gate, but if you want to show us members of your Icewind Dale party, or your Neverwinter Nights mainchar, that's cool too!
2. To spread the love and appreciation of other people's CHARNAMES. Please, please use this thread to draw fanart of other people's characters, or to say nice things about them, that sort of thing! Let's give all these excellent characters the love they deserve!
I'll start us off, and, in order to encourage both functions of this thread, I'm gonna do both - show you my own CHARNAME, and show some love to someone else's~!

This is Eibhilin "Linn" Rhett. As you may have guessed from the fact I used her name as my username, she's the CHARNAME for my main BG playthrough. She's a Neutral Good skald what carries a big warhammer around and has a huuuuuge crush on Rasaad. She wants to write an epic about all this Iron Throne business once it's over, but she probably does not have the attention span for it. If you want to read more about her, I've been slowly posting the journal accompanying her playthrough here in fan creations in another thread.
That's all for Linn, let's appreciate someone else's character now.

I drew @Buttercheese 's svirfneblin druid Orla, because she is hecking adorable and I really like that one comic Buttercheese did where Edwin gives her a pat on the head. Look at her she is just so cute.
Okay. Now, I'm gonna pass the torch to y'all. Also, a note, if you introduce your CHARNAME in this thread, I will try to draw fanart of them. All of them.
Let's appreciate some CHARNAMES. Yeahhhh!
The purpose of this thread is twofold:
1. To draw and/or describe your own CHARNAME. Please introduce them to us! This thread is kind of meant to be focused on Baldur's Gate, but if you want to show us members of your Icewind Dale party, or your Neverwinter Nights mainchar, that's cool too!
2. To spread the love and appreciation of other people's CHARNAMES. Please, please use this thread to draw fanart of other people's characters, or to say nice things about them, that sort of thing! Let's give all these excellent characters the love they deserve!
I'll start us off, and, in order to encourage both functions of this thread, I'm gonna do both - show you my own CHARNAME, and show some love to someone else's~!

This is Eibhilin "Linn" Rhett. As you may have guessed from the fact I used her name as my username, she's the CHARNAME for my main BG playthrough. She's a Neutral Good skald what carries a big warhammer around and has a huuuuuge crush on Rasaad. She wants to write an epic about all this Iron Throne business once it's over, but she probably does not have the attention span for it. If you want to read more about her, I've been slowly posting the journal accompanying her playthrough here in fan creations in another thread.
That's all for Linn, let's appreciate someone else's character now.

I drew @Buttercheese 's svirfneblin druid Orla, because she is hecking adorable and I really like that one comic Buttercheese did where Edwin gives her a pat on the head. Look at her she is just so cute.
Okay. Now, I'm gonna pass the torch to y'all. Also, a note, if you introduce your CHARNAME in this thread, I will try to draw fanart of them. All of them.
Let's appreciate some CHARNAMES. Yeahhhh!
Also, here's the comic she's refering to.
I am currently too busy with moving to and renovating my new flat, so I don't have much time for drawing,
but I will contribute to this thread as soon as I can manage!
Thanks, but don't misunderstand. The issue is with me having troubles with coming up with original, interesting designs. Quality of drawing is not issue, the character project is.
@ThacoBell he's thinking of a certain halfling lady~
@O_Bruce If you're worried about your ability to come up with original, interesting designs, but still want to contribute, you can wait for some more people to post art of their CHARNAMEs. Then, you've already got someone else's design to work with.
Also, you can describe your own character like ThacoBell did. Talking about your CHARNAME now won't keep you from drawing them later if you decide you want to.
This was my first trilogy run with a female charname. I'd started a couple in the past, but never made it past BG1. Her name was Furi, a halfling bard. She was supremely confident, to the point of being cocky and arrogant in her own abilities. She believed herself invincible, and had the wits and skill to back her attitude up. She had a very strong sense of empathy for those in a bad place with no way to help themsleves, but could be rude and bluntly confrontational to anyone who talked down to her or anyone else. She was a secondary melee fighter when not spellcasting, with a long sword and small shield (I picture a fighting style like Cassandra from Soul Calibur). She ended up in a romance with Yoshimo in SoA, and his betrayal and death was devastating. After being forced to kill him, she picked up his blade and wielded it with abandon against her enemies. If it wasn't for Imoen's support, and a chance meeting with a family member of Yoshimo's, she probably would have lost herself to the rage and ascended as the new Queen of Murder.
I agree. This CHARNAME appreciation thread needs to be more....
wait for it....
Speaking about CHARNAMEs, here is one of mine's. Probably my favourite one so far.
Areina of Candlekeep
She is female human Diviner of a chaotic good alingment. Since she was little, she remembered being curious about and inspired by Gorion's magic, and so eventually her foster father decided to teach her. Eventually, she become Diviner, a specialization quite fitting for someone raised in the library and by priests of Oghma.
She's intelligent and quite wise for her age, which is not very surprising given her choice career. She spends a lot of time on studying and reading, so she is not physically strong, she also is not as agile and healthy as her friend Imoen was. In her youth, she was quite a troublemaker, just ask Khelben about it, surely he'll tell you. Her curious nature and troublemaker past sometimes works against her and her party - for example, she can decide to visit a dungeon, despite the potential risks and keep exploring it, even if the main purpose there was finished. This backfired in form of uncesessary combat and injuries, sometimes near fatal.
Areina is good natured person, who doesn't want to use unecessary violence. Even during combat, she mainly focuses on supporting the rest of her party with her spells, than on killing her enemies. Unfortunately, her Bhaal essence makes death and murder follow her like a shade, thus resulting in way more death than she is comfortable with. She considers her bloodline her curse, and if there ever will be opportunity to get rid of her taint, she will take it.
She primarly use magic to protect and support her allies, like Protection from Elements, Strength, Haste and so on, along with some divination spells to dispel illussions or show hidden enemies. She is also fond using Hold Person, Hold Monster or Slow, in general spells that made it harder for her foes to battle. Areina also has some weapoon-creating spells on her disposal, in cases a direct confrontation was necessary. She has some offensive spells memorized, but she focuses mostly on single-target ones.
Her dream is to travel around the world with pursue of knowledge and attempt to solve mysteries and then, eventually, settle down somewhere, teaching to others what she knows and assisting people in a manner a Diviner can.
She started as a idealistic person, but the events following the victory at Dragonspear Castle made her outlook at the world more cinical, she also became more sarcastic. But in time, she realized obvious, that many, her own companions included, had their own trials to overcome, and she is not really special in this regard, despite her Bhaal taint. Thanks to her companions, friends and a lover (Anomen Delryn), she regained much of her idealism, though she became more critical and wiser this time around.
She firmly believes that anyone can make her own fate and that her Bhaal blood doesn't define who she is. This is yet another thing that makes her own personal conflict with her heritage.
Areina is average when it comes to height, she has a long dark hair with as light red tint to it, she mainly wears robes with slightly assymetrical design. The design isn't quite modest, but not to the point of being inapprioprate. As for weapons, she mainly cariess staff and a dagger. Her three sizes are, and I quote "That's not your buisness!"
Now Kamog the Spirit Walker I did record and he definitely took it out on arcane users for the gauntlets and arrows of ogre slaying, after Eldoth pointed them out. They don't mind bards so much as they are more music and less magic when I play em. Plus, with 8 max int. none can read so bards are welcome storytellers.
Now Voltog the ogre Storm Caller is running. I'll get a little write up going for this thread, as it is like you say, a good idea. I've got a feeling he'll take a dislike to the arcane as well. Nasty ol mages trying to skin my hands and all.
Kobolds and ogres more as of late. Gotta rep the humanoids ya know.
Insert fluffy werewarrior that eats human flesh here
Maybe @Arvia @BelgarathMTH @ZaramMaldovar or @Rik_Kirtaniya would like to share a favorite charname?